Catholic News Agency online: this is the text of Russia/Ukraine papal consecration

Discussion in 'Consecration to Mary' started by Emmanuel, Mar 22, 2022.


What are your thoughts about the text?

Poll closed Mar 25, 2022.
  1. Yes, this conforms with the Fatima requests and will immediately usher in global peace.

  2. No, while it might buy us some time, the aftermath will ultimately be catastrophic.

  1. Mario

    Mario Powers


    The tendency to scrutinize the upcoming consecration rests on the fact that 6 or so previous consecrations have failed to produce what Our Lady promised. So the thinking obviously goes:

    Mary, the Mother of God, is totally trustworthy. If what Our Lady promised has not been fulfilled, then the Church has failed in correctly responding to her wishes. Therefore, since God has chosen to allow His Son's Mother to be a conduit of grace, what do we need to do to get it right? I dare say that this "fix it mode" is very male in its essence.

    But I sincerely believe that Our Lady is God's gift to show the incomprehensible depth of His Mercy! Nothing like our Mom. We tend to look at the failures of the past, but God's timing will be proven perfect and we shall rejoice!

    Let us pray, fast, and follow Francis' lead in this manner. The Lord can't be outdone in generosity! Patience with Hope. Mercy will win out!

    Jesus, we trust in Thee!
    Sam, Clare A, HeavenlyHosts and 4 others like this.
  2. grimisocks

    grimisocks Archangels

    I'm intrigued about how the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) may view the Consecration. Will it go along 'for the ride' as it were? Or has it made its feeling known to Rome as it seems Patriarch Kirill agrees with the war on Ukraine according to reports. The ROC currently claims jurisdiction over the Eastern Orthodox Christians who reside in Russia and former states and may well see this initiative from Rome as some sort of interference or meddling in the spiritual lives of its members.
    I am fully on board with what Heaven wants in terms of consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary but will Patriarch Kirill et al give his blessing to an outside church who he may see as encroaching in the ROC's authority of Russia? Just a thought.
    Sam, Jo M, Mario and 1 other person like this.
  3. Emmanuel

    Emmanuel Angels

    So where does that suggest in any way that I was somehow "imposing timelines on Heaven?" I merely used the word "immediately" as part of a multiple-choice survey response to a question in order to gauge readers' opinions as influenced by something I had previously wrote:
    " Note the words, “In the End.” I believe a proper consecration of Russia will cause the immediate triumph of the Immaculate Heart, an instantaneous conversion of Russia, and the beginning of the Era of Peace, as promised by the Blessed Mother, nothing less. This idea is further bolstered by how during a broadcast interview. radio host Art Bell posed a question to his guest, the author Malachi Martin, about the effect of the real consecration to which the latter responded, that it would effectively strip Lucifer’s power and influence over humanity."

    So incidentally, on what basis is your "belief" that Fr. Malachi Martin never actually read the Third Fatima Secret" or that he's only going with what Cardinal Bea told him? Obviously, there is no way for us to independently verify Fr. Martin's claims beyond the shadow of a doubt, but he had provided numerous clues in his published writings (e.g. his book,"The Keys To This Blood" is but one example) and in various talks and interviews that I am familiar with. Based on my own recollection of again listening to him with Art Bell, Fr. Martin claims to have read its contents and even describes its physical characteristics (i.e. one sheet of paper, the estimated lines of text, etc.). All that being said, you should be careful about misinterpreting someone else's posts, including mine.
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
  4. Emmanuel

    Emmanuel Angels

    I would have to disagree if only because this could also apply to the Vatican's claim that Pope JP II's 1984 "consecration" was "approved" by Heaven in keeping with our Lady of Fatima's requests. No official word yet as to how this recent consecration by Pope Francis fits within the Fatima prophetic narrative. It would be terribly awkward at this time for them to even make such a c0nnection....
  5. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Wasn’t Sr Lucia, who was alive at that time, the one who said that the 1984 consecration was approved by Heaven?
    I seem to remember that.
  6. Emmanuel

    Emmanuel Angels

    Yes, but there remains a lot of controversy regarding that statement allegedly from Sr. Lucia. There is/was no way to prove its authenticity....
    Byron and Carol55 like this.

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