You don't have to wait for the soft tyranny, that's presently occurring day by day. Do not fear, as if you stay aware and prepare accordingly God has a plan and we must actively follow what He's calling us to do. But in terms of red martyrdom, review what occurred in Rwanda and then think about the rising literal hate of "us vs. them" and ponder where this is headed. Our Lady said at Kibeho that she had come not just to warn the people of what would soon occur there (1 million slaughtered by their neighbors in 3 months time, read the books about it, those who committed the atrocities do not remember do it--they were under diabolical disorientation), but that she was warning the whole world: the Blessed Mother told Anathalie, “When I show myself to someone and talk to them, I want to turn to the whole world. If I am turning to the parish of Kibeho, it does not mean that I am concerned only for Kibeho, or for the Diocese of Butare, or for Rwanda, or for the whole of Africa. I am concerned with and turning to the whole world. The world is evil and rushes towards its ruin. It is about to fall in its abyss. The world is in rebellion against God. Many sins are being committed. There is no love and no peace. If you do not repent and convert your hearts, you will all fall into an abyss.”
So we'll said! It seems to be a strategy. Death by a thousand tiny cuts. Wrestling with an eel is a very apt analogy.
Poor, poor souls! Hell really does exist! If only they knew! But sometimes I wonder, even if they knew , would many of them change?
Yes they would change if we had bishops teaching Truth and not spouting tripe like it’s reasonable to assume hell is empty
That is the terrifying possibility. Like Dives and Lazarus. "They have law and the prophets. Even if a man returned from the dead they would not believe." I often think of this. Dante basically shows in the Inferno that those who ended up in hell loved their sin more than they feared hell. Chilling.
Saint Paul writes of , 'The Mystery of Iniquity'. It truly is a mystery. No one goes to hell without choosing to go there. The good God merely confirms the choice. The devil indeed tempts us, but it is our choice. No one goes to hell by accident. Life reminds me sometimes of someone walking a tightrope. We have two choices, to walk on to heaven or to drop off into the flames. This is so very, very different a reality to that put forward to the Modernist heretics who teach very comfortably that all or nearly all will go to heaven. That God is so good that how could it be otherwise? But this is a False Mercy. It is not that God is not good, but that we can be so very, very bad. It puzzles me that our heretics cannot see this, for hell is all around us. Evil is all around us. But it is as if they had all gone blind and can not see it. Or do they choose not to see it? It truly is a mystery; St Paul was so right.
As a young child I had a very vivid spiritual dream about crossing a tight rope. Below me were foul writhing things--clearly demonic. At the other end of the tight rope was the Blessed Mother holding out her hand to me. I was terrified I wouldn't make it across. Our Lady was very encouraging but she didn't come out to get me. I had to cross to her. I was in the middle of the tight rope. A long way yet to go. Then I woke up. That dream has stayed with me my whole life.
Lovely. What greater kindness than to help others to walk the path to heaven; to save souls from hell?
PLEASE don’t feature this actress, cum singer, as to be admired on the MOG forum!! She needs our fervent prayers instead. She is a very vocal advocate for women’s choice/abortion. In her acceptance speech for a Golden Globes award in January 2020, she said that she wouldn’t have achieved her success without having had ‘the right to choose.’
It's not just love of sin that makes people choose Hell. My sister suffered from terrible headaches for years, and after asking God to no avail to relieve her suffering, she turned to Satan, who apparently took the headaches away (for a terrible price, as she would later find out). I used to beg her to come back to her faith but her response was full of the rage and hurt she felt toward God (and our own parents, who despite their Catholic faith had divorced and abandoned us): "I'd rather go to Hell than be with God. He doesn't care about anyone! He lets people suffer and does nothing about it. Why would I want to spend eternity with a God like that?" There are many people with great distortions of God, because there are not enough people showing them what God is like. This is something we who have been given the gift of faith should seriously consider. Do we, by our words, actions, demeanor towards others, and the daily life we live, show the suffering world around us who God is? We may be the ONLY one any given person encounters, to give them the chance to experience God's love. Thanks be to God, after years of prayer and constant reaching out to my sister, God brought her back to Himself and saved her from a terrible addiction that nearly destroyed her. She confessed to a priest her deal with Satan and was released from his hold on her. Now she is a confirmed Catholic raising a baby. She just texted me the other day excited about a Catholic kids video she found for her little one to watch.
The Choices we make arise from the Trajectory of the Life we lead. Choices are built upon previous Choices. We create our own inner World, rather like a gardener who chooses the soil in which their plant grows. Choices lead to other choices, either to imprison ourselves or free ourselves. There is only one true Freedom to do the Will of God. Only one True slavery, to follow Satan into prideful rebellion.
I had a friend (a stranger whom I met in college) who confessed to me (having moved to a city she resided in, for fun and adventure) that she, in her late teens (we were mid-20s then), had prayed to Satan for a boyfriend. She claims Satan appeared to her, and they had consensual sex. Whether true or not (love of attention), that she would say such a thing shocked me deeply. At the time my spiritual life was in a low, and I'd viewed her as more spiritually strong and constant than I; then came that lightning bolt confession. We parted company soon after (my decision; she became menacing and made lesbian overtures). A mutual acquaintance (who respects my privacy) says she's since married and still claims to be a Christian. I do pray for her, and can only hope for the best. Very true. Very important. Happy for your sister's turnaround.