What does it mean When Mari Loli Said Communisim would Dominate the world before the warning

Discussion in 'GARABANDAL LIBRARY' started by sponsa Christi, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Byron

    Byron Powers

    That has already happened in Europe without Putin. Try going against the E.U., and see what happens to you socially and economically. Heck, it’s happening here in the U.S. Even Whoopie wants to arrest citizens who don’t want a war against Russia.
    Jo M likes this.
  2. Except Woopie doesn't have tanks.
    Luan Ribeiro, Carol55 and Jo M like this.
  3. Mario

    Mario Powers

  4. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Putin's risk goes beyond the persecution of opponents, some who
    who die in very mysterious circumstances; it involves the relationship of church and state, since in russia the subservience of the orthodox church to the government jeopardizes the inviolability of the sacrament of confession.
    Carol55 likes this.
  5. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Yes, of course. But that’s where Pope Francis and our prayers must make a difference. The consecration of Russia, if done correctly, will convert the Orthodox Church. Putin’s war in Ukraine is a product of the world’s sins. I knew the moment Biden was given the Presidency we were in trouble.
    Luan Ribeiro likes this.
  6. grimisocks

    grimisocks Archangels

    Whoopi Goldberg marries the famous actor Gerard Depardieu. Now her name is Whoopi Doopi Doo
  7. Byron

    Byron Powers

  8. Byron

    Byron Powers

  9. terces

    terces New Member

    First and foremost some links. I'm not much of a mainstream media guy because it is almost always propoganda. I like to try and find unbiased links. Some below IMHO. Please note that some videos from thedreizinreport.com and PatrickLancasterNewsToday contain very very distrubing images. Disturbing meaning ripped to pieces corpses on occasion.





    Those links out of the way I can currently see the real possibility of Russia going into Europe. Mainly because they have devastated the Ukrainian military, even with the Ukrainians having been trained to be very NATO compatible and supplied with NATO weapons. US and European weapons systems have had little effect on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Currently Russia is doing exactly what they promised in that they are eliminating any threat from Ukraine and killing off all of the N-a-z-i-s. BTW the US Howitzers have not helped them one iota it seems.

    Something I have gleaned is that Europe has not kept its military up to date and depended on NATO (meaning the US) to defend them. Europe is "very" vulnerable. A chunk of what little they do have got shipped to Ukraine to be destroyed by Russia. Or sold on the black market. Think about those stinger missles (man portable ground to air missle to take out aircraft) next time you board a plane. Who has purchased them??

    Russia has proven "VERY" capable at conventional warfare. The west will not beat them. Pelosi, Schumer, and that installed (two of the "least" liked primary candidates, nobody went to their rally, yet got 80+ million votes??) puppets have gotten us all into a vary bad situation. Want to talk about "evil" people then let's talk about those folks.

    I think the "west" is going to do something really stupid since their sanctions and weapons have had pretty much zero effect on Russia. And when they do that Russia is going to roll on Europe almost unopposed. Then, the west will do something even more stupid (perhaps Turkey, Saudi involved?) and Russia will pull out a card they have been holding in reserve. A thing mentioned in Alois Irlmeir's prophetic vision perhaps? Or Lucy's vision "The tip of the spear as a flame"?

    Then we are all going to have a very bad day. But it is God's will and it will set love and forgiveness in our hearts. No more casual judgment of man upon man. We will become our brother's keeper and assist any person we see in pain. Love will pour out of us without effort.
    Mmary, Mario, AED and 1 other person like this.
  10. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    How it all plays out is unknown, but these days it sure seems like we're all watching a movie that we've seen before and the scenes keep playing out one after another.

    But I believe you have a good grasp of what it will be like after it, whatever "it" is, occurs. Get seeds, food in the ground clean water, backup communications, be networked with trusted neighbors, and be ready to help those around you who will be caught unaware. And no matter how dark it gets...Trust God, He has a plan :)
  11. Whatever

    Whatever Powers

    All the links in your post are to reports by people who claim to be independent or neutral but display a distinct bias in favour of Russia. They are worth reading/watching to help form a more balanced opinion but it's probably best to take them all with a pinch of salt. If Communism comes again (and that seems to be the way we're headed) I doubt that it will be via a Russian invasion of Europe. It's more likely to be preceded by civil unrest in response to government over-reach and mismanagement by Western governments using media to condition the masses to accept totalitarianism under the guise of democracy. Putin is no fool. It's not in Russia's interests to invade Europe. Land-locking the boundaries of Ukraine would probably be his preferred outcome but he would need some kind of agreement with NATO. Without an agreement re-drawing Ukraine's boundaries and keeping Ukraine out of NATO, there will be ongoing conflict which would suit the US, so he may feel he has no option but to take all of Ukraine.

    The latest Grayzone video is very telling. Fergie Chambers is a Communist and the Blumenthal guy comes across as favouring at least a soft type of Communism which tends to be passed off as democratic socialism. Unfortunately, it's hard to argue with much of what they say about what this war is all about and what's happening on the ground. I get the impression that they see this war as an opportunity to spread Communism among disaffected people in Western democracies - working class people who suffer most from war as well as idealistic University students who have been brainwashed into believing that capitalism is synonymous with elitist corruption. Unfortunately, Western politicians, especially EU leaders, are playing right into their hands. I agree with Chambers' opinion that the elites fear the masses, and I get the impression that this war is their way of protecting their power and privilege. Keeping the US$ as the world's reserve currency seems to be of paramount importance. If the war ensures that, then it will have been a success for the US.

    Here's the video with Blumenthal and Chambers:

  12. terces

    terces New Member

    How are they favoring Russia? They are telling you what is going on. And yes, the communism is for us, not Russia. It's been occurring for three years now and probably about to get worse.

    I like every bit of insight I can get. If you have any links pass them on, and thank you. :)

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