Lucia is uncertain when the third apparition of the angel occurred, sometime in late September or in October, 1916, is her recollection. Having gone to the Cabeco with their flocks, and being more attentive to the words of the angel, they immediately knelt down to pray the prayer taught them by the angel, "My God, I believe, I adore, I hope in, and I love Thee; I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope in, and do not love Thee! After we had repeated this prayer I don't know how many times we saw shining over us a strange light. We lifted our heads to see what was happening; the Angel was holding in his left hand a chalice and over it, in the air, was a host from which drops of blood fell into the chalice. The Angel leaves the chalice in the air, kneels near us and tells us to repeat three times: Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly, and I offer You the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. And by the infinite merits of His most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners. After that he rose, took again in his hand the chalice and the host. The host he gave to me and the contents of the chalice he gave to Jacinta and Francisco, saying at the same time, "Eat and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ terribly outraged by the ingratitude of men. Offer reparation for their sakes and console God." Once more he bowed to the ground repeating with us the same prayer thrice: Oh, Most Holy Trinity, etc...and disappeared. Overwhelmed by the supernatural atmosphere that involved us, we imitated the Angel in everything, kneeling prostrate as he did and repeating the prayers he said. It was in this way that catechized in prayer, reparative suffering, and the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, and strengthened by the Bread of Angels, that the children of Fátima were prepared for the visitation of the Queen of Portugal, the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Copyright 2017 EWTN _________________________________________________________________ It fascinates me that the Blood in the Chalice derived from the Sacred Host, demonstrating that the Host we receive contains both the Body and Blood of the Lord! What an indescribable gift is Holy Communion! Lord, I am not worthy!
Hi everyone, I am from N. Ireland and it was good to see some minor relaxations of Covid restrictions at Mass this morning. No mention, however of relaxing the most important restriction i.e. a return to receiving Communion on the tongue. I will be writing to my Bishop this week to ask when he foresees the return of the 'Preffered' method of Eucharistic reception. I would ask others to think about doing the same.
The choice to receive Holy Eucharist on the tongue was available in the diocese of Portsmouth UK since early on in the lockdown. Please God more diocese will make this Christ centred act of Faith available everywhere, in the Holy Name of Jesus, Amen.
About 20 years ago at a weekday Mass, as I was receiving the host, which was part of the one broken by the priest, a piece dropped to the floor. I searched for it afterwards but never found it. I made a vow to myself that I would receive only on the tongue and if I stood out then it was a mortification for not spotting and catching the flake as it fell. I have done so ever since and most usually I’m the only one who does not receive in the hand.
Clare, have you read Bishop Schneider's new post 'Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary' petition to be recited daily. In it he petitions for a return to receiving Holy Eucharist on the tongue in stronger words than I would have ever thought possible. Here is the new prayer post Consecration. O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Holy Mother of God, and our tender Mother, look upon the distress in which the whole of mankind is living due to the spread of materialism, godlessness, and the persecution of the Catholic Faith. In our own day, the Mystical Body of Christ is bleeding from so many wounds caused within the Church by the unpunished spread of heresies, the justification of sins against the Sixth Commandment, the seeking of the kingdom of earth rather than that of heaven, the horrendous sacrileges against the Most Holy Eucharist, especially through the practice of Communion in the hand, and the Protestant shaping of the celebration of the Holy Mass. Amidst these trials appeared the light of the consecration of Russia to thine Immaculate Heart by the Pope, in union with the world’s bishops. In Fatima thou didst request the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays of the month. Implore thy Divine Son to grant a special grace to the Pope, that he might approve the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. May Almighty God hasten the time when Russia will convert to Catholic unity, mankind will be given a time of peace, and the Church will be granted an authentic renewal in the purity of the Catholic Faith, the sacredness of divine worship, and the holiness of Christian life. O Mediatrix of all graces, O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and our sweet Mother, turn thine eyes of mercy towards us and graciously hear this our trusting prayer. Amen.
I too offer it as a mortification. I have felt for a very long time that Holy Communion should always be on the tongue. During covid however under orders from the Bishop I received in the hand.
I feel the same way but there is little we can do until Church reforms come that will cleanse the House of God.
The bishop in Derry has relaxed everything except communion in the hand - but hes 'recommended' the continuing wearing of masks. Actually, no blood of Christ either. Some priests in some chapels have kept the spacing between the seats. The gel on the hands is very overt, almost a demonstration of compliance - the way its so visibly applied. I detest the stuff. We recently heard that our chapel is to be closed and our parish amalgamated with a neighbouring one. Sad sign of the times... The homilys are awful. The consecration wasn't mentioned. All issues covered are marshmallow, apple-pie. Saying that, our two priests are older. There's not much fight left in them. I know we're not to despair but, well... we could be doing with a lift.
I heard an Anglican woman, 'Priest', this morning on the Radio (actually it should be priestess) giving a little talk for the Season. I listened carefully out of interest and related it to the Gospel and Christian Faith. It didn't relate at all. Not to Scripture or any Christian beliefs. It was a kind of Psycho, could do better touchy feeley, cheer you up pep talk. I think that is one good way to check if a Homily really is a Homily, how it ties into the read Scripture, which is what a Homily is supposed to be about.
I would say, regarding Communion on the tongue if you have any doubts at all, why would you do it? Why take the risk?
A local pastor after finding host in his parking lot on two occasions recently, is now not allowing anyone to leave the altar until he can actually see them consume the host. Additionally, they must say Amen. This is most definitely a danger of communion in the hand. There are those who hold it and never consume it. God only knows what happens to the body of Christ.
Yes. There is also the well know fact that Satanists use the host in their infernal rituals, even going so far as to steal the very Tabernacles themselves. We lock the front doors and windows of our homes and campers. We always lock our cars. We lock our computers and cards with pin numbers. We take care when we walk at nights or in strange areas. Why would we not make every effort to secure the actual Body of Christ? I suspect the clerics who arranged all this did not have an active and real belief that it actually is the Body of Christ. I also note that the behaviour surrounding the reception of the host in the hand grows more and more ax as the years roll on. For instance people walk longer and longer distances before they consume the host. Originally they were supposed to take it right away. People were originally intended to frame their hands into a little cup or throne for the host. This is also often not done now. Also pretty well everyone receives the host now. Which presupposes that everyone is in a State of Grace. A very,very big supposition.
My position on this has always been quite simple. The Creator has made Himself present in an unfathomable manner in the sacrament of the eucharist. Kneeling down as a symbol of adoration is the only fitting manner to receive. We know for a fact receiving standing in the hand is directly to undermine the Church's teaching. It is that simple.
Exactly! When we are prompted by the Holy Spirit to be more reverent, why not obey? If we feel out of place or uncomfortable because we are the only ones doing it, just offer it up. If the Spirit prompts us in these ways and we refuse, could we be sending Him away sad? Just a thought...
I have travelled a long way on this. I was a Eucharistic Minister for many, many years. I once thought to myself, 'If the Church approves it how can it be wrong?' But it was always a lot more complicated than that. I think a lot of changes have been introduced by the back door. It troubles me. I believe Pope Paul was right when he spoke of the Smoke of Satan entering the Church. I think a lot of people pulled Fast Moves on us all. They keep quoting Vatican 2 on all this, but I think a lot of it was never the intention or in the remotest mind of the Councul Fathers...
Years ago, a priest( who was later removed from ministry) refused to give the body of Christ while we knelt. Today, I try to genuflect before receiving…I’m sure some object to this, but I haven’t been refused. A friend recently told me she was refused communion on the tongue and the priest was actually angry. When she then agreed to receive it in her hand, he practically threw it into her hand. He used the body of Christ as a act of anger. It’s no wonder that people get disgusted. How that must have offended Our Lord…