Agree. We have that as well as hard copy of Divine Office. I've been thinking also of getting copy of Roman Missal. When the Church has to go underground or other issues, I think priests will need to come to homes to offer the Mass. So probably also need the signs on hand as well. Who would have thought one would need to prep like this.
'The most certain Sign of the anger of a Just God is when He permits them to Fall into the Hands of a Corrupt Clergy.' St John Eudes.
ThriftBooks is a site that sells new and used books. I use it because the prices are reasonable, and I am always looking for the best price. In used books I like the "Like New" category. Catechismus Catholicæ Ecclesiæ book by Pope John Paul II ( Make sure the one you buy is the John Paul II edition, 1994 ed. It's a big book. Let me know if you need more information. Like Byron said you can also buy it from Amazon. Catechism of the Catholic Church: Unknown: 9780892435661: Books
I have Pope Benedict's abridged, 'Compendium' version of the Cathechism (in hardback). How does it compare?
Of course, Pope Bergoglio has also revised that rigid First Commandment, with his Pachamamma idolisation. Adultery and coveting one's neighbours wife were 'derigidified' with Amoris laetitia. Praising infamous abortionists might be a nod to derigidifying 'Thou Shalt Not Murder'. COVID oversaw the dilution of the Keeping Holy of the Sabbath. Cancellation of faithful Cardinals, Bishops and Priests can be considered under the respect for good authority represented by Honouring One's Parents. The antics of Vatican finances and financiers call into question the rigidity of Thou Shalt Not Steal. Non-disapproval of this newly revealed book by Fernandez will indicate that the taking of The Lord's Name in Vain is not really such a big deal. There's not much left, really.
Exactly. Not much left. Take abortion for example. In this age of instant communication publicly praising Bonino equates to stating for all the world to hear: I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT ABORTION
According to Pope Francis, God is just too rigid and he, apparently, knows better. Is it inconceivable that God might decide to come on board? Perhaps the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe might conclude that, in Bergoglian fashion, the speed of light is too rigidly defined. Maybe Planck's Constant ought to be mercifully allowed to do its own thing? Perhaps, the Gravitational Constant ought to be freed from adhering to its out-of-date, outmoded and backwardist unchangeability? What do we need laws for, at all? The New Man has superceded these primitive entities. Let's make a mess. Let's accept chaos. Of course, the question is, will chaos accept us?
I think the number 13 is traditionally associated with imperfection, with troubles, unlike the number 12 which symbolizes perfection. On the 13th of each month, in Fátima, Our Lady announced a set of great troubles for the Church, for the souls and for the nations if her requests were not obeyed. For example, in chapter 12 of the book of Revelation, the “Woman clothed with the Sun” appears and She had “a crown of 12 stars on her head”. But in opposition to this, in chapter 13 of the same biblical book appears the "second beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon", which is commonly interpreted as the False Prophet. Pope Francis has obviously been a false prophet since the beginning of his sinister pontificate, but I am not claiming that Pope Francis is the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation, and I sincerely hope that he will repent of his great mistakes and convert to the True Catholic Faith during the time that remains of his pontificate. Let's pray for that. It would be great if Francis could clearly postpone the fulfilment of the prophecy described by Saint John until a distant future, however at this moment and context that we are now facing, we should not despise the prophecies.
I believe that Bergoglio is not the false prophet because he has some very disjointed diplomatic stances to the point of irritating both the Russians and the Ukrainians in the conflict, in addition to having some speeches that are simply unintelligible to most people in general. However, his complicity with the blasphemer Fernandez somehow recalls an aspect of the antichrist described in the book of Revelation. REVELATION 13:6 "It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, that is, those who dwell in heaven."
Ella, I would strongly recommend that if you purchase any Catechism published from Pope John II forward, that you be sure to buy one copyrighted in 1994, but one that does not include the revision by Pope Francis to paragraphs 2266 and 2267 concerning the death penalty. One reason I greatly enjoy Pope John Paul II's Catechism is the fourth section which has a wealth of teaching and wisdom on prayer and the spiritual life!
Also the vision of Pope Leo XIII (Leo 13) on october 13, 1884, exactly 33 before the miracle of the sun at Fatima.
I read somewhere that Our Lady of Lá Salette warned of 2 worm riddled Pope's. May God protect us. It's important to remember God wins.