What does it mean When Mari Loli Said Communisim would Dominate the world before the warning

Discussion in 'GARABANDAL LIBRARY' started by sponsa Christi, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Whatever

    Whatever Powers

    Luan, has it occurred to you that Heaven might be giving us a chance (many chances) to clean house before converting Russia to the one true faith?
    josephite, Beth B, Byron and 3 others like this.
  2. AED

    AED Powers

    Good point.
    Byron, Beth B and Sam like this.
  3. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I think God is raising up Russia to punish the West for apostasy as He raised up many unconverted empires to punish Israel's apostasy; as for instance Babylon; Assyria and the Roman Empire, in the course of the war or at the end of it, I believe that Russia will be converted with the reunification of the Churches.
    Beth B, Byron, Sam and 2 others like this.
  4. Basto

    Basto Guest

    1922 - 2022 ...did you get it?


    By 1922, the balance of power had shifted and the Bolsheviks had emerged victorious, forming the Soviet Union with the unification of the Russian, Transcaucasian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian republics.

    Interestingly, Russia began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, precisely 100 years after the formation of the Soviet Union. This is no coincidence, it is planned. A few days earlier, Vladimir Putin visited China. This is no accident, it is agreed.

    Byron likes this.
  5. AED

    AED Powers

    Dates have meaning. In a worldly sense but especially in a spiritual sense.
    Byron, Sam and Basto like this.
  6. Perhaps Putin will stop at the Ukraine...For a couple years.

    From Glen's post.
    I think it bears repeating:


    Many think this virus is the "pre-warning Tribulation", I am sorry to say it is not,and what is in store for the world is even worse ,as many prophecies predict. I took the time to make a collection of prophecy quotes to let you see my point of why our Blessed Mother at Garabandal & Fatima asked for the conversion of Russia, as she saw the future, and what is at stake. PLEASE lets keep the comments on this topic, for this thread. ( It always seems to deviate somehow). THANK YOU.


    An excerpt from the above mentioned German book(The Finger of God by Albrect Weber ) further informs us:
    Mrs. [Christine] Bocabeille then asked Mari Loli: "If you are not allowed to tell me the exact year [of the Warning],
    perhaps you could tell me approximately when it will happen."
    "Yes, it will be at that time when the world will most need it."
    "When is that?"
    "When Russia will unexpectedly and suddenly overrun and overwhelm a great part of the free world. God does not want this to happen so quickly. In any case the Warning will come when you will see that Holy Mass cannot be
    celebrated freely anymore; then it will be that the world will most need the intervention of God."
    Of all the visionaries, Mari Loli has revealed the most of what Our Lady said about communism. Would the persecution just be in Europe? When Loli was asked that question she responded that the way she saw it, she thought it would be more than that. Conchita's Aunt Antonia testified to having heard the visionaries say in ecstasy that "if we don't amend our ways, Russia will take possession of the whole world." If that be the case, then the persecution will in all likelihood go beyond the confines of Europe. But it appears that Europe will feel the brunt of it as the following excerpt from Garabandal-Der Zeigefinger Gottes by Albrecht Weber indicates:
    Conchita mentioned that Padre Pio, during her visit with him, said to her "The great wonder of God [Miracle] must be paid for with much blood throughout Europe." [Since this information is new to many English readers we contacted Mr. Weber to confirm the source. He responded that Conchita mentioned it in the presence of his mother, Eloise Deguia and himself, and that his mother wrote it down word for word.]
    In 1965, Conchita had already said, “when communism comes again, everything will happen”. When questioned if this meant that communism would go away before then, Conchita replied, I don’t know, the Blessed Virgin simply said : “ when communism comes again “
    Mari Loli later went on to say “Russia will suddenly & unexpectedly overrun and overwhelm a great part of the free world “. These comments clearly refer to a Communist takeover led by Russia which will appear to have succeeded and in the midst of this frightful aggression will be a harrowing persecution of the Church. Priests will have to go into hiding, Churches will be boarded up and it will become very difficult for the faithful to practice their religion or for Holy Mass to be celebrated freely.
    On February 23, 1943, Sister Lucy, the sole surviving seer of the Fatima apparitions who spent 21 years in Spain at Tuy and Pontevedra, sent a statement to Bishop Antonio Garcia of Tuy-Vigo which read: "If the bishops of Spain listen to the desires already manifested by Our Lord, and begin a true reform of the people and clergy, then it I will go well. But if not, she (Russia) will again be the enemy by which God will punish her once more." And Conchita has said that communism will return to Spain, [Garabandal—Nuevo Pentecostes, 1984] but she went on to say that it will suffer less than other areas of Europe because of the persecution it had already endured during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) where 13 bishops and more than 7,000 priests and religious were put to death.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Friday May 4, 1962
    On that day, Mari-Loli and Conchita received new and prophetic revelations about the future tribulations of the brief yet very difficult time of the Pre-Aviso.(Aviso is Spanish for “ Warning”)
    Conchita said also during her ecstasy that “ Communism will come back also in Spain “. The Blessed Virgin also predicted to the visionary that “ the Pope would go to Russia, to Moscow” , and as soon as the Sovereign Pontiff would return to the Vatican, successive violent persecutions would break out here, and there in Europe”
    Tom Fahy confirmed to me (Glenn), that when he interviewed Albrecht Weber in 2006 for research for his book "Suddenly and Unexpectedly", Albrecht told him that when the Pope returns from Moscow " there would be a revolution at the VATICAN", involving Northern Spain, Italy & France, from the advance of " Communism ". 9-15-17
    Sam, Beth B and Basto like this.
  7. Basto

    Basto Guest

    Yes, looking at present events, it seems that this moment is imminent. A couple of years is perhaps a very optimistic hypothesis, but possible.
  8. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    March 10, 2022
    Russia Lays Groundwork For Nationalizing Foreign Companies Amid Fallout From Ukraine War
    A woman walks past a closed re:Store, an Apple reseller shop, at a mall in St. Petersburg, Russia.
    Russia's Economic Development Ministry has drafted legislation aimed at preventing the mounting exit of international businesses from Russia over the war in Ukraine, and potentially laying the groundwork for nationalizing them.

    The bill envisions that the state-owned Vnesheconombank and the state export-guarantee agency would have the right to seize the property of foreign companies that left Russian markets of their own accord.

    The bill comes as a growing number of major international companies have announced they will suspend operations in the country, or pull out altogether, in connection with Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    McDonald's To Close Restaurants In Russia, Says Conflict 'Has Caused Unspeakable Suffering'

    The legislation "is the first step toward the nationalization of foreign organizations leaving Russia," said the ruling United Russia party, which dominates parliament and routinely rubber-stamps government or Kremlin initiatives.

    According to the Izvestia newspaper, the ministry has already sent to the government and the Prosecutor-General's Office a list of some 60 foreign companies that have left the Russian market and may be nationalized.

    Among other businesses, the list includes Volkswagen, Apple, IKEA, Microsoft, IBM, Shell, McDonald's, Porsche, H&M, and others.
    Basto likes this.
  9. Basto

    Basto Guest

    History repeats itself...
    Luan Ribeiro likes this.
  10. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I think Belarus as a nation aligned with Putin will follow the same path and if Putin succeeds in annexing Ukraine we will have 3 nations of the former Soviet Union under a socialist economic policy.
  11. Basto

    Basto Guest

    I don't know, communism as an economic system has collapsed and it's still not clear what this new wave of communism will look like. What exists today in Russia is something else, even China is today a capitalist power operating in world markets. What is most worrying in these autocratic systems is repression and lack of freedom, particularly religious freedom.
    Luan Ribeiro likes this.
  12. Basto

    Basto Guest

    Chinese television reporter follows the movements of Russian aggression against Ukraine, dressed in invading army body armour.

    The communist People's Republic of China has maintained a tacitly "neutral" position towards the crimes of the Putinist dictatorship, its ally.
    Carol55 likes this.
  13. Basto

    Basto Guest

    Russian Catholic: Current ‘situation very like the atheist Soviet Union’

    A person is detained by police during an anti-war protest in Moscow Feb. 24, 2022, after Russia invaded Ukraine. The sign reads "No war." Criminal Code amendments, passed March 4 by the parliament, allowed for heavy fines and jail terms up to 15 years for "public dissemination of falsehoods about the use of Russia's armed forces." (CNS photo/Evgenia Novozhenina, Reuters)

    WARSAW, Poland (CNS) — A Catholic professor said Russia’s clergy fear arrest if they question the war against Ukraine and warned the church now faced a “new era of silence.”

    “Prayers for an immediate cease-fire are being said in parishes — but priests can no longer speak publicly,” said the lay Catholic, who asked not to be named.

    “We are back in a situation very like the atheist Soviet Union, when a priest must turn up the radio or TV so as not to be overheard by the special services. They’re explaining they don’t want to say anything that could harm the Catholic community, or see them thrown in jail with their churches closed.”

    The Catholic spoke to Catholic News Service March 10 as Russia’s war against Ukraine entered its third week and the Russian government clamped down on all nonofficial news and information. Criminal Code amendments, passed March 4 by the Russian Duma, allowed for heavy fines and jail terms up to 15 years for “public dissemination of falsehoods about the use of Russia’s armed forces,” while high-profile media outlets, including the religious Credo Press website, have now been closed.

    The professor said many Catholics had friends and family members in Ukraine and remained well-informed about events, but added that priests could face prison if they used the wrong words in homilies.

    “Though Catholics are divided over this war, with some supporting it, most have a good enough grasp of the church’s social teaching to differentiate between a just and an aggressive war,” the Catholic told CNS.

    “Many brave Catholics are compensating for their clergy’s reticence by freely calling things by their real names.”

    The lay Catholic said Russia’s Catholic bishops had barred the publication of a March 6 Angelus message by the pope, describing the offensive as “not merely a military operation, but a war sowing death,” to avoid “possible harm, damage and persecution” under the new legal curbs.

    The spokesman for Russia’s five-member bishops’ conference, Father Kirill Gorbunov, told CNS March 8 that the bishops would debate the new law on “public dissemination of falsehoods” at their March 15 plenary.

    The professor said the information crackdown was “easily circumvented” by encrypted news sources and virtual private networks, but was likely to remain in force indefinitely.

    “Russia’s public sphere is dominated right now by the logic of us and them — and it’s easy to identify Catholics when you’re looking for an enemy,”
    said the Catholic professor.

    “This is why no one is blaming our clergy for not raising their voices, as Catholic teaching would otherwise require. The generations who lived through communism especially understand the need for caution.”

    The lay Catholic said many church members feared unemployment and poverty from Western sanctions, while Catholic dioceses and religious orders already faced difficulties receiving donations from abroad.

    The professor added that many Catholics were leaving Russia to avoid a feared military crackdown and possible army draft, while priests ministering in the country from NATO countries, such as Poland and Germany, could also face pressure to return home.

    “Many people are expecting a new Iron Curtain to fall, closing our borders and cutting our access to the world. Although the police are busy with other tasks right now, they could soon turn on us. Our church may now be facing a new era of silence.”
    Luan Ribeiro likes this.
  14. Let's see..

    The State is seizing private industry. People are not allowed to speak out against the government. Priests are fearful of repercussions if they mention an unjust war.

    To me Communism has come again. And Russia is spilling blood to control other nations.

    But still some are blaming others for this completely unjust war.

    When he rolls over all the other former Soviet countries perhaps people will open thier eyes.
    Carol55, AED, Byron and 1 other person like this.
  15. Basto

    Basto Guest

    That's what Roberto de Mattei has called the Putin's "collaborationist front" in the West.

  16. josephite

    josephite Powers

    I miss so much.
    Thank you Maria D, for alerting me and possible many others, to this grievous and outrageous attack on Jesus.

    This blasphemous assail on Our Divine Lord, (in His sanctuary) is apparently sanctioned by the Church authorities?..... without a whimper of disapproval by the one who should speak. Are our Hierarchy floating in the ozonosphere or flying in the aerosphere! Who knows! All we have at our disposable are the facts.

    These are the facts
    1) The above blasphemy is allowed by Catholic Church authorities
    2) The Reverent Traditional Latin Mass, is being outlawed by Catholic Church authorities.

    The link is in the next post .
    AED likes this.
  17. josephite

    josephite Powers

    The Link below!

    Austrian bishop hangs banner of nude trans activist over main altar for Lent
    The model's Instagram account shows many equivocal pictures of trans men, tortured faces, and homosexuals kissing, as well as a post about how abortion is a 'sacral' act
    screenshot / @bischof_hermann instagram

    LifeSiteNews) – The Catholic bishop of Innsbruck, Austria, inaugurated a “Lenten” decoration of the main altar of the historic University church of Saint John Nepomuk, a baroque jewel from the early 18th century. The “decoration” shows an enlarged partial inverted photograph of a naked young man with scars and tattoos lying on a bed and has been placed as an altarpiece above the tabernacle of the former main altar of the church. The piece of contemporary art by Carmen Brucic was specially chosen by Bishop Hermann Glettler, and bears the title: “Tired.”

    • Bishop Glettler has campaigned for the blessing of same-sex couples in the past (more on that later).

      In itself, the more-than-life-size picture (4.5 by 3 meters) is completely incongruous over an altar because it has no religious meaning. But the picture of this nude young man lying on his back in an exhausted attitude, barely missing the display of his genitalia, is doubly scandalous. Besides its obvious indecency in such a setting, it portrays a prominent figure of the “queer” scene in Tbilisi, thus openly glorifying a “gay” activist from Georgia whose image will remain over the tabernacle holding the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist until the end of Lent.

      The said young man, David Apakidze, 23, is half Georgian, half Ukrainian – a somewhat obvious way of presenting the photo installation as a reflection on the current Russian invasion of Ukraine. But he is better known as an activist of the Bassiani club where Georgian homosexuals, drag queens and other self-proclaimed promoters of sexual deviancy had found a “safe space” for techno music, rave parties, and “LGBTQ” performances. The club was founded in 2014 and hosted performances that can only be qualified as hellish. In May 2018, the club was raided by police and closed. Many later joined a public protest dubbed “rave-o-lution days” with crowds dancing non-stop in the streets to techno music. The club was reopened but closed again for many months due to COVID restrictions.

      At this time, Apakidze became a member of the “queer Georgian art collective” dedicated to “destroying toxic social norms.”

      “Tbilisi-based queer art collective Fungus thrive amid hostility. By creating unapologetically bold art and a supportive community, the group of 20 artists are carving out a safe space for queer youth in a society seeking to marginalize them. ‘Fungus thrives in damp and dark places,’ the group’s manifesto reads. ‘It plays a vital role in the ecology of the biosphere. By decomposing any organic matter, it creates rich soil. A counterculture prospers similarly,” explained The Calvert journal, an online magazine “exploring the contemporary culture and creativity of the New East: Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

      “Fungus,” “a very left-wing, liberal base” was formed to hold a queer art show alongside the Tbilisi Mercedes-Benz fashion week one year ago. The plan was stalled by COVID restrictions but the group went on to organize many events linked to the “Rave Revolution.”

      This is where Carmen Brucic, the Tyrolean photographer who was approached by Bishop Glettler to contribute to his “tired? lost? displaced?” art show that consists in the display of three “installations” in as many churches in Innsbruck this Lent. The bishop appears to have appreciated an exhibition she set up at the Tbilisi Photo Festival in Georgia in the summer of 2021: under the title “Private Stages,” it portrayed five activists of the “Rave Revolution.” Apakidze was one of them.

      Brucic chose to shoot her pictures of the young man in all his “fragility,” lying naked on a bed, adopting different poses. The photo chosen by Bishop Glettler focuses on Apakidze’s inclined face, chest and outstretched arm in a way that apes an inverted Crucifixion, showing the activist’s pierced nipple and multiple tattoos and scars on his inner arms due to self-harm.

      Contemporary art always asks for discussion because what the “discourse” about installations are part and parcel of every opus. In this case, it was Bishop Glettler who got the ball rolling by proclaiming that “the photo of the young man in the picture is from characterized by suffering and aggression against oneself.” The photo is “an expression of exhaustion and resistance,” he said, adding that “it is an ambivalence that was interesting to us. The arm forms a kind of ‘V’ as for ‘victory.’ In this respect, it is a very strong fasting and Easter symbol!”

      The bishop cannot have ignored Carmen Brucic’s other work, dark and tortured, abounding in images of death, waste, and de-structured human figures. Nor can he have missed the short video showing the artist’s work for the Tbilisi Festival, with its images of transexual men and the full series of the homo-erotic shots of Apakidze.

      Apakidze’s own Instagram account shows many equivocal pictures of trans men, tortured faces, homosexuals kissing, and altogether weird and disturbing young people who have no idea of their own dignity. It includes the photograph of a contemporary art exhibit labeled “Abortion Pills” set up – according to the “artist” – as “a corner of the icons of the Virgin Mary, which is an advertising campaign for abortion pills.”

      “Abortion is a sacral act in which a woman reclaims the right to reproduce,” Apakidze further comments.

      This man’s picture is now hiding the baroque altarpiece of an Austrian church, with the dubious blessing of the local bishop who not only inaugurated the work together with Carmen Brucic last Tuesday, but who claims full responsibility for choosing and organizing what must be a blasphemous installation, given the context.

      Hermann Glettler is not unknown to LifeSite readers. In January 2019, he announced that he would “host a set of seminars for divorced and ‘remarried’ couples, at the end of which the couples will be allowed to receive Holy Communion and a ‘celebration of reconciliation and of blessing,’” reported Maike Hickson at the time. These “seminars” were based on Amoris Laetitia, stated the website of the Austrian bishops’ conference.

      “Even if a second Church marriage is not possible,” explained Glettler, “we want to assure all couples that they have their place at the center of the Church.”

      “We rejoice that people, after experiences of failure in life, take courage again and dare to enter new relationships,” the diocese added.

      Two months later, Glettler allowed a “Jesus Clock” made from an upside down corpus with broken arms to be installed in the Spitalskirche in Innsbruck throughout Lent; he also allowed an artist to set up scaffolding featuring an inscription that read: “So long as God has a beard, I will be a feminist.”

      In 2020, he said that the Church’s doctrine that women cannot be ordained as priests is an “inequality” that is “difficult to justify.”

      In March 2021, Bishop Glettler reacted negatively to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s rejection of blessings for same-sex couples, instead encouraging the Church to welcome them: “As a church, we would like to offer all people who are gay, lesbian, or insecure about their sexuality a welcome and a spiritual home in the church – and not only at the point when they are celibate,” he told Kathpress in an interview. He called the CDF statement (that was approved by Pope Francis) a “disappointment for all who have hoped for a clearer sign of acceptance of homosexual couples.”
  18. josephite

    josephite Powers


    He added that the statement was a sort of “insult” and a signal telling them: “The way in which you are living is not right.” He suggested that family members of such pairs should bless them instead, putting an end to the discussion about the banning of Church blessings.

    Hermann Glettler, a member of the supposedly mainstream traditional “community of the Emmanuel” was named as bishop of Innsbruck in 2017 by Pope Francis, having already made a name for himself as a promoter and personal producer of contemporary art. In 2017, he staged an exhibition of his private art collection in Graz, Austria. His personal website includes a film of a music performance at the Glettler Privat exhibition which featured a defaced image of a statue of the Sacred Heart, a pile-up of kitsch statues of Our Lady of Fatima, and another statue of the Virgin of Fatima next to a primitive fertility statuette of a black woman.

    To LifeSite’s knowledge, Bishop Glettler has not been sanctioned for any of this, nor has he been publicly disavowed by the Catholic hierarchy
  19. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    UPDATE 1-Putin warns Russia against pro-Western 'traitors' and scum
    March 16, 2022, 3:04 pm
    * Putin says West wants to destroy Russia

    * Says Russians will quickly spot traitors among them

    * Kremlin critics fear intensification of clampdown (Adds details, reaction)

    LONDON, March 16 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday delivered a stark warning to Russian "traitors" who he said the West wanted to use as a "fifth column" to destroy the country.

    The Kremlin leader assailed Russians who he said were more mentally in tune with the West than Russia, and said the Russian people would quickly be able to tell the difference between traitors and patriots.

    "Of course they (the West) will try to bet on the so-called fifth column, on traitors - on those who earn their money here, but live over there. Live, not in the geographical sense, but in the sense of their thoughts, their slavish thinking," he told government ministers, three weeks into Russia's war with Ukraine.

    "Any people, and especially the Russian people, will always be able to distinguish the true patriots from the scum and the traitors, and just to spit them out like a midge that accidentally flew into their mouths."

    The venomous tone was striking even for Putin, who has for years been cracking down on domestic opponents and delivering bitter tirades against the West.

    Russian opposition politician Mikhail Kasyanov, who served as Putin's first prime minister in the early 2000s, condemned the remarks on Twitter.

    "Putin is intensifying his actions to destroy Russia and is essentially announcing the start of mass repressions against those who don't agree with the regime," he said. "This has happened in our history before, and not only ours."


    Putin said the West was trying to divide Russia and provoke civil confrontation with the help of its "fifth column".

    "And there is one aim - the destruction of Russia," he said, adding that Russia would repel such efforts.

    "I am convinced that this natural and necessary self-cleansing of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, cohesion and readiness to meet any challenge."

    Russia experts said the message was chilling.

    "Putin in an Orwellian way has divided the citizens of Russia into clean and unclean," wrote Andrei Kolesnikov, a Moscow-based political analyst.

    Since the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine, dissent in Russia has become even more dangerous.

    A law passed on March 4 makes public actions aimed at "discrediting" Russia's army illegal, and bans the spread of fake news, or the "public dissemination of deliberately false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

    Thousands of people have been detained while protesting against the war, which Russia calls a special military operation to demilitarise and "denazify" its democratic neighbour.

    Several leading independent media organisations have suspended their operations.

    Russia has opened at least three criminal cases against people for spreading what it calls fake news about the Russian army on Instagram and other social media, the Investigative Committee law enforcement agency said on Wednesday. (Reporting by Reuters, editing by Mark Trevelyan and Alexandra Hudson)
    Carol55 likes this.
  20. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I think this aggressive speech by Putin indicates what will happen in Europe with Catholics and any opponents of Putin if he succeeds in an expansionist military campaign.
    It seems to me something close to the chase that Conchita talked about.
    Carol55 likes this.

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