It is very interesting that Alois Irlmaier mentions that the Pope will return when the flowers bloom in the meadows. This seems to point to the beginning of spring as the time when things will improve since Saint John Bosco prophesied that world peace would come before two full moons in the month of flowers. "There shall yet come a violent hurricane. Iniquity is at an end, sin shall cease, and before two full moons shall have shone in the month of flowers, the rainbow of peace shall appear on earth ... Throughout the world a sun so bright shall shine as never seen since the flames of the Cenacle until today, nor shall it be seen again until the end of time."
3 current canonical requirements to be elected Pope: 1. Be 35 or older 2. A male 3. A Catholic in good standing The age limit was at one point 18... Three Popes were 25 or 24 years old. No need to be a Bishop until after you are elected, nor do you have to be a Cardinal or even ordained when elected. After the election, the man elected must become a Bishop (He serves as the Bishop of Rome). A married man could possibly be elected, but the Cardinals would have to change the requirement of celibacy for Bishops. So that increases the pool a bit. But with possible huge changes happening soon, I would not be surprised.
Thank you! I continue to take Alois Irlmaier with a grain of salt. But he is certainly interesting. He was certainly an extraordinary man, testified even by the criminal law-judge who had to judge Irlmaier on "Gaukelei", roughly translated as "hoaxes, pretending to produce miracles", I suppose. The judge found Irlmaier not guilty. This is because Irlmaier told the judge: "Right now, your wife is sitting in your home, nicely dressed, having coffee with a man." The judge sent the court assistant to his home. He found the scene as described by Irlmaier. A relative of the judge's wife had just returned unannounced from years of Russian internment after WWII and went to the judge's wife after the train from Russia had dropped him off in Bavaria, and he had nowhere else to go but to his relative, the judge's wife. This is confirmed by the court files of Landgericht Muenchen II, as I recall. So Irlmaier was a true mystic. But his WWIII prophecies are published by Adlmaier, not Irlmaier himself. They contain many similarities to Jahenny, Taigi, Aiello, etc. So perhaps just copy paste, with some fabrication by Adlmaier. I am not sure. What is fascinating, is that these books did say before the Russians invade Western Europe, the Middle East will go "up in flames". We are there.. I dunno God bless all!!
This is also an interesting point. I have been trying to find these requirements in the constitution UNIVERSI DOMINICI GREGIS. Where are those requirements mentioned? Perhaps in another constitution. Also, I thought that the Pope, once elected, has to be made a Bishop, so I thought that the man would have to be at least a priest? I am not sure.
Herr's a short article about it from a Canon Lawyer:
I’m not sure that Alois Irlmaier is even Catholic. Wasn’t he a dowser? Please correct me if I am wrong. I suddenly had a very uneasy feeling about reading him,
At least his prophecies seem to point to a post-war scenario similar to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: a worldwide ban on abortion; increased Marian devotion in young people; an exiled pope crowning an emperor (perhaps the great French monarch); the conversion of Russia.
Yes, he was a dowser. I have the same uneasy feeling as you about Irlmaier. He had psychic aabilities that are normally associated with the occult. It is said he was stuck in a collapsed bunker during WW I on the Eastern front, and after that he had psychic abilities. But there is another side of the story. For example, he had a statue of our Lady made, which is now based in the Almbachklamm. He said things that sound quite devout. Personally, I am not sure what to make of him. I keep a certain distance and some scepicism regarding his writings.
The highlight is an eye-opener. If you think about it, it is sensible for Russia to wait until the USA is preoccupied in the Middle East, before pressing into Europe against NATO. Hmmmm... Lord have Mercy!
Could the next Pope be Archbishop Giacomo Morandi, aged 58? Archbishop Giacomo Morandi, 58, was dismissed by the Holy Father soon after the then-known Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF; now called DDF), for which Morandi served as secretary, ruled in 2021 against the legitimacy of liturgical blessings for same-sex couples. “God does not and cannot bless sin.” Archbishop Morandi also opposed the imposition of new restrictions against the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass - Traditionis custodes. On 15 January, Morandi was elected as the new leader of the Bishops’ Conference of Emilia-Romagna, (Bologna) in Italy - this has been interpreted as a snub to Pope Francis.
Can anyone tell me if in the Holy Masses that precede the conclave it is only the cardinal dean who gives the homily or if this is also the prerogative of other cardinals? I was remembering the effect that Dean Joseph Ratzinger's homily had on the cardinals.
Some people just have that "gift" or get it randomly. Science can't explain it, but it exists, its only bad if you deliberately did training or rituals to get it. My mom knew a priest who could find water sources with a couple of sticks, there are police cases here where they hire a seer and they always find the corpse where they said it was. anyone who charges money for using psychic powers is a scammer, tho
I had a dowser (or 'diviner', as we know them locally) source water for a well, many years ago. He was a very decent, ordinary man who just had this gift. He didn't publicise himself (one just heard about him from others) and he would not take anything for the service. He did let me do a small turn for him afterwards, but one good deed does deserve another. We hit a fine well of water, too! I never, for a moment, felt any unease about the whole event.
Could the miracle of Garabandal be the sign from Heaven that would show his Church who the true Holy Father is? This is a question I have asked myself many times. Many people believe that the next Pope will be appointed directly by Heaven. And we saw in an immense light that is God, something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it, a Bishop dressed in White. We had the feeling that he was the Holy Father. (Lúcia dos Santos, Tuy, 3-1-1944) This presupposes that the Church would be completely in ruins without a Pope or without a valid Pope.