I find confession and sins like an onion. When you start peeling it, you find more layers underneath. My first time back to confession in Modern times I only remembered one sin that was really troubling me at that time. And the same a number of times in the meantime. I made what I thought was a huge confession in 2021. I thought I had everything covered. But lately I thought of even more stuff some even from my childhood that I hadn't confessed before. As far as I know all previous confessions are valid once you weren't deliberately leaving stuff out. But when you do remember sins that you haven't confessed before you should confess these sins as soon as possible.
I must ask the priest about this the next time I am in Confession. I know the Saints who heard confessions often reminded people about long ago forgotten sins, but I think this was because they had just returned to the Sacrament after years away. I think I would have needed to have been a super computer to remember all my sins. But it is a grace to recall some of them after all these years as it gives me such good graces of humility and spiritual self awareness. I read this from Catholic Answers: https://www.catholic.com/qa/what-if...a-sin-and-remembered-it-later-was-it-absolved Question: If I cannot recall if I mentioned a particular sin the last time I went to confession but recall it now, should I mention it in my next confession, or was it absolved already? Answer: It was absolved already. If it is a venial sin, you do not need to confess it. If it was a mortal sin, it was absolved, provided you at least implicitly intended to mention it if you had remembered it. What this means is that you confessed all known sins and would have confessed whatever others you committed had you recalled them. So if you now recall a mortal sin, mention it the next time you go to confession.
Also: https://rcspirituality.org/ask_a_priest/ask-priest-previously-forgotten-mortal-sins-need-confessed/ A: The Council of Trent said that confession must be complete in number and species with respect to mortal sin, although without having to go into lurid details. There is a great difference between inadvertently forgetting a sin and deliberately concealing it. In the first case the sin is forgiven by the sacramental grace, in the second the sacrament is invalid and one has also committed a mortal sin of sacrilege. Which means none of the sins confessed are forgiven. So all mortal sins would have to be confessed the next time. If one remembers a mortal sin that was left out by accident, then, yes, one should confess it at the next opportunity. This is so as to complete the former confession. Thus, to deliberately withhold mention of a previously forgotten mortal sin would seem to be grave matter. Remembering the sin does not place one in mortal sin again, and it is not necessary to rush to confession. It is enough to mention it at the next regular confession; and one may continue to receive Communion in the meantime. Plenty of online guides offer advice on making an examen of conscience, such as
Well went to 7am Mass this morning and heard such a totally heretical Modernist speech it left me gasping; even if it was a homily from a wicked old priest who I already knew to be an out and out Modernist. He informed us at once that Lent is not about Fasting and Penance or trying to change ourselves. No Lent, it seems is about changing the world around us and bring things and people together. He claimed that anything we did should be subject to the question, 'Did I change the World around me?' If it did it was good, if not then it was useless. Another great reason for Lent was that we are about, 'Bringing things and people together'. Its always really, really shocking hearing heresy openly preached. I found this wicked nonsense so sickening I actually said, 'No!' out loud on one occasion.Its rather like having a bucket of urine and faeces poured over me..and from the altar too. I felt a kind of sad sickness as my eyes wandered around the Church and the thought came to wonder how many poor, poor souls were actually swallowing this stupid unCatholic Filth, the , 'Social Gospel', of man and thinking it was true? Sigh.
St John Henry Cardinal Newman wrote the words to Lead, Kindly Light. The video you posted was beautiful.
Thank you Padraig. Over the last 2 years I have been shown the many mortal sins of my past. They disgust me. I am left bereft. I say an act of contrition and I wonder whether I actually stated these in previous confessions. Lately I mention them in confession and I state that I don't know whether I have already confessed them. At times I am so embarrassed to mention them and after confessing them I feel humbled and almost despised, if not by the priest at least by myself. I so want to write out a general confession and ask one of our priests to listen to this monolog (I know it would take near an hour). It will be hard, even to write them down, but I am hoping that by stating how very sinful I am, I do not go into a spiritual depression of despondency and despair. I have that fear. I have been graced by God to have an increased prayer life (which praise God I have not waivered from) however I now seem to be assaulted during prayer. It is in prayer that my sins are revealed to me and during the remaining of that prayer time, I seem to go through strange emotions. These emotions take the form visions. I feel so unworthy of Gods Love and Mercy. I see myself as the worm I am. I remain in prayer but normally receive no consolation. The thought of my offence to God is ever before my eyes. I sometimes place a veil or blanket over myself in the privacy of my room so I can hide from God, while I pray. I know I sound like an idiot, and this is probably the case. This Lent I want to do as St Therese the Little flower did. Offer all my little sacrifices to Him without resentment, by that I mean, to not analyse the narcissistic behaviour of those close to me, I need many graces. The surrender prayer to Jesus has become my go to prayer over the last few days and I have added it into my morning prayers. Apparently this is one of my Lenten sacrifices. Thank you Lord! How Beautiful. O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times)
I was praying about this this morning in Church and the Good Lord showed me that I was not to be concerned over these things that my sins not matter how bad have all been forgiven. How could it be otherwise? Big sinners need big, big trust in God. That is a big grace too. Saint Mary of Bethlehem says that great sinners have this great advantage over all other in this. We can take the knowledge of our past sins and use them as fertiliser piling them around our soul to make them grow. Those who have been forgiven a very great deal will love a very great deal because they have all the more reason to love. So the little ship of my soul will sail into the sea of Lent and life with confidence. When Jesus forgives He forgives, He never half forgives and unlike with us who may forgive but always remember with Jesus with forgiveness He forgets. I will trust Him in this and move onwards and upwards. Luke 7:47 Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”
I think you are being put in the refiners fire because Our Lord is drawing you very close. When you think of those sins bring them in simplicity to confession and know that the devil will always try to torment you with guilt but the Blood of Christ has already covered those sins. The surrender prayer is such a wonderful prayer. Your grief over past sins is a beautiful act of love for Jesus as long as you don't cling to the guilt. These are things have learned. Its hard for sure but I have a prayer I frequently say: "Sacred Heart of Jesus i believe in Your love for me and in Your mercy which is greater than all the sins I have committed."
I was drinking a cup of coffee this morning and the poor dog sat down before me turning begging eyes upwards looking for a treat. But since it is Lent I have nothing to give the poor thing.No cake or biscuits. It occurs to me that the dog will be doing Lent alongside me although he never signed off on it. But since he is a good Catholic dog I am sure he will get used to it. May God reward the poor animal for his patience.
I am feeling a lot better Barbara. Praying for you and yours at Mass this morning. It was funny when I went down with the flu the poor dog went down with Kennel cough, so the both of us are coughing together.
I hope you Lent is going well! The first Sunday of Lent this morning. Jumped on the scale this morning and to me delight I have lost five pounds, so pleased, a pound a day.. Lent is challenging but a delight. One thing is keeping me on the straight and narrow is that time is flashing by so quickly. 40 days will be gone in no time. All the same it is very hard, a sign of how spoilt I have become.
Padraig in difference to you and probably many other holy Catholics even on this site, Lent has never been a delight for me. The Lord in His great Mercy has always provided many penances for me during Lent. Possibly because I do so little. So thank you Jesus. Over the last few years of lent, I have tried to offer a more significant sacrifice to the Lord, however, the Lord has seen fit to add additionally sufferings to my Lenten penances; this year is no different. I pray the Lord gives me and all members of the MoG site, the grace of courage, forbearance and humility to carry these crosses. I am, without God, a hopeless case.