Who might be the next Pope?

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by padraig, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    It is hard to think that we aren't now fulfilling that presupposition.

    There are strong arguments that Pope Bergoglio was not validly elected. Even if his election was valid, do his words and actions since allow him to remain so? Oh, for a Holy Father.
  2. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    It is possible that, yes, and perhaps the next pope himself will come as a forerunner, someone who prepares humanity for the great miracle while trying to reverse the destruction caused by the one who came before. The holy father, in the vision of the third secret, prays for the souls of the martyrs and walks with an unsteady step. Unfortunately, Francis does not seem to be very concerned about the fate of the souls of the faithful, especially because he has doubts about the existence of hell, and the “unsteady walk” does not entirely fit him considering that he is confined to a wheelchair. .
    DeGaulle likes this.
  3. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    In these things that remain secret, we can only make speculations and any well-founded speculation should not be dismissed. In this sense, any speculation is as valuable as mine. But I don't see so much that the next Pope could be a precursor of the Miracle but rather perhaps a consequence of the miracle. But who knows...
  4. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    Pope Francis is objectively a false prophet who promotes diabolical doctrines and he is destroying the Church of Christ. There is immense evidence of this, so much that it will be difficult to list them. There are also some questions to be clarified regarding the resignation process of Pope Benedict XVI and the election of Pope Francis, which call into question the legitimacy of the current Pope. But I'm a simple layman, I don't feel capable of doing more than saying: Mr Pope, what you're doing or saying is completely wrong, that's precisely what the Devil wants you to do or say... What Can I do more than that?

    If in the not too distant future the papacy of Francis is considered invalid, even after his death or resignation, will the bishops and cardinals appointed by him also be considered illegitimate? It will not be easy to get out of this crisis.
    Clare A and DeGaulle like this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I believe God is about to raise up the most humble and unexpected man you could ever imagine. Another humble Peter to confound men's pride.

    To put a stop to all the pride of men.
  6. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    outside the College of Cardinals?
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Yes, another Peter. A rabbit out of the bag.

    Matthew 11:25

    At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

  8. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    An Athanasius?
    AED and padraig like this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Clare A, DeGaulle, Sam and 1 other person like this.
  10. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    St. John Bosco's prophecy about the "march of 200 days" seems to indicate that there will be a pope of very humble origin, perhaps literally a field worker or carpenter:

    "It was a dark night, and men could no longer find their way back to their own countries. Suddenly a most brilliant light shone in the sky, illuminating their way as at high noon. At that moment from the Vatican came forth, as in procession, a multitude of men and women, young children, monks, nuns, and priests, and at their head was the Pope.
    But a furious storm broke out, somewhat dimming that light, as if light and darkness were locked in battle. Meanwhile the long procession reached a small square littered with dead and wounded, many of whom cried for help.
    The ranks of the procession thinned considerably. After a two-hundred day march, all realized that they were no longer in Rome. In dismay they swarmed about the Pontiff to protect him and minister to him in his needs.
    At that moment two angels appeared, bearing a banner which they presented to the Supreme Pontiff, saying: "Take the banner of Her who battles and routs the most powerful armies on earth. Your enemies have vanished: with tears and sighs your children plead for your return."
    One side of the banner bore the inscription:
    Regina sine labe concepta [Queen conceived without sin], and the other side read: Auxilium Christianorum [Help of Christians].
    The Pontiff accepted the banner gladly, but he became distressed to see how few were his followers.
    But the two angels went on: "Go now, comfort your children. Write to your brothers scattered throughout the world that men must reform their lives. This cannot be achieved unless the bread of the Divine Word is broken among the peoples. Teach children their catechism and preach detachment from earthly things. The time has come," the two angels concluded, "when the poor will evangelize the world. Priests shall be sought among those who wield the hoe, the spade, and the hammer, as David prophesied: 'God lifted the poor man from the fields to place him on the throne of His people.'"
    On hearing this, the Pontiff moved on, and the ranks began to swell. Upon reaching the Holy City, the Pontiff wept at the sight of its desolate citizens, for many of them were no longer. He then entered St. Peter's and intoned the Te Deum, to which a chorus of angels responded, singing:
    Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. When the song was over, all darkness vanished and a blazing sun shone. The population had declined greatly in the cities and in the countryside; the land was mangled as if by a hurricane and hailstorm, and people sought each other, deeply moved, and saying: Est Deus in Israel [There is a God in Israel].
    From the start of the exile until the intoning of the
    Te Deum, the sun rose 200 times. All the events described covered a period of 400 days."

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2024
    Clare A, Byron, HeavenlyHosts and 2 others like this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    This is the same prophesy of the two Prophets Isiah and Ezeckial (the two angels) being sent down from heaven to confirm the Great Pope.
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    One of the main reason are Bishops have fallen into Satan's grip (as at the Protestant Rebellion) is pride.
    So God will raise the lowly to confound the proud.

    A Pope as St John Bosco indicates is the Child of Mary. Humble.
    Clare A, LMF, HeavenlyHosts and 2 others like this.
  13. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    Among all the conjectures and speculations that crossed my mind in this regard, a question arose some time ago. Let us imagine a historical moment of profound rupture in the structure of the Church in the near future in which there is no universally recognized pope, coinciding with a moment of terrible suffering of different kinds and communist persecution led by Russia. Let us imagine that, in this moment of profound global suffering, a relevant bishop publicly called on all the bishops of the world to join him in a solemn act of consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    If this act of consecration resulted in an immediate and unequivocal conversion of Russia, this bishop should immediately be recognized as the true vicar of Christ on earth. Or, in another way, if this consecration produced some great miraculous sign in the sky that caused Russia to imediatly recognize this bishop as the true vicar of Christ on earth, this also would be perceived as conversion of Russia which would lead to the conversion of the world.

    The central figure of the Secret of Fatima is the Holy Father and the intended result of the consecration of Russia is conversion of this nation. Therefore, it is quite likely that the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary includes in the same package the conversion of Russia and the recognition of the true Vicar of Christ on earth.

    :rolleyes: All of this is pure speculation on my part, open to any criticism...
    Luan Ribeiro likes this.
  14. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    After so many years, I finally found someone who shares my bet and for the same reasons, to which I would add two or three more...

    Subscribed channel.

    I've listened to other videos and this priest is clear and direct, very enlightening for the current historical context and worth listening to. Even if you have better bets for the next Pope.(y)
    Clare A likes this.
  15. Clare A

    Clare A Archangels

    Beautiful but I think it would be too bold a move by the cardinals. I dearly hope I’m wrong but it sounds like wishful thinking.

    I’m still hoping for Cdl Sarah even if this is my own wishful thinking
  16. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    Maybe it is that. At this point, we can do no more than speculate.

    One way or another, I firmly believe that, for several reasons, there is a strong connection between the Catholics of Ukraine and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I think that the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church will play a fundamental role in the conversion of Russia.
    DeGaulle, AED and garabandal like this.
  17. AED

    AED Powers

    I agree. There is a mystery here.
    Basto likes this.
  18. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I think that the election of a pope with a beard, after a few centuries, can be a harbinger of a reunification with the Orthodox. :D:D:)
    Basto likes this.
  19. Basto

    Basto Archangels

    :D It still seems somewhat short for an Orthodox priest.
    Luan Ribeiro likes this.

  20. and Malachi Martin kept on including Ukraine, not just Russia...
    Basto likes this.

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