Sadly the possibility of Cardinal Fernandez's involvement with the occult has been on my mind for quite some time, he has that look about him. Satan has captured the souls of those in power. It is never too late for repentance, never too late for our Holy Mother to come to the aide of lost shepherds through the Rosary.
I wondered if they would use next year's jubilee as an ecumenical platform to launch a liturgical reform aimed at "Christian unity".
Shame on Raymond Arroyo not speaking out against Israel's genocide of the Palestinians. This kind of mixing partisan politics with faith is what makes me suspicious of the so called "conservative" side of divisions in the Church. Shame on EWTN providing a platform for Zionists.
It is good to note that there are Catholics who still consider blasphemy a mortal sin that cannot be reduced to a simple mistake of the past, especially in times of attacks on the unity of the Church promoted by heretics who do not fulfill their primary duty of defending the Catholic faith.
Well, he managed to irritate the patriarch Cyril with some comments about the invasion of Ukraine. Since Cyril is a spiritual and nationalist leader, this may have influenced the opinion of many Russian citizens about him.
Yes, that is true... But at the same time, Francis' sinister pontificate, as well as his actions that weaken and morally discredit the Catholic Church, help to reinforce the Putinist regime's narrative about the decadence of Western countries. A narrative that unfortunately finds a lot of confirmation in reality... Vladimir Putin, who does not condemn Russia's communist past, in fact he even laments the "geopolitical catastrophe" of the collapse of the USSR, wants to affirm the Russian dictatorship and its schismatic and heretical national Church as the moral bastion of the Christian tradition. Following in a certain way the myth of the "3rd Rome". In this sense, the worse the Catholic Church and the society of historically Catholic nations are, the better Putin's Russia and its official Church will appear, therefore Francis' bad pontificate actively and tacitly contributes to this.
This strategy of affirming Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church as the moral example for the world was already used by Josef Stalin in the past, but without much success in the West. Nowadays, given the immoral state that the so-called Western democracies have reached, this strategy has worked incredibly well. Just look at the number of Western Catholics who support, for example, the invasion of Ukraine that began in the centennial year of the creation of the USSR, choosing to turn a blind eye to the horrendous atrocities of the invaders in the neighboring country. They forget that the Catholic religion in the territories conquered by Vladimir Putin will become highly controlled by the state. Byzantine-rite Catholicism runs a serious risk of being banned again. We are talking about millions of Eastern Rite Catholics in Ukraine and many new churches expanding strongly, after having almost disappeared during the Soviet regime: In Russia there is no more than a residual number of Eastern Rite Catholics, perhaps around 3000 people in a country with 11 time zones. Their activities are strongly controlled by the Putinist regime and mainly by its official church so that they cannot expand in the country. They are seen as a Western invention to destroy Russian culture, therefore it cannot expand in Eastern countries. Pope Francis formally agreed to this anti-Catholic idea at the Cuban Summit: 25. It is our hope that our meeting may also contribute to reconciliation wherever tensions exist between Greek Catholics and Orthodox. It is today clear that the past method of “uniatism”, understood as the union of one community to the other, separating it from its Church, is not the way to re–establish unity. Nonetheless, the ecclesial communities which emerged in these historical circumstances have the right to exist and to undertake all that is necessary to meet the spiritual needs of their faithful, while seeking to live in peace with their neighbours. Orthodox and Greek Catholics are in need of reconciliation and of mutually acceptable forms of co–existence. Source: The word "uniatism", commonly used in a pejorative sense, basically means union with Rome and accepting the Catholic Faith but maintaining their Eastern tradition and liturgy. I think Russia's conversion will happen this way.
Bergoglio knew Tucho wrote this book, yet appointed him to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith nonetheless. From …
I remember reading a private revelation about hell that described that one of the punishments for blasphemers was to have their mouths completely filled with stones ...
Is the Roman Rite also seen as a western invention to destroy Russian culture? There are apparently a lot more of them in Russia than Eastern Rite Catholics.
No. Latin-rite Catholics, as they have cultural characteristics quite different from the Byzantine tradition, they are more easily tolerated in Russia but only in the churches authorized by the regime and as long as they do not try to proselytize on Russian territory. I think their status there is very similar to that of some residual Christian communities in Islamic countries. The idea of a "Catholic mission" or "attempt to convert Russians" is not tolerated by the Russian Orthodox Church any more than it is by the Islamic authorities in some other countries. As far as I know, the authorized Latin Rite Catholic communities in Russia are mostly made up of immigrants from Poland or other Catholic countries in Eastern Europe or descendants of these communities. They are still a very residual number given the size of the country and its population, even when added to those of the eastern rite. This is why I believe that the prophesied conversion of Russia has not yet happened, unfortunately.
Yes, based on his bible studies and the videos of his homilies, Fr. Kirby strikes me as a very good priest. So does Fr. Murray from the Papal Posse. They don't try to dance around doctrine that has been clearly defined. They probably have far more charity in their hearts for struggling sinners than priests who do try to fudge the doctrine. Maybe that's because their faith is strong enough to know that God wouldn't set us unattainable standards.
The sexual instinct is ennobling only in God's ordered plan of creation and nurture, appropriate only for married men and women. Obviously, sodomy is completely antithetical to this. As for suppression of instincts, there is little of this to be seen among our narcissistic perverts. Maybe the cause of sexual crime is a shortage of suppression?
I still believe the Pope already visited Moscow. We don’t know if Conchita as a young girl was able to interpret correctly Our Lady’s message about the Pope visiting Moscow. Maybe Our Lady meant the Pope will visit the Patriarch of Moscow. I doubt Russia will invite this Pope to Moscow.
I don't think so, Byron, this has to be something clear, leaving no doubts. In fact, I personally believe - and I hope that our brother Glenn will forgive me - that Conchita knows the date of the miracle but only in relation to some other event, which could be this trip. I've read a lot about this and I've never seen it written anywhere, it's just a personal conviction, or speculation. Knowing the year exactly would be a burden too heavy for Conchita, completely affecting her entire life and that of her family.