Wars and rumors of wars. Is there a “document” in the works to undermine Summorum Pontificum”? Posted on 26 May 2021 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf On this day in particular, I had wanted to put aside highly negative news. However, to paraphrase Trotsky, we might not be interested in war, but war is interested in us. My mail box is filling with notes from people about the rumor that some document is forthcoming from Francis or some office of the Curia which would, in effect, return the state of use of the Traditional Roman Rite back to Ecclesia Dei days, that is, that diocesan priests would need some sort of additional permission to use the Traditional Roman Rite, either from Rome or from the local bishop. Such a document would be a huge mistake. Attacks and even rumors of attacks on Summorum Pontificum underscore what I have said ever since it was released: it was perhaps the single most important thing that came out of Benedict XVI’s pontificate (other than his resignation) and it was a monumentally important gift for the whole Church. The Enemy knows this. The critical importance of Summorum for the renewal of the Church is confirmed by attacks on it. Here is a brief explanation of what is up. Pais Liturgiques (original in French, not my translation): For some time now, the warning signs about Summorum Pontificum have multiplied: the majority of Italian bishops and the heavyweights of the Curia, in particular at the Secretariat of State, have convinced the Pope that the liturgical traditionalization of the young clergy was “Worrying” and that the “right to the traditional mass”, instituted by the motu proprio of Benedict XVI, was an attack on Vatican II. On Pentecost Monday, opening in Rome the meeting of the Conference of Italian Bishops, the CEI, the Pope first washed the heads [I sense an idiom here: he gave them a beating]of the Italian bishops, who are dragging their feet to put the Italian Church in a generalized state of synod because they consider it an expensive idea and totally unnecessary. Old man’s mania, some even say. Then, once the journalists had left the debating hall, the Pope addressed a theme that unites many bishops on the Peninsula: the execration of Summorum Pontificum. Francis confirmed the upcoming publication of a document that he was urged to write, intended to “reinterpret” the motu proprio of Benedict XVI. The publication was indeed delayed, because the document seems to have provoked objections and brakes, especially on the part of Cardinal Ladaria and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who argued that it would provoke worldwide unrest of uncontrollable oppositions. Despite everything, the Secretariat of State would push for the publication of the text, the essential provisions of which would be as follows: – communities [e.g., FSSP, ICK, etc.]celebrating in the ancient form could continue to do so; – on the other hand, diocesan priests should now obtain specific permission. It is obvious that this document, inapplicable in many countries including France, will have above all a symbolic significance: to make the celebration of the traditional Mass no longer a right, but a tolerated exception. [What rich irony… remember when Kasper talked about Communion for adulterers as “tolerated but not accepted”?] The traditional anti-mass pressure group, at Saint-Anselme University, at the Curia and at the CEI, thus leads the Pope towards a major political error: the latent discontent of a whole section of Catholics in the face of doctrinal approximations, weaknesses in the face of German excesses, the multiplication of disconcerting statements to say the least, risks turning into a real “fed up” [ras-le-bol – a state of being completely fed-up, of having had enough]. Instead of striving to feel what a very living part of the Christian people thinks and aspires to, they would be driven to despair and exasperation. The peace of the Church, especially the liturgical peace, to which Benedict XVI had contributed a lot with his wise liberating text, is deliberately torn: a return to the worst years of the post-Council period is coming. A gloomy outlook. Alas, trads tend to be a little gloomy. On the other hand, open war on tradition might result in something that those in charge really don’t want. “¡Hagan lío!”, after all. However, one can understand some people will be frightened by these rumors. However, even though there seems to be some concrete data points, they are still just rumors. At this point there is no such document. CONSIDER THIS: This could be a campaign of disinformation. Italians are really good at this game. Put out some rumors that are sure to rile up a certain sector and then stand back and watch their behavior. When they react negatively, you can say, “See! It would be right to get rid of these people! Look at how they are behaving!” But let’s game this out in our heads. Firstly, it is important not to run around with out hair on fire. Next, because situational awareness is important in every sphere of life, we should consider, calmly, what might be coming down the pike. Just to riff on that Kasperite Proposal I mentioned, above, remember that that came from a synodal (“walking together”) process that lead to a post-synodal (“walking together”) document that did not explicitly permit Communion for manifest adulterers, but strongly hinted at it in a footnote, the infamous n. 351. It could be that whatever comes out about the Traditional Roman Rite and Summorum Pontificum will not be clear and explicit, but will rather be a kind of dog whistle, a message to bishops and other ideologues that open war on traditional Catholics will be… how to put it… “tolerated but not accepted”. There could be just enough of a message, shrouded in deniability – “Oh, heavens no! We love our traditional Catholics! We would never allow them to be mistreated!” – that hostile or ambitious bishops will have cover to get out their long knives and take out their traditional leaning priests. After all, just look around now. We can name names. Furthermore, that point made by Paix Liturgiques at the end must be and, hopefully, will be weighed: how much more abuse will people take? Especially in light of all the other garbage that is being allowed, nay rather, fostered in the Church, how much more marginalization and mistreatment will tradition-leaning Catholics take before something snaps? One hopes that if there is such a document, or – who knows what it is – voices such as Card. Ladaria’s will have a strong say in the matter. Such a document, as rumored, would be a real mistake. It is too early to tell what the effects of COVID Theater will have on Mass attendance as we move forward. My suspicion is that, after a brief spike, the numbers at Masses will plummet in those places that go back to the old “normal”. However, over the last year or so, many priests have learned to say the TLM and have quietly implemented it in their parishes in a peaceful way according to Summorum Pontificum. The number of people who attend the TLM now is growing. And those people tend to be more supportive financially of the Church than Novus Ordo attendees. These “strong-identity” Catholics, or also “strengthening identity”, will not want to lose what they have found. I suspect that the “powers that be” who hate and fear the TLM are so ideologically blinkered that they would not care of the post-COVID renewal of the Church was shattered. The TLM is a rebuke of effeminacy. It is a “no” to the world St. Paul warns of. It is a bulwark against Modernism. It has to be crushed so that Modernism can continue its infection, the world can subsume more and more of the Church’s ethos, and effeminacy and perversion can force itself into every crevice. Pace Tacitus, these powerful ideologues would rather create a wasteland and then call it ‘peace’, rather than allow the organic renewal of the Church to take place through the natural process of people freely being able to vote with their feet. If people want the Novus Ordo, fine, they can have it. If people want the TLM, fine, they should be able to have it. The whole thing will in time sort itself out. I have a strong idea of what it will look like if allowed to proceed. So do the powers that be. Hence, the lawless, heartless St. Peter’s Mass Suppression Stunt. Ideologues fear freedom. In their view, people have to be controlled. The only freedom people are allowed by ideologues to have is the freedom to agree with their ideology. In effect, it comes down to bullying. In the meantime, in the absence of a document that can be read, rather than rumored, keep moving forward. Do not let up. Do not slow down. Keep encouraging and helping priests to learn the TLM. Even if such a document were to come out, there would be all the more reason for priests to learn the TLM! Keep going. Keep building. Relentlessly and joyfully. ¡Hagan lío!
I watched a video about this yesterday of the day before. What can we do? It like being on a little boat on your own without oars or sail in the middle of the ocean during a storm . Who knows where or how we will end up? Certainly if Pope Francis decides to stop the old mass he will do so. He will crush it as easily as stepping on a Dune Bug. Who knows what is going through his and fellow workers minds? Perhaps the main thrust is to induce a schism by driving people mad with anger and going into open rebellion? Perhaps this is what they really want? It would not surprise me in the least. But as scripture for me and my house...we will obey the Lord and the Lord's annointed. God's Holy Will be done. I suspect God Himself will have the last say in all this. Let evil men plot as they will. Still, it's a very ,very heavy Cross indeed. I love our little Latin Church so much. But all this reminds me of a word I was given to tell our Pastor by Our Lady a couple of weeks ago. She asked me to let him know that she knew how worried and concerned he was about our little Church and how often he had been praying to her so much. But that he was no longer to be concerned as he would be moving soon to another country and that our little Church would soon be closing. I can see now what she meant. Sigh. Hard, hard times. But it doesn't help to get bitter and angry. Tempting as this is...or even more so to go into open rebellion.
We should pray very hard so that the Holy Spirit illuminates us in what to do. I know we should follow and obey the Pope, but what if he is wrong?Our Lady has told us time after time of a future schism in the church but what we do not know is who will be the True Church. I hope that through prayers Our Lady and the Holy Spirit will show us the way.
We must not, cannot, follow even a pope if he goes against matters of Faith and Morals. This article is four years old. The list has grown. The A - Z list of concerns with Pope Francis The confusion caused by Pope Francis in the Catholic Church is out of control. By John-Henry Westen Tue Jul 11, 2017 - 3:43 pm EST July 11, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – The confusion caused by Pope Francis in the Catholic Church is out of control. There have been so many incidents over the last four years that the specifics, despite their grave damage, are often forgotten. In an effort to encourage prayer for an end to the confusion and disorientation in the Church, LifeSite presents the following A-Z list of concerns with Pope Francis. Amoris Laetitia The document so long awaited to bring needed clarification from the Pope served rather to increase confusion the world over as the Pope himself approved interpretations (Malta,Germany) which allowed for Holy Communion to be given to divorced and remarried Catholics. Burke demotion Cardinal Raymond Burke was removedfrom one of the highest offices in the Church, as the supreme justice of the Church's highest court. Instead he, one of the most faithful Cardinals, was given a largely ceremonial position with the Order of Malta and even there his role was stripped. Cohabitation Pope Francis said “cohabitations” with fidelity are “real marriage” and “have the grace of real marriage.” On another occasion when the Pope made similar remarks, papal confidante Fr. Antonio Spadaro tweeted a photo of the Pope greeting a couple who “prefer to live together without getting married.” Danneels Cardinal Godfried Danneels, the emeritus archbishop of Brussels, was a personal appointment by Pope Francis to the Synods of Bishops on the family. In addition to wearing rainbow liturgical vestments and being caught on tape concealing sexual abuse, Danneels said in 2013 of the passage of gay “marriage”: “I think it’s a positive development that states are free to open up civil marriage for gays if they want.” Emma Bonino Pope calls Italy’s foremost abortion promoter one of nation’s ‘forgotten greats’. In an interview with Corriere Della Sera Pope Francis praised Italy’s unrepentant leading abortionist and proponent of abortion, Emma Bonino, as one of the nation’s “forgotten greats,” comparing her to great historical figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman. First synod interim doc The scandalous mid-term relatio of the first Synod on the Family was seen and approved-for-release by the Pope according to Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops. “The documentswere all seen and approved by the Pope,” Baldisseri said. In a section titled ‘Welcoming homosexual persons’, the document states: “Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community.” It then asks: “Are our communities capable of providing [them a welcoming home], accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?” Pope Francis meeting with woman who underwent sex-change surgery (right) and her 'wife' (left) Gender-confused couple at Vatican On October 2, 2016, Pope Francis referred to a woman who underwent a sex-change operation as a “man.” He referred to her as having “married” another woman and admitted to inviting and receiving them to the Vatican in 2015, describing the couple as “happy”. Clarifying his use of pronouns, the pope said, "He that was her but is he." Holy See population control Since shortly after the election of Pope Francis there has been a steady stream of population control pushers speaking at the Vatican. These include: Paul Ehrlich, the father of the population control movement; John Bongaarts, vice president of the pro-abortion Population Council; pro-abortion U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon; and population controllers Jeffrey Sachs and John Schellnhuber. The head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Sciences, Bishop Marcelo Sorondo, who ran most of those conferences, is himself a population control advocate saying on camera at one such Vatican conference that limiting births was an obligation of the Church. Irresponsible to have 8 children? On January 19, 2015 while speaking of "responsible" parenthood, the pope cautioned against Catholics being “like rabbits.” The pope spoke about a woman he knows who he said was pregnant with her eighth child after having the first seven by C-section. He said he had “rebuked” her, saying, “But do you want to leave seven orphans? That is to tempt God!” “That is an irresponsibility. [That woman might say] 'no but I trust in God.' But God gives you methods to be responsible,” he said. “Some think that, excuse me if I use that word, that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits.” He added, “No. Responsible parenthood!” Judge – Who am I to…. Despite the avalanche of evidence of harm to the Church from the Pope’s first ‘Who am I to judge’ remark on his first plane interview in 2013, herepeated the line in June 2016 while misrepresenting the Catechism on homosexuality. Con’t
Con’t Kasper A few days into his pontificate, Pope Francis praised one of Cardinal Kasper’s books and then selected Kasper to deliver the controversial keynote address to launch the synods on the family. Kasper was selected as a personal appointee of the pope to the synods and regularly meets with Pope Francis. Kasper defended the vote of the Irish in favor of homosexual “marriages”, saying: “A democratic state has the duty to respect the will of the people; and it seems clear that, if the majority of the people wants such homosexual unions, the state has a duty to recognize such rights.” Pope Francis next to a statue of Martin Luther placed in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall. October, 2016. Luther, serious sin to convert The Pope spoke to an audience before a statue of Luther in the Vatican just prior to his going to Sweden to helplaunch the 500th anniversary of Lutheranism. The Vatican issued a stamp featuring Luther and put out a document saying Catholics now recognize Martin Luther as a ‘witness to the gospel’. On another occassion he said it is a “very grave sin” to try to convert Orthodox to Catholicism: “There is a very grave sin against ecumenism: proselytism.” Multiplication of loaves During the Angelus of June 2, 2013, he spoke about Christ’s miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes as taking place by "sharing." “This is the miracle: rather than a multiplication it is a sharing, inspired by faith and prayer,” he said. He was even more explicit about it in July 2015 in a homily preached in Christ the Redeemer Square in Bolivia. Pope Francis said, “This is how the miracle takes place. It is not magic or sorcery. … Jesus managed to generate a current among his followers: they all went on sharing what was their own, turning it into a gift for the others; and that is how they all got to eat their fill. Incredibly, food was left over: they collected it in seven baskets.” Name calling against faithful Pope Francis has frequently castigated faithful adherents of the Catholic faith as “obsessed,” “doctors of the law,” “neo-pelagian,” “self-absorbed,” “restorationist,” “fundamentalist,” “rigid,” “ideological,” “hypocritical,” and much more. In addressing faithful Cardinals at the Synod of the Family, inmagazine interviews, book interviews,radio interviews, official churchdocuments, and in homilyafter homily, he has used condemning language indicating they are “idolaters and rebels who will never arrive at the fullness of the truth,” and “hereticsand not Catholics.” Overhaul of Cardinal Sarah’s dicastery Cardinal Sarah, head of the Vatican’s liturgical dicastery, called for the faithful to kneel for Holy Communion and priests to face ad orientem for Mass. Pope Francis reacted swiftly to counter the suggestion, having theVatican press office issue a statementsaying that there was no change and stressing the ordinary form is to be preferred. Shortly thereafter the Popereplaced most of Cardinal Sarah’s collaborators in his dicastery with liberals. Archbishop Paglia | Depiction of Paglia in Cathedral mural clutching semi-nude man. Pontifical Academy for Life scandals Pope Francis named controversial Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia to lead the Pontifical Academy for Life despite scandals such as the Vatican sex-edprogram and the homoerotic mural he erected at his former cathedral. Thereafter all the members of the Academy were removed, the pro-lifepledge discontinued, and a new list of members named that included anti-life advocates. Queer selection of Cupich In 2014 Pope Francis appointed Bishop Blase Cupich as Archbishop of Chicago despite his reputation fortelling priests not to join 40 Days for Life. After he demonstrated his dissent to Catholic teaching on homosexuality, saying homosexual couples should be given Holy Communion, Cupich was nevertheless named a Cardinal. Refusal to answer dubia After massive confusion around the globe over Communion for adulterers, four prominent Cardinals sent Pope Francis a letter on September 19, 2016 asking for clarification to five key questions. Two months later with no answer received, they went public with their questions and humbly begged the Pope for an answer for the good of the Church. Despite the pleas oftheologians and scholarsworldwide, and tens of thousands of faithful andclergy, the Holy Father has steadfastly refused to answer. On April 25 the Cardinals formally asked the Pope for a meeting to discuss the matter, but after not even receiving the courtesy of a reply, they released their letter June 19. con’t
Con’t Scalfari interviews: ‘Annihilation’ rather than hell? In March 2015 in an interview with La Repubblica founder Eugenio Scalfari, the Pope suggested no person could go to hell, and proposed annihilation for those who fully reject God. The article says: “What happens to that lost soul? Will it be punished? And how? The response of Francis is distinct and clear: there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul.” There was some controversy over Repubblica's Scalfari interview. The Vatican would neither verify nor deny it in its specific parts, but nevertheless published it in the Vatican newspaper, and on the Vatican website. They later deleted it from the website, only to republish it again, then delete it again. Vatican watchers compared the most controversial part regarding the impossibility of people going to hell for all eternity to the statement from the Pope’s latest exhortation Amoris Laetitia, in which he said, “No one can be condemned for ever, because that is not the logic of the Gospel!” Traditional youth bashing "I always try to understand what's behind people who are too young to have experienced the pre-conciliar liturgy and yet still they want it," the pontiff said in a November 2016 interview. "Sometimes I found myself confronted with a very strict person, with an attitude of rigidity. And I ask myself: Why so much rigidity? Dig, dig, this rigidity always hides something, insecurity or even something else. Rigidity is defensive. True love is not rigid." He spoke similarly in May 2017 whenin a homily he spoke “of the many young people in the Church today who have fallen into the temptation of rigidity.” Speaking of those who are ‘rigid’ and insincere, he said, “They are rigid people living a double life: They make themselves look good, sincere, but when no one sees them, they do ugly things.” Universality destruction In his 2013 Exhortation Evangeli Gaudium, Pope Francis called for a “conversion of the papacy” and expressed a need to give episcopal conferences “genuine doctrinal authority.” Decentralization is a key demand of heterodox clergy in the Church. During the 2015 Synod on the Family, Pope Francis said he “felt the need to proceed in a healthy ‘decentralization'” of power to the “Episcopal Conferences.” He discussed plans for decentralization with his College of Cardinals both inDecember 2015 and again in June 2017. In 2016 Pope Francis suggested decentralization as a way forward in the debate over Communion for adulterers. Vatican doctrine chief dismissal Cardinal Gerhard Muller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, 69, was removed from his post despite all his contemporary predecessors remaining in office till their retirement. Several Cardinals told Pope Francis to remove Muller, who maintained doctrinal orthodoxy since he was opposing the Pope’s agenda for change. Muller revealed that the Pope dismissed him in a one minuteconversation. The move is widely seen as a punishment for opposing the Pope’s agenda. World Youth Day sex ed At World Youth Day in 2016, the Vatican released a teen sex-ed program that neglected the parents’ central role in such matters, failed to even mention mortal sin, and included sexually explicit photos and films. X-rated speech The dignity of the papacy took a hit when Pope Francis used thescatological terms coprophilia (love of excrement) and coprophagia (love of eating excrement) to bash the media for reporting on scandals within the Church. Yayo Grassi When the United States nuncio had pro-family hero Kim Davis meet with Pope Francis at the nunciature during his USA papal visit, Davis was refused permission to take photos of the meeting. When the media asked the Vatican about the meeting they first refused to confirm it, and after some time said that "the only real audiencegranted by the Pope at the nunciature (embassy) was with one of his former students and his family." The Pope’s former student, Yayo Grassi, was there with his sister and mother and his homosexual partner. They took not only photos but also video in which Pope Francis can be seen embracing Grassi and his homosexual partner. Zika (contraception) Pope Francis was asked about “avoiding pregnancy” in areas at risk of Zika virus transmission. “Paul VI, a great man, in a difficult situation in Africa, permitted nuns to use contraceptives in cases of rape,” he said. “On the other hand, avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil,” he added. “In certain cases, as in this one, such as the one I mentioned of Blessed Paul VI, it was clear.” Asked for clarification, the Vatican confirmedthat Pope Francis was approving use of contraceptives and condoms in grave cases. (A contradiction of Church teaching.)
We must pray and entrust this to God. He can and will come to the rescue if the TLM is important for us and part of His plan. Remember that God only allows suffering for a greater good! May His Will be done.
The TLM is absolutely integral to the Catholic Faith. It was not, is not, and cannot be “suppressed.” I will not “obey” anyone who tries to suppress it.
So they pushed Cardinal Sarah out of the role, and today announced this is his replacement. Do you know anything about him? The trads aren't happy with this news this morning: Christopher Lamb @ctrlamb Archbishop Arthur Roche has been chosen by Pope Francis new leader of the Holy See’s liturgy office. The Leeds-born bishop, 71, succeeds Cardinal Robert Sarah and will be tasked with implementing a renewal of the liturgy as articulated by the Second Vatican Council.
Big trouble. They’re definitely going after the Traditional Latin Mass.
Oh boy, that's what I gleaned from the reaction of the trads to the news of his appointment. The persecution continues to rise...
Plus Roche is the one who signed off on this nonsense: Vatican Upholds Bishop Over Reception of Communion on Tongue Archbishop Roche cited a letter sent in August by the congregation’s prefect, Robert Cardinal Sarah, in which the cardinal wrote: “in times of difficulty, Bishops and Episcopal Conferences can give provisional norms which must be obeyed." December 12, 2020 A priest offers a parishioner the Eucharist by hand. (photo: Cavee / Shutterstock) VATICAN CITY — The secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship wrote to a petitioner last month rejecting their appeal against the Bishop of Knoxville’s decision to ban temporarily reception of Communion on the tongue because of the coronavirus pandemic. The congregation “received and attentively studied [the] petition making recourse against the decision of Bishop Richard F. Stika to suspend reception of Holy Communion on the tongue at public Masses throughout the Diocese of Knoxville for the duration of the public health emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic,” Archbishop Arthur Roche wrote Nov. 13 to the petitioner, whose name has been redacted from the publicly available copy of the letter. Archbishop Roche, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, cited a letter sent in August by the congregation’s prefect, Robert Cardinal Sarah, in which the cardinal wrote: “in times of difficulty (e.g. wars, pandemics), Bishops and Episcopal Conferences can give provisional norms which must be obeyed … These measures given by the Bishops and Episcopal Conferences expire when the situation returns to normal.” Archbishop Roche interpreted this letter as saying the provisional norms can be “even clearly, as in this case, to suspend for whatever time might be required, reception of Holy Communion on the tongue at the public celebration of the Holy Mass.” “This Dicastery does hereby therefore act to confirm the decision of Bishop Stika and thereby rejects your petition seeking its modification,” Archbishop Roche wrote. The rejection of the petition suggests a change in policy or rationale by the congregation. In July 2009, during the swine flu pandemic, the congregation responded to a similar inquiry regarding the right to receive Communion on the tongue, recalling that the 2004 instruction Redemptionis sacramentum “clearly stipulates” that each of the faithful always has the right to receive on the tongue, and that it is illicit to deny Communion to any of the faithful who are not impeded by law. The 2004 instruction, issued on certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist, noted that “each of the faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, at his choice.” Bishop Stika lifted the restriction on reception of Communion on the tongue in late November. He had imposed it when he permitted the resumption of public Masses in the diocese at the end of May. “The decision to suspend the distribution of Holy Communion on the tongue was difficult for me and I understand the concern some of our clergy and laity had regarding my actions,” Bishop Stika said Dec. 11. “However, we were in the early stages of this pandemic and dealing with much uncertainty. I felt I had the authority to make a conscientious decision for the safety of everyone—the laity and our clergy. “ In March, the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon concluded that the risk of transmitting infection when receiving on the tongue or hand is “more or less equal.” Similarly, the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois said earlier this year that “Given the Church’s existing guidance on this point (see Redemptionis Sacramentum, no. 92), and recognizing the differing judgments and sensibilities of the experts involved, we believe that, with the additional precautions listed here, it is possible to distribute on the tongue without unreasonable risk.” The precautions recommended at this time by the Springfield diocese are: a separate station for distribution on the tongue or distribution on the tongue following in the hand, and that the minister sanitize his hands after each communicant.
Well as Jesus said, Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. When I was young I used to love the translation , 'Sufficient unto the day are the troubles thereof'.' I consider it quite possible that God may intervene and stop all this ( that is if it is really happening, as I suspect it is the intention of the Holy Father). I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I hope we never ever do come to it, but that is for tomorrow. It would be like a knife through my heart if they closed our little Church Apart from anything else you never know what God might do to stop this. So anyway I am not going going to get too worried until the ax falls and I hope it never ever will. Sigh. Such terrible, terrible times. They don't seem too worried about closing Church that 'marry' sexual perverts do they? Sigh I better watch my blood pressure or my head will explode.
That's me. '..slow to speak' The Internet is not helpful to , 'slow to speak'. James 1:20 19My beloved brothers, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, 20for man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires. 21Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and every expression of evil, and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save your souls.… Berean Study Bible · Download
For me, together with the election of Pope BXVI, the publication of Summorum Pontificum was the most important thing that ever happened in my Catholic life. Yes, “Sufficient for a day…” But this attack on Summorum Pontificum and the TLM, if it does happen, is a hill I’m very much willing to die on. Personally, I must prepare for this eventuality as if it’s definitely coming, because I KNOW that’s their plan. Fortunately there’s a new SSPX chapel near me. If this attack on the TLM comes to pass, I will go there at once. With NO scruples whatsoever, and I’ll fight ANYONE who claims elsewise.