Reminds me of the warnings when we had the 2000 ‘bug’. My husband was on standby in case the power went out due to the time change on computers. It was a big nothing burger. Just like May 13 in 2012 from the Mayan calendar calling for the world to end. I think there is a higher chance of an invasion by China than this.
I don't disagree Katfalls, but at the same time, the connections and references to Jonah and Ninevah to me are what is hard to ignore. That and the fact that I live in the danger zone of the New Madrid Fault keeps my spidey senses tingling lol. I will be driving home that day with the family from the Smokey Mountains, so at minimum, I would like to get home long before that eclipse passes over lower Kentucky!!
But it was already posted earlier in this thread that the eclipse is only going over two of the towns named Nineveh, not all of them as had been spread around. And for those who say that it will still be partially visible in those other Ninevehs……that is irrelevant, because it will be partially visible in most of the country.
It's amazing how fast this rumor has spread, with much of the details incorrect. I overheard a woman excitedly telling an elderly gentleman after Mass yesterday that "The eclipse is beginning in the city of Jonah and the river San Gabriel, and going directly over 7 cities named Ninevah!" But it's just not the case. The eclipse begins in the Pacific Ocean, passes through Mexico first, and then enters TX. Jonah isn't even the first city in TX it enters. Jonah and the San Gabriel river are more in central TX. Then it passes through 2 of the cities named Ninevah, later on. It's certainly interesting, and we all should be moved to repentance no matter what is going on, but I wish whoever started this or added the false details hadn't have done that. It detracts from things that have been true signs, or will be true signs.
We have so many place names in the United States that are biblical that much could be made out of it. Well, I am just going to watch the eclipse. We will have 95% coverage in my area, getting a group together to view it from a local park. It will take a little over two hours from start to finish. I think of all the wonderful experiences I have had in my life, I was able to photograph the Hale Bopp Comet . . .see the eclipse of 2017, now the second eclipse. Visited the Grand Canyon, it is really GRAND, totally awesome. The Shrine in Wisconsin, the tomb of Blessed Solanus Casey, the Shrine Of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, met Mother Angelica. I've survived a tornado, two hurricanes, an earthquake, and in a jet that was hit by lightning. If God wants to shake up the world I'm all for it . . .ok, off to say my evening prayers.