Catholic News Agency online: this is the text of Russia/Ukraine papal consecration

Discussion in 'Consecration to Mary' started by Emmanuel, Mar 22, 2022.


What are your thoughts about the text?

Poll closed Mar 25, 2022.
  1. Yes, this conforms with the Fatima requests and will immediately usher in global peace.

  2. No, while it might buy us some time, the aftermath will ultimately be catastrophic.

  1. Emmanuel

    Emmanuel Angels

  2. Emmanuel

    Emmanuel Angels

    Oh man, I feel so deflated right now. I just knew it wouldn’t be a proper consecration, but after previewing the text, I’m completely appalled. ☹️
  3. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    I think the “experts” are concluding that, while unnecessarily wordy, it will fulfill the consecration.

    (Maybe PF is becoming a trad and following the official trad writers guideline of

    "Never say in a hundred words that which could be expressed with a thousand.")
  4. Emmanuel

    Emmanuel Angels

    All I can say is, full steam ahead to the fulfillment of the Garabandal prophecies….
    Byron likes this.
  5. miker

    miker Powers

    I think it’s wordy, but I believe since it specifically mentions Russia, it fulfills Our Lady’s request. It appears that most of the “experts” out there also say it works.

    But, as said many times, this now more than ever, put it on all of us to fulfill the first Saturday requirements and to pray the Rosary everyday.
    Michael Pio, Jo M, AED and 4 others like this.
  6. Emmanuel

    Emmanuel Angels

    It remains to be seen whether the proper consecration will take place, but what exactly happens in the days and weeks that follow, that’s what matters to me….
  7. Jarg

    Jarg Archangels

    I get the sense that the consecration will only buy us some time if it is not followed by true repentance particularly inside the Church where heresy and rampant disdain of the Truth and Doctrine on the part of so many is now prevalent. Conversion is ultimately the key, and that will not happened automatically. If many in the Church persist in their disobedience I have no doubt there will be serious purification of the kind foretold by Garabandal and Akita.
    AED, HeavenlyHosts and BrianK like this.
  8. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    We may only know if the proper consecration took place in the days, weeks, months and years following it, unfortunately.
    Michael Pio and sterph like this.
  9. Whatever

    Whatever Powers

    I disagree. The lead up to the actual words of consecration is long winded and, typical of Pope Francis, includes some of his favourite buzzwords and pet projects (be grateful the pachamama didn't get a mention). The actual words of consecration are good. Heaven didn't say "Consecrate Russia and nobody but Russia" so what Our Lady asked for is covered. I think the wording is quite clever because it might encourage the Orthodox Bishops to join in. They are in schism but they have Apostolic succession.

    Wouldn't it be marvellous if the Greek, Armenian and Catholic Bishops were to do the consecration together in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre or the Church of the Annunciation in the Holy Land? Presently, that's a pipe dream but nothing is impossible for God, so may He hasten the day when we all are one.

    Editing this to add that I didn't vote in the poll because I don't know whether we were promised that global peace will be ushered in immediately. I don't recall seeing the word "immediately" in any of the messages.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
    Michael Pio, Byron, AED and 2 others like this.
  10. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Good point.
    Michael Pio, AED and Whatever like this.
  11. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    Yeah, I voted yes but don't think we should expect immediate world peace. I feel like it's going to set off a chain of events that leads to massive change in the world. Hopefully the conversion of Russia will be relatively quick though. It sure seems like the groundwork has been laid for their quick many gorgeous churches to fill!
    Michael Pio, Byron, AED and 2 others like this.
  12. Emmanuel

    Emmanuel Angels

    If we even have to wait for any length of time to see the expected outcome of this scheduled consecration is reason enough to doubt its validity. Years ago, the Vatican claimed that Heaven “approved” of John Paul II’s 1984 consecration and some 38 years later, we have yet to see Russia’s conversion and subsequent peace throughout the world, despite assurances that this complied with the requests of our Lady of Fatima. An even more important point refer to actual words by the Blessed Mother at Fatima, where she said, “In the End, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.” Note the words, “In the End.” I believe a proper consecration of Russia will cause the immediate triumph of the Immaculate Heart , an instantaneous conversion of Russia, and the beginning of the Era of Peace, as promised by the Blessed Mother, nothing less. This idea is further bolstered by how during a broadcast interview. radio host Art Bell posed a question to his guest, the author Malachi Martin, about the effect of the real consecration to which the latter responded, that it would effectively strip Lucifer’s power and influence over humanity. This leads me to conclude that the consecration of Russia may occur as a means of ending the reign of the Antichrist, some time in the future. So I think that’s a scenario worth considering….
    grimisocks likes this.
  13. Whatever

    Whatever Powers

    Where is the word "immediately" in what you quoted? Be careful of imposing timelines on Heaven.

    I don't believe that Fr. Malachi Martin ever set eyes on the third secret. He knew more than most of what it contained but only as much as Cardinal Bea told him.

    Lucifer's power was curtailed with the passion death and resurrection of Jesus. We are living the thousand years aka the Age of the Church. Satan will be unchained for a period of three and a half years for the reign of the AntiChrist who will be destroyed by a breath from Jesus after which will be the general judgement. Millenarianism is heresy.

    The wording of Friday's consecration fulfils the conditions set by Heaven, i.e. Russia is named and consecrated to Our Lady's immaculate heart. The First Saturday devotions of reparation were also a requirement but we can't blame Pope Francis for past Popes' and Bishops' failure to promote it or for the faithful's failure to do their part. I'm as disillusioned with this papacy as anyone but I think that Pope Francis deserves credit for managing to circumvent the wishes of the Fatima sceptics who believe that politicians can outshine God in converting Russia.

    We will see soon enough how Heaven rewards this consecration. I prefer to trust that God will reward the Pope's effort to do His will.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
    grimisocks, AED, Clare A and 2 others like this.
  14. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    perhaps with this consecration God will grant us a 7-year moratorium to convert us; until the 100th anniversary of Our Lady's apparition to Sister Lucia in Spain is completed; where she effectively asked for the consecration of Russia
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
  15. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Sister Lucia said Heaven accepted the consecration done by JPII in 1984, but she most certainly did NOT say that consecration had been properly accomplished.

    Pope JPIIs consecration did NOT name Russia, so it did not fulfill the request of Fatima.

    But as Sister Lucy stated, it was “accepted” by heaven in its own right, and had massive salutary effects that probably averted world war in 1984 and changed the entire subsequent trajectory of world events.

    Just weeks after his 1984 consecration, The Severomorsk Disaster occurred. It was a deadly series of munitions fires that resulted in the detonation and destruction of the entire munitions supply of Russia's Northern Fleet, preventing Russia's planned invasion of Europe:

    Ironically, not even two months later, on May 13, 1984 (the 67th anniversary of Our Lady’s first appearance at Fatima), a deadly series of munitions fires, known as the Severomorsk Disaster, occurred in a Russian naval base located near Finland on the Barents Sea. The fire turned catastrophic when it caused a massive chain of explosions resulting in the deaths of nearly 300 Russian military personnel and the destruction of at least 900 of the Northern fleets’ missiles and torpedoes.

    In Fatima Mysteries, Grzegorz Gorny and Janusz Rosikon reported that years later, Sr. Lucia wrote: “Everyone knows perfectly well that we went through one of the most critical moments in human history, when the great, mutually hostile powers planned a nuclear war that would have destroyed the world, if not the whole world, then the greater part of it. And what would have remained? What chances of survival? And who could have dissuaded those arrogant people, surrounded by their war plans…? Who, if not God.” ​

    Now, however, we’re at the point where we DESPERATELY need the true Consecration of Russia, by the pope, with all the world’s bishops. Otherwise we’ll face an immanent nuclear world war, and “entire nations will be annihilated."
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
    grimisocks, sterph, Sam and 1 other person like this.
  16. Clare A

    Clare A Archangels

    I must say when I saw the text of the consecration my eyes watered and I didn’t finish reading it. I’m glad that people here are more punctilious than I am. I had assumed that if PF consecrates Russia to the IHM and the bishops go along with it, it will be fine. I’m saying a novena to OL Fatima adding prayers for peace in Ukraine. It ends on the eve of the consecration. I think PF asked everyone to join in so I am. I’m begging God for a torrent of graces and stream of miracles because we need them desperately.

    Europe has lost the Faith and there is widespread blasphemy and apostasy. In the West we deserve punishment from God. If ONLY we had godly leaders to lead us from our selfish addictions - there has to be a new mindset. Consider the outcry when abortion is prohibited in certain states of the US. We need the Holy Spirit to intervene. So let’s all pray that this Consecration bears good fruit.
    Sr. Lucia writes letter to Pius XII, saying that Our Lord Himself requests the Pope to "consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with a special mention for Russia, and order that all the Bishops of the world do the same in union with Your Holiness."

    Sr Lucia says that Jesus himself asked this.

    The wording is fine.

    The only question is it OK that he asks, not orders, the Bishops.

    My guess is that this will have a profound impact, who knows if it prevents WW3 that might have happened otherwise.

    But I don't think the definitive conversion of Russia and the triumph comes until the Warning and Miracle happens.

    Just my opinion. I pray I am wrong, and the Triumph comes immediately on Friday.
    Byron likes this.
  18. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I didn't know that, it changes my perspective on the consecration that Francis will make.
  19. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    The Consecration isn’t magical. The Triumph won’t happen Friday. A friend recently lamented to me,

    It's turning the Queen of Heaven into the fairy godmother who grants wishes to the special gnostics who decipher the secret messages in the magical riddles…
    I find it hard to fault this negative opinion of what they see as the major fault of the Fatima controversialists (myself included!)

    In their minute pouring over every jot and tittle ever spoken or written by Sr. Lucia, they are seeking to unlock “secrets” to which the general faithful don’t have access, and risk losing site of a bigger picture.
    Byron, Sam, Clare A and 2 others like this.
  20. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    It boils down to it being a prayer to God,
    in very desperate times, but not overlooking the fact that the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart has been desired by Heaven.
    When we pray, we must be prepared to accept the outcomes. The answers to prayer belong to God.
    Romans 11:34
    “Who has known the mind of the Lord?”
    Sam, Michael Pio and PurpleFlower like this.

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