Yes, there was one thing he said and it didn’t go through. I can’t remember what it was. But you know predictions can get mitigated through prayer and fasting. It’s quite extraordinary what he has been through in his life. I can’t tell you 100% he’s all there. But I have enjoyed his sermons. And what he has said so far does not go against any Church teaching. I am still open to his timeline. But time will tell.
Completely agree. While Garabandal in my view is one of the most powerful manifestations of heaven - on a par with Fatima, Quito, Lourdes, Akita, Medjugorje - I would take everything the girls said with a grain of salt. They clearly misunderstood Joeys prediction. He would “have new eyes on the day of the miracle “ probably meant he would be dead by then. Poor Joey lived his entire life expecting to regain his physical eyesight. At Mother Angelica’s tv show he joked he expected to regain his eyesight soon lest he developed cataracts. When he passed maybe a clarification/apology would have been in order… The story that Padre Pio would see the miracle also made no sense. Conchita clearly expected that he would be alive then, which would be impossible given his age. Maybe again heaven was indicating that he would see it from heaven but the girls took everything literally. I also read somewhere that the whole “martyr of the Eucharist “ story also got distorted somewhere along the way. Conchita found the martyrs name on a calendar but NOT on the day of the miracle. All this may perfectly apply to the pope’s visit to Moscow as you suggest. We’ll know everything in God’s own good time.
Perhaps we need a new thread to discuss apparitions and prophecy. This one is for Fernández and very much a current topic.
I think he likes to appoint people like the Paedophile McCarrick and filthy Fernandez because he then has a hold on them. There are his forever.He has a hold on them. It's like a someone he promoted to be a Cardinal in the USA who had a live in male lover, a 'Male Model'. It was an open secret . Papa Frankie would have known about this. But he appointed him anyway. He does this all the time. Sadly for Papa Frankie it came out in the open and the new Cardinal was not much good for anything from then on in.
Brian I would have liked to give this post of yours a 'like' as I remember watching the' princess bride' with my children many years ago and I thought this is a great movie as it was refreshingly wholesome and edifying on so many levels especially for my sons and also my daughters, and the above language was acceptable in the context of the movie. However when the same language is applied to our pope, or our antipope, I feel reluctant to 'like' this usage. Because maybe his mother was and is a saint! However, I understand. Maybe I'm just a prude! I've been called worse by my children.
Padre Pio did see the Miracle
Maybe. But the point is that Conchita fully expected Padre Pio to be physically present at the miracle. When she heard of his passing she was shocked and at a loss. So again she may have misinterpreted what she heard. I’m not questioning what heaven revealed at Garabandal. The problem is how those four innocent, unexposed girls would sometimes convey and interpret what they heard. At Fatima when Lucia heard the word “Russia “ from Our Lady she thought “Russia “ was a bad woman from a neighboring village - she had never heard of a country called “Russia “. In this case the error was easily avoided because everybody knew that “Russia “ could only be a reference to the country and the Bolshevik Revolution happened shortly afterwards.
On the other hand, it is not implausible that these appointees had a hold on Pope Francis. So much power in the world seems to be beholden to bribery and blackmail.
Padre Pio is extraordinary, even by saintly standards. His being on earth was one that overlapped the heavenly to a degree beyond the comprehension of most mortals, this one at least! Saint Pio would have been privileged to see things that completely transcended time and space.
Hold on to your hats/keep clutching your pearls, or better still, pray more Rossries. Michael Lofton has another video about yet another interview Csrdinal Fernandez did defending the sodomy blessings. Lofton pitches this one as a response to Cardinal Sarah ((needless to say, Sarah is now on the naughty list). Lofton appears to believe that Fernandez didn't come down hard enough on Cardinal Sarah (cancelling Cardinal Sarah would have gone down a treat in Africa). Anyway, Fernandez has another project in hand. He's getting ready to issue a document on transgenderism. Of course, he claims that the document will be an attack on transgender ideology. Lofton has already lodged his defense of the Cardinal, saying that no matter how orthodox it is, the detractors will find something to complain about and attack the Cardinal. That suggests to me that we can expect another document setting out first what the Church professes to believe and then telling us how the Fernandez magisterium has developed doctrine that contradicts the belief in pastoral practice. Then again, if Fernandez really has ambitions to be Pope or at least to hold on to his job after the next conclave, he might refrain from employing his doctrinal development skills for this document. And for those of you who don't wish they had a hard copy of Fernandez book on orgasms to pass on to your children, I suggest you don't read the comments beneath Lofton's video. At least one person there thinks it would be a great help to newly married couples. Beam me up Scotty.
He had said something big would happen in October……everyone thought he meant 2022, but it seems likely he actually meant 2023.
It is such a can of worms, I never thought of this; who knows? One thing I love about a life of prayer is that it keeps things simple. I find I was never much of a one for standing about talking a lot with people. But as I get older I talk a lot, lot less and keep myself to myself more and more. These people on the other hand never, ever seem to stop talking and having meetings with each other. Talk, talk, talk, meetings, meetings , meetings. Press conference after non stop press conference. I think too much talking and bustling endlessly about is the sign of an unsettled soul. My mother had ten children and I asked her one time why she did not stand at the door talking to the other women in the street as everyone else did. To which she replied, 'I have ten children I don;t have time for all that'. One of her favorite sayings was from Scripture which she used to often say to us children, 'For every idle word that men shall speak..' Matthew But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
At a website called " Complicit Clergy", an online petition is seeking signatures demanding the resignation of Cardinal Victor Fernandez. It will take electronic signatures from all over the world and present the petition to the USA Papal Nuncio. Can someone on this forum please go there and provide a link ? im on my phone, so though Ive been able to sign, I cannot provide link.
There has been word that on joey's deathbed he saw the miracle, as told by the people present. I believe wholeheartedly, and it's fine that you feel that way.