Yep. First thought same as yours: who didn't see this coming? Step by step, blasphemy by blasphemy, sacrilege by sacrilege--they mean to pound the Bride of Christ into the mud.
The Church of Christ (or those pretending to be) blessing sodomy and giving the 'two fingers' to God and to His faithful. What do they think this will gain them? And the narcissism of these sodomites. They revel in making a show of themselves.
This is what they should be doing:
Sometimes I wonder if it is a kind of exultation of evil. A fierce delight in shaking their fists at God. When you are your own god I suppose there must be hatred for the One who claims all worship. The Ancient of Days enthroned upon the cherubim and seraphim must really gall them. Terrifying. Blessed be the Name of God most high now and forever. To Him be all glory. Amen.
Catholic Charity Distributes Condoms: NGO Catholic Relief Service Provides Free Contraception Michael Hichborn, the founder of the Lepanto Institute, is here to talk about how Catholic NGO’s are violating Church doctrine by distributing contraception to African migrants. "the heretical Jesuit priest Fr. Martin has propped up fellow Jesuit Fr. Richard Clifford as a biblical expert who claims the sin of Sodom was one of inhospitality toward immigrant foreigners rather than the sin of homosexuality." They will seek to rewrite history and say that you must be suffering from the Mandela Effect...