speaking of Battles . . .and the big battle we are in now. So many times in the history of the Roman Catholic Church fighting and battles were going on. And schisms happened . . .But when the battles were raging usually some great Saints were raised who helped bring things back to God. We need some of these saints now. Anyone can be a saint! And so many of the saints were JOYFUL . . .even the little nuns being marched off to the guillotine, singing and praising God. I like to think of them like this: for you Padraig
I read somewhere that the first time the stars and stripes was flown in the South was during the Second World War when so many young southern men went off to war. Civil Wars are so divisive , Brother against brother. It reminds me of the words of Jesus: Matthew 12:22-28 A House Divided Cannot Stand 22 Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so that the a]">[a]blind and mute man both spoke and saw. 23 And all the multitudes were amazed and said, “Could this be the Son of David?” 24 Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by b]">[b]Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.” 25 But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? 27 And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. 28 But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. The word Diabolical has its roots in the Greek word Diabolos, to divide. We see this so much today in the USA and elsewhere when we are turning against each other again in a great fury. On the one hand we need to be kinder and more listening to each other. But on the other we need to be forthright and honest and not papering over the cracks. Good cannot be shackled with evil, the righteous with the unrighteous. I notice in the old Mass the words of the old Liturgy we set ourselves firmly in God's Camp, with the righteous and with God. St Francis De Sales said we win more people with a spoonful of honey than a barrel of vinegar. This is so true. But on the other hand we have to draw a clear red line. Its difficult to find a good balance. Certainly Jesus Himself put His foot down and put it down very,very hard indeed. I keep having to remind myself not to go around hurting people just for the sake of hurting them but to be prepared to hurt them by telling them the truth. The hand that hurts is the hand that heals. One very,very sad thing of the American Civil War was how deeply Christian and imbued in Scripture so many were in each side of the divide. Stonewall Jackson and his wife, for instance seem to have been walking talking Bibles. Colonel Joshua Chamberlain the Medal of Honor winner from Maine and his wife seem to to have lived and breathed Scripture. Yet though Christians they killed each other in the hundreds of thousands , so very,very sad. One of the saddest things I have ready was the homilies of Bishops and Cardinals from all over Europe during the First World War enflamed with anger and hate all of them encouraging their flocks to kill others from , 'The other side'. One of the saddest things I see at the moment is people who call themselves Christians supporting abortion and all kinds of moral sexual madness and depravity.
But there does come a time for the parting of the ways. https://townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/2024/03/05/dennis-prager-n2636068#google_vignette The Left-Right Divide Is Not Bridgeable Millions of Americans, depressed by the ideological divide in America, harbor a wish that something or someone can bridge this divide. This wish is understandable. But it is fantasy. The divide is unbridgeable. One might as well wish that daily consumption of a hot fudge sundae will lead to weight loss. To cite a few samples: How are we to bridge the gap between those who believe men can become women and women can become men and those who don't believe this? Between those who believe men menstruate and those who believe only women menstruate? How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe "colorblind" is a racist notion and those who believe "colorblind" is the antidote to racism? How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe Israel is the villain and Hamas is the victim and those who believe Israel is the victim and Hamas, which openly states its dedication to annihilating Israel and its Jewish inhabitants, is the villain, morally indistinguishable from the Nazis? How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe young children should be brought to drag queen shows and those who believe this sexualization -- and sexual confusion -- of children is morally detestable? How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe reducing the number of police will reduce violent crime and those who believe reducing the number of police will increase violent crime? How are we to bridge the divide between those who believe in suppressing free speech if they deem any given speech "hateful" or "misinformation" and those who believe in free speech? Every one of these positions is mutually contradictory. And this is just a partial list. Recommended Biden Screams, Calls His Political Enemies Dumb in Unhinged State of the Union Address Matt Vespa Ironically, even those who hold these mutually contradictory positions agree that these positions are unbridgeable. Only the naive (usually meaning non-left liberals) believe otherwise. I recommend that any American who believes the left-right gap is bridgeable read the comments submitted by New York Times readers to any column that discusses a left or right position. These comments are a superb indicator of what those on the left, including liberals (I often distinguish between liberalism and leftism) believe. To submit a comment to a New York Times article or column, one must be a subscriber to the New York Times. So, virtually all those who comment are on the left, graduated from college and have enough disposable income to subscribe to the New York Times. This came to my attention again this past week when reading all the most popular comments reacting to a column on "Christian nationalism" written by Ross Douthat, the one New York Times columnist who defends Christian conservatives. "Christian nationalist" is the latest left-wing smear of conservatives. It joins "sexist," "racist," "homophobic," "Islamophobic," "transphobic," "xenophobic," "fascist" and "threat to our democracy" as the left's way of smearing -- rather than responding to, let alone debating -- those with whom progressives differ. Douthat wrote an intelligent column explaining four distinctive conservative Christian positions and groups. The comments rated highest on the list of "Reader Picks" are not only left-wing; they are irrational. Few, if any, actually define "Christian nationalism." They simply declare conservative Christians "Christian nationalists," just as they declare "transphobic" anyone who opposes hormone blockers for minors or opposes men who say they are women competing in women's sports. These comments also reveal a lack of self-awareness I believe is a defining characteristic of leftism. Nearly every commenter writes that any American who seeks to advance policies rooted in Judeo-Christian values is a Christian nationalist and therefore a "threat to democracy." But if you seek to advance policies or laws rooted in a secular value system, that is perfectly in accord with American democracy. "We progressives can advance our agenda based on our values, but when our opponents promote their values from a biblical perspective, they threaten democracy." In other words, leftists can bring their values into American life, but conservative Christians (and Orthodox Jews) may not. As for the lack of self-awareness, the Left never perceives itself as imposing its values. The Left forced as many Americans as possible to get the frequently harmful COVID-19 vaccine. The Left forced young people who were at minimal risk from the virus to get vaccinated and forced children to miss school for nearly two years. But New York Times readers do not see themselves as imposing their values on Americans. In their minds, they never "threaten democracy"; only conservative Christians who wanted open churches and open schools did. And they never explain how, if a majority of the citizenry wants and votes for a particular value (or candidate) deemed conservative, democracy is "threatened." Isn't that the very definition of democracy -- the candidate or policy with the most votes wins? If you still think the left-right divide is bridgeable, it is only because it is too painful to confront the tragic reality of contemporary American life: Today's left-right divide is at least as great as the North-South divide before and during the Civil War. The only thing that remains the same is that it was the Democratic Party that opposed freedom then, and it is the Democratic Party that opposes freedom today.
When I was young my Fathers corrections would break my back. But my Mothers corrections would break my heart. It was my mother, really, that got through the deepest. She spoke to my heart, my father spoke to my head. I think when we speak to peoples hearts we speak the best.
I have been wondering about the USA recently. It is clear from Catholic Prophecy that when Russia invades and takes over Western Europe, along with its Islamic Allies the USA will not intervene and take part in the War there. In fact eventually Islam and Russia are driven back by European powers alone. Why would this be? The only reason why the USA would not intervene is that it is distracted by its own internal problems. I wonder could it be that President Trump is reelected and is disqualified by a vote of Congress for, 'Insurrection' and then the whole Union goes into melt down over the democratic vote being dumped? We're talking about going into 2025 here which would seem to tie in with the Russian events in Ukraine, their army is pretty well zooming through Western Ukraine at the moment and that nutcase President Macron of France is talking about sending French boots on the ground in Ukraine. This explains Russia attacking Western Europe and the USA not being involved as they will be in Civil War or at least very severe internal unrest again.
I think that a major geological event could also occur on the New Madrid Fault or the San Andreas Fault; The latter could cause, in the most literal way, the separation of California from the rest of the US, a flag that liberals in the state raised after Trump's victory in 2016
Yes major physical events and perhaps attacks as well as internal divisions. Its weird that none of this seems to be written down anywhere at least I can't find it. I understand it mostly not from what has been written and said but from what has not been written or said.
But we can see from other Catholic Prophecy that the USA kinda falls of the map , disappears if you like. As though it ceases to exist. It's simply not mentioned.
You(Ireland) are not in better position ...7 years before the end Ireland will be flooded or better to say gone. Although I don't know how much worse it can be with you... You try to be the "most perverted" in all modern trends. I mean Irish politics.
Saint Thomas Aquinas said that when the best turn bad they become the very worst. That's Catholic Ireland. I think that same thing could be said of all the major Catholic countries such as Italy , France and Spain. They are all right in the line of the Islamic/ Russian steam roller. Ireland isn't nor is the USA hence physical events like earthquakes and flooding.
I don't know. We have a lot of vibrant, faithful new contemplative orders springing up throughout the U.S. I'm sure we'll get our fair share of punishments, but I don't think we'll be wiped off the map. ETA: I do believe the current ruling class will be eradicated though. I think politics will cease to exist as we know it.