Cardinal Victor Fernandez

Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by padraig, Jan 8, 2024.

  1. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    This crowd are nothing if not prolific. Touchy seems the last person would know the slightest thing about dignity. I am in trepidation.

    Incidentally, does this word 'dignity' feature in either of the Testaments? Do any of the Church Fathers expound in detail upon it?

    Is the term a little overly on the humanist side? Is there a risk of human self-deification here? More worryingly, how is dignity to be defined? Is the quality to be extended to the likes of the behaviour recently witnessed in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York?
  2. Basto

    Basto Archangels

  3. josephite

    josephite Powers

    In my minds eye I can see the document now, it will state in the first paragraph, , human dignity for those on the periphery!

    All of mankind intrinsically knows that humans on the periphery are, the slaughtered unborn children, the euthanised elderly, mentally compromised and disabled as well as the poor. But many are willing to turn a blind eye, for a better or uninfringed life.

    I hope Cardinal touchme Fernandez future April 2024 document addresses these atrocious human rights violations! and sticks it to the WEF, GAVI, WHO, PFIZER and the rest of this diabolical conglomerate. A great victory for the perennial truth Of Our Lords Catholic Church has been voiced.

    However if the touchme document infers that sodomites, podophiles, transgenders, adulterers, liars, murderers and slanderers are the poor periphery in need of human dignity , we know we have entered the 5th circle of hell!

    And this hell will be activated on earth at that time.

    Stay under the mantle of Our Lady. Pray each day, Do not think you are covered without prayer. Offer everything to Jesus. Surrender all to Jesus.
    These are just my thoughts,
  4. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Heretofore, Touchme's writings indicate little awareness of anyone or anything other than homosexuals and their behaviour. His is apparently a one-track mind.

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