I've been away for nearly two weeks, visiting a daughter and 2 sons in Sydney and a daughter in Newcastle, I have tried twice in this time, to visit MoG site but have been unable to answer any questions or comments. it seems a lot has happened in this time hopefully I will be able to catch up and comment. Below is a wonderful video by Michael Matt and Bishop Schneider, which sort of relates to this topic! https://remnant-tv.com/video/568/it...p-athanasius-schneider-?channelName=RemnantTV
I like you Padraig loath attention being drawn to me personally at mass. I do not like that even trying to genuflect before receiving communion contradicts uniformity and may cause me to stand out. Sometimes I cowardly want to resist this and am tempted to follow the norm…but that for me personally is just my pride. I don’t want the condemnation of others for stepping outside the accepted norm, but I do it anyhow. I know others do as well, but still, I feel the possible scorn from a few…so I just try to ignore it. The same applies to veiling my head at mass. It’s the acceptable norm in the Latin Rite but not the NO. I’d like to veil, but don’t for not wanting to have this attention drawn to me. Mass isn’t about any of us…making it so draws attention away from the Lord. We are there to worship Him. It would be perfect for me to sit alone and see no one to focus only on the Holy Sacrifice. Sadly, I’m as distracted as one is by activities either in the pew or on the altar that departs from the sacrifice. Weekday mass is easier because it is not as distracting by the fewer numbers attending. It’s just my own fault for not being more personally disciplined…
My sister was an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist and witnessed so much disrespect, she couldn’t continue. She explained her concerns to the curate who felt she was overreacting. On her last night of duties she was standing close to the priest during Communion distribution when a young woman came forward to the priest, received the host in her hand then walked away without consuming. My sister looked at the priest and he gazed back at her visibly upset. I am not suggesting any connection but the dear young priest left the parish suddenly, having been given a terminal diagnosis the following week. P.S. I can’t understand why neither of them chased after her. I would have.
Clare, I believe this happens more often than anyone knows. I can see how easy this can occur, especially when Extraordinary ministers are distributing communion. They may feel uncomfortable stopping someone when they do not see them consume the host. This is a real problem and needs addressed universally…but no one will…..a mystery to me.
Altar rails are used where I go to Mass, otherwise I wouldn't be able to kneel. I was managing fine receiving on the tongue until the covid controversy. The hype about the possibility of the priest's hand touching the tongue made me so jittery that saying Amen before opening my mouth has become a huge issue. I think it might be a touch of scruples and I don't normally suffer from scruples - far from it.
Sometimes I say amen way before the priest says the Body of Christ I’m fine with that because I know it’s because I want to receive on the tongue Kneeling at the altar rail is really the best because a person is looking up at the priest and the Host That facilitates the safest reception of the Host
In my Novus Ordo parish I attended until last year, we had a few instances when someone would walk away with the Host, and thankfully our priests would literally call out and chase after them until they received properly. We had a priest a time or two address this in his homilies and ask everyone to receive before walking away.
Once a year our priest in his homily goes over the proper reception of the Eucharist for those receiving by hand including the required bow of reverence prior to the reception. He doesn’t just talk about how it’s to be done but physically shows what people should be doing. How to hold your hands, step to one side and raising the host to your mouth. He is very adamant about nor walking back to your pew as you do this. Personally I’m not sure why people have issues receiving on the tongue.
This should be how this is handled if receiving in the hand. I don’t know the training policy on this, but I don’t doubt that there are violations on a regular basis even if they are taught to wittiness it being consumed…I’ve seen it myself. There needs to be training for the parishioners as well. They need to be taught to consume the blessed sacrament immediately. No one should be leaving holding it in their hand. Not only were host twice found in the church parking lot, they’ve been found on the floor near a church pew. This is preventable, but few seem to care or even mention it. Is it any wonder that these sacrilegious acts and the lack of overall respect given to the blessed sacrament has contributed to the horrible decline in the belief that this is truly the body and blood of Jesus. It would take minimal effort to correct this …why isn’t it? My apologies Jesus…
I wish all pastors would review the proper way to receive at least twice a year…we all need reminded. When everyone received on the tongue with a patin, problems were a rare occurrence.
Just got back from a three day Carmelite retreat. Mass everyday with over 100 in attendance. I must report Everyone received Communion on the tongue. And Friday night the outdoor Fatima Mass was attended by several thousand with a candlelight procession. It was so beautiful!
I am so jealous. Heaven. I should really be receiving on the tongue at the Novus Ordo Mass but am too embarrassed. 100 in attendance seems a huge success. Carmelite too, could not be better. I retire in six months and hope to have more time to pray. I prefer personal prayer rather than retreats and so will try to spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Lots of time. But you have given me an idea. Perhaps a pilgrimage.
Have you been to Mejugorje (sp)? A lady at the retreat was inviting me to go but I don’t know if I could leave my husband for that long. He’s 79 and really depends on me. But I would love to.
Yes, that's awesome, Katfalls! Praise the Lord. We badly need to restore devotion, love and reverence for our Eucharistic Lord in the present day. I wish everyone would receive kneeling and on the tongue. Maybe one day we'll all go back to that. God Bless.
My husband and I went to Mass for the first time in over 2 years. Long story. Also a new parish as we have moved. Everyone went up, took communion in the hand and then dipped the host themselves in the chalice. I received by mouth and as far as I know was the only one. I started a few years ago only wearing skirts or dresses and recently made the decision to veil. No other women in the church veil. Is it common now to received communion in hand and dip host in blood yourself? I don't want to do this.