Here you go, the last column of page 311 and the final footnote, hopefully without spelling mistakes on my part. "... Pastor & nauta. (Pope John XXIII) Flos forum. (Pope Paul VI) De medietate lunae. (Pope John Paul I) De labore solis. (Pope John Paul II) Gloria olivae. (Pope Benedict XVI) In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, & Iudex tremědus iudicabit populum suum. Finis. Quae ad Pontifices adiecta, non sunt ipsius Malachiae, sed R.P.F. Alfonsi Giaconis, Ord. Preadicatorŭ, huius Prophetiae interpretis." I am fairly uneducated about all of these things, so I could be wrong about any and all of this, if one was to take this prophecy seriously at all. Happy to discuss... God bless!
It normally stands for Sancta Romana Ecclesia (Holy Roman Church). In this case, I think it is presented in the second case (genitive), so it would read Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae (of the Holy Roman Church), but this has been called into question on this beloved forum. As a prophecy buff, I would be keen to hear more about why it may not be genitive here. If it is genitive, I think the sentence reads: "Will sit in/amongst the final/extreme persecution/persecutioners of the Holy Roman Church." This entire prophecy about the Popes really grabs me, as it may come from St. Philip Neri, who, in his humility attempted to hide under the disguise of St. Malachi, with the help of his potential friend, Arnold Wyon (the book's author). It is said that St. Philip Neri was quite a mystic and I heard he had visions about future popes. If true, the prophecy is very relevant for our times, as we are close to the "Finis", whatever end that refers to. But, of course, the entire prophecy could be a nothing-burger, like so many others... I don't know, we will soon find out, one way or another. God bless!
Oh ok! This is so interesting. Why would Petrus Romanus be listed as if it's a new entry, after the line In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit ends with a period?
Yes, I totally agree, I am fascinated by this prophecy. We will soon find out if it is true. Your point about the full stop and the new paragraph after "sedebit" - this is very interesting, indeed. Perhaps Petrus Romanus is another man, indicated by a separate entry - the man to come after 'Pope Francis'. If this is true prophecy and if our interpretation of it is correct, then Pope Francis "sits (on St. Peter's throne) in the final/extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church". Then, after Pope Francis is gone, we will get "Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep in many tribulations: these being finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed & the tremendous Judge will judge his people. End." End of what? Perhaps the end of an era (followed by the triumph of the Immaculate Heart)?
Im sure Petrus Romanus is somehow linked \related to the angelic pope (the "sidekick" of the prophesied Great catholic monarch) I dont know HOW they are linked, but there must be something here.
Sviatoslav Shevchuk, that's my bet! Source: In 2006, in Fátima, he consecrated Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, he could be the Pope who definitively consecrates Russia.
He is the leader of the second largest Catholic Church after the Latin Church, a young and expanding church while the Latin-rite Catholic Church dies. He is an academic in moral theology, young and fluent in several languages, a contemporary of Bergoglio in Buenos Aires and very active in this issue between Russia and Ukraine. He would be an Eastern rite pope as was fictionalized in "The Shoes of the Fisherman" (1968). But there is a problem here, at least for now, he is not a cardinal. Although there are those who believe that the next pope will be appointed directly by Heaven... It is a shame that the second largest of the Catholic churches continues without any representation in the college of cardinals, as has been the case since 2017, after the death of Cardinal D. Lubomyr Husar. Personally, I think this is due to a political choice made by Francis to please the schismatic Russian Orthodox Church. This is how the Vatican recognizes centuries of fidelity of Ukrainian Catholics confirmed by the blood of so many martyrs.
Very interesting; I think that a younger pope is appropriate for a period of violent persecution of the church as occurred in the first centuries of the church.
A friend sent me this image and it brought me to tears. I needed to see it. This man I believe should be our next Pope.
We can pray but maybe God wants to see more of us amend our lives before we get a Pope Sarah. In our current state, we're more likely to get a Pope Napier. Jesus told us that some demons can only be driven out by prayer and fasting.
If there is to be a compromise, what is Ladaria like? He seems to have a sense of smell at any rate. Fernandez is not going any further. Too divisive and not bright enough.
I think Cardinal Peter Erdo from Hungary, Europe and Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle from Philippines, Asia are considered the favorites. Also important is the age. +Erdo is 71, +Tagle is 66. In any Papal Conclave in the next 9 years (till Erdo turns 80), these 2 names are sure to come up. Cardinal Robert Sarah is 78. Cardinal Raymond Burke is 75. These two will surely be in the running too in the next 2-5 years, but probably no Conclave.
As much as the media says that Cardinal Tagle is one of Francis' likely successors, I can't imagine the cardinals electing someone so young in the coming years, unless the next conclave is in times of war or even persecution. A scenario that requires all the necessary vigor to survive a possible exile, often mentioned in Catholic prophecies.
Interestingly, these days an article about the prophecy of St. Malachi (really St. Philip Neri) was published on The article by Father Giovanni Maria is based on a book by Father Juan Manuel Igartúa: This confirms the view that we had arrived at, namely that there are two more men listed in the prophecy after "Gloria olivae" (Pope Benedict XVI). According to the article, one man is the one who "will sit in the persecution of the Holy Roman Church" ('Pope Francis') . We can then expect Petrus Romanus, yet to come. Edited to add: What I find highly interesting is the fact that the article mentions an interview given in 2016 by Pope Benedict to Peter Seewald. Apparently, the Holy Father basically confirmed the validity of the prophecy by St. Philip Neri.
The prophecies about the great French monarch and the angelic pope seem to point to a commitment by the French monarchy to protect the Church. Alois Irlmaier says that an emperor will be crowned by the pope who fled, so perhaps these two leaders will emerge at the same time if Petrus Romanus is the angelic pope.
"After the victory an emperor is crowned by the fleeing Pope. How long all this lasts, I do not know. I see three nines. The third nine brings the peace. If everything is over, a part of the inhabitants have died, and the people are frightened of God anew. The laws, which bring death to the children, become invalid after the clearing. Then peace will be. A good time. I see three crowns flashing, and a gaunt old man will be our King. Also the very old crown in the south comes to honours again." "The Pope, who had not to flee across the water for a long period of time, returns. When the flowers bloom on the meadows, he will return and mourn for his murdered brothers. " " . . .After these events a long, lucky time comes. Those, who will experience it, will be very happy and can praise themselves lucky. But the people have to begin there, where their grandfathers began."