- March 25 is traditionally the Feast of the Annunciation. This year because this feast falls during Holy Week, its celebration has been moved to Monday, April 8th, the day after Divine Mercy Sunday - On March 25 this year there will be a lunar eclipse and blood moon. -On April 8 there will be a total solar eclipse across much of the USA beginning close to the town of Jonah, Texas and passing through several towns named Nineveh as it traverses North America. This eclipse combined with the 2017 total solar eclipse forms a cross across the USA. -Pope Benedict stated that he Annunciation was the greatest event that ever happened on Earth because it was then that our Lord and savior came to be with us. This is in Father Heilman's video below Here are a few links discussing these eclipses: Father Heilman and Doug Barry: Sign.org article: https://www.prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=6766
I haven't watched the video, but intend to. I live in the path where we're supposed to experience a full solar eclipse. I scheduled an hour off work to go outside and watch it happen. My bet is it'll end up being a cloudy day and I'll be like ho-hum.
I do think it's very intriguing that the eclipse is on April 8 and the Annunciation falls on that day this year.
I also live in the path of totality, right in the dead center! A whole 4 minutes of total eclipse. I've never experienced one before and am so excited!
We will have 95% coverage. I have already organized a group to meet at the park. And have my solar eclipse glasses left over from 2017.
It’s also very interesting that Divine Mercy Sunday is one day before the eclipse. An eye opening video was posted by Sensus Fidelium on the importance of the eclipse’s pathway. Start at the five minute mark:
I will watch. I experienced a total solar eclipse in the Spring of 1970 in Philadelphia. Things became as dark as dusk and very quiet.
hmmm The eclipse will start -a town named Jonah on the banks of San Gabriel on the feast of the Annunciation. Will pass through 7 towns named Nineveh in the U.S.A.-how many towns named Nineveh in the U.S.A.? -7 Will pass through a town in Canada named Nineveh. - how many towns named Nineveh in Canada?-1
I just checked the eclipse visibility for my location in MA, looks like we'll have about 90% coverage unless the fog rolls in.
"He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice…” Diary of St. Faustina...
I've seen a couple of videos of people denouncing all these signs lining up for that specific day as merely pure coincidence and the observations of superstitious Catholics really reaching... but THIS many signs all at once? I don't know. Couldn't hurt to say some extra prayers in the coming weeks.
The path of totality for the eclipse will only pass over two towns in the U.S. called Ninevah. The other Ninevah towns are definitely still relatively nearby, but still, not as obvious as, say, the Sword of St. Michael. The red dots on the eclipse map are all the towns called Ninevah.
Just posted this on another thread but should be here as well. I have been following up on this eclipse for sometime now especially given other prophetic things in and around the new madrid fault where I live in the path of damage from the big one that hit on that fault back in 1812. Just learned some crazy history about this coming eclipse and another in the past. 1. On September 17, 1811 there was a very similar solar eclipse and path across the US. This eclipse was preceded by a lunar eclipse two weeks prior. This upcoming eclipse also has a lunar eclipse 2 weeks prior on March 24 and 25th. 2. After this Eclipse in 1811 (which like the upcoming eclipse on 4/8, there was another solar eclipse the preceded this one similar to the eclipse we had back in 2017), there were over 2000 earthquakes in 1811 then another 6,000 - 10,000 earthquakes around the New Madrid fault (which is exactly the path the eclipse will take) in 1812. The worst one being an 8.8 earthquake the changed the landscape around the area in lower Kentucky and eastern Missouri. The Mississippi River actually ran backwards for 3 hours on Feb 7, 1812. Other strange anomolies that occurred with this 8.8 earthquake were: Sand Boils - the worlds largest was created around 8 miles west of Hayti, Missouri and it is 1.4 miles long and 136 acres. Locals call it "the beach". The area also has many smaller sand boils. Seismic Tar Balls - small pellets up to a golf ball size tar balls found in the sand boils. They are petroleum that has been solidified. Earthquake Lights - Lights flashed from the ground caused by quartz crystals being squeezed. The phenomenon is called seismoluminescence. Warm Water - The water thrown from the earthquake was warmed up due to the quartz and light Earthquake Smog - The skies turned dark during the quake so dark that lighted lamps didn't help. The air smelled awful and it was hard to breathe. They concluded this happened because the smog contained dust particles caused by the eruption of the warm water into the air during the quake. Thunder and Animal Warnings - Thunder was heard all over and animals were reported having strange behavior both domestic and wild animals. Lots of scriptures come to mind here: Joel 2:10, Joel 2:30, Revelation 9:2, 2 Esdras 5:8, 2 Esdras 6:24 3. The devil comet will also be preceding the 4/8 eclipse but there was also another comet that preceded during the 1811 eclipse and lasted around the world for 17 months. It was brightest during the earthquakes. The devil comet (Pons Brooks comet) orbits the sun every 71 years. The last time the Pons Brooks comet was visible was in 1953. The time before that was 1882 and the time before that was 1811. So the pons brooks comet also preceded the eclipse and then all the earthquakes. 4. This earthquake path coupled with the path of the earthquake in 2017 create the pattern of the alef and tav Hebrew symbols. It also travels directly over 7 cities named Ninevah in the US. 5. Finally, it is becoming less odd to hear that schools are going to be cancelled now all over my area of Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee and Missouri. They are also putting the national guard on notice and stationed, sending out radiation units, telling people to stay home and have cash and supplies on hand, etc.
Fascinating Andy. Thanks for posting. I was wondering why the government has suggested emergency preps. Now I know why. Hmmmm.