You know it doesn't take someone to have higher decrees in Theology and Philosophy to know Right from Wrong. Nor does it take us to be a Bishop or Cardinal to have the right to speak out against heresy and evil. Nor does it take us to be genius's to smell a Satanic Rat. I've lived long enough and seen enough to know evil when I see it. and I see it now.
Yes Father. My mom and granny instilled this in me. I'm pretty good at it. Great to know others feel this in their heart too.
You know I have never ever said that Pope Francis is not the Pope. For several reasons. But the main one would have been that I never felt qualified as a very humble layperson to say such a thing and also I have never felt there was sufficient evidence to support it. So I have been very happy to leave it to them. If however Pope Francis does go the whole hog and bless same sex blessings, or women Deacons or anything mad like that I would be happy to agree he was no longer Pope on account of gross manifest heresy.
In their arrogance, our elites see the Earth as a machine which they can fix. However, the Earth is not a machine, it is a creation of God. In attempting to 'fix' the Earth as if it is a car-engine or some other object of mere human manufacture, these elites are more likely to cause a far greater chastisement to the people of the world than would be caused by rises in temperature for which God has made unspeakably complex limiting controls. There are increasingly intense worldwide efforts to cut back on farming at the very time that population is at its highest ever. This can only lead to famines on an unprecedented scale. I'd think most people, if they knew the reality, would rather take their chances with the consequences of a rise in temperature than with these 'fixing' efforts. For a recent example, those floods in Libya were caused by a failure of two dams, perhaps exacerbated by the toppling of Gaddafi and the subsequent chaotic wars, implying neglect of infrastructure. No doubt, they'll push it as 'climate change'. Most people, especially the activists, think that all these 'fixes' can be almost painless, cocooned as they are in their 'guaranteed' comforts. But the ones driving it seem to me intent on an unprecedentedly radical population-reducing event, that will leave far fewer people with whom they'll have to share the wealth. Perhaps, just enough for slavery.
Ann Barnhardt provides a very plausible case for Francis' not being pope. However, neither she (although she doesn't realise it, unfortunately) nor laypeople in general possess the necessary authority and charisms to make this decision. Aye, let's leave it to might take a while.
Well just to make sure God gave us the Ten Commandments which even a child can understand. Which the current pope said were “not absolute “. And “were not commands but words”. And kind of substituted with his own “ten commandments”. Pope Francis released a sweeping statement about the environment on Thursday, calling for “cultural revolution” to change our lifestyles – from our addiction to technology to our treatment of the poor. The document is very long – 184 pages in English. But here are 10 quick commandments the Pope says everybody can follow to stop the “disturbing warming” of our planet.
Technology is the reason why the poor survive. Abandon it, and they'll be first to start dying. I remember a conversation with a friend, it could have been thirty years ago-certainly before the climate change issue-in which he said that it was cheap oil (he pointed out that it was cheaper than beer, which he doesn't drink!) that kept the world going around. If it were to get dear, it would be catastrophic. To get rid of it altogether...
I think amongst Catholics who actually go to Church the cat is well out of the bag now. It took a while but the cat is off and running. No more bag.
I don't know if people remember it but I very well remember the Winter of 1962/3 and I recall in their turn people talking of the Winter of 1949.
Incredible for that extreme weather to last an entire winter, what a terrible hardship. We’ve had our share of very bad winters in New England, but nothing so prolonged. The worst winter storm that I lived through in Massachusetts was the blizzard of 78. There was an insane amount of snow, and all roads were impassible. I will never forget the sight of people riding to the grocery store in the city on horseback.
My guess is that while Francis will preside over all kinds of heterodoxy, he won't personally bless same sex 'marriages' or deaconesses. He'll leave that to others. He's a wily Jesuit, and he will continue to say things which encourage - against abortion, etc - while looking the other way when his protegees take a different stance. Nevertheless, the saying is: personnel is policy. Remember that.