I lived in Portugal myself from 2017 to 2019, please be sure of it, I have not seen any other countries more Pope Francis than Portugal to date, thank you.
I never thought about it, but will the cities consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary be able to escape annihilation?
There is a fact related to the topic of this thread that is very unknown, especially in Portugal, which is described by the author Cristina Siccardi in her book "Fatima e la Passione della Chiesa" (2012). On August 19, 1999, in the archive of the Monastery of the Dominicans in Alba, Italy, some documents from the 17th century were rediscovered which incredibly referred to Fátima centuries before the apparitions toke place. One of them, dated 1655, refers to a prophecy from 1454 in these terms: «in Lusitânia, there is a church in a village called Fatima [...] and that a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary warned about extremely serious future events because Satan will wage a terrible war but will lose, because the Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima, Mother of God and most holy rosary, 'stronger than an army formed for battle' will overcome him FOREVER." Others refer: a "monster" "that will be defeated by Our Lady of the Rosary of Phatima" in Portugal "if all men invoke her with an intense spirit of penance". Source: https://www.cristinasiccardi.it/fulgores-de-fatima/
There is a little known fact that our Lady appeared previously in Fatima when she appeared to a little deaf girl who was tending her sheep - the girl spoke and our Lady asked for a chapel to be built there - It is known as the sanctuary of our Lady of Ortiga - urtiga being the Portuguese word for nettles. A beautiful statue was found amidst nettles as a sign that is where the Church was to be built The thing is that I cannot find an exact date for this apparition nor the name of the little shepherdess - the present church dates to the seventeenth century but there may well have been an earlier one - Could the 1454 prophecy come from the little shepherdess of Ortiga? The prophecy says 'a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary warned about an extremely serious future events' - and a statue was found amidst nettles? The little deaf girl was cured and able to speak so I am sure this event was relayed to the Pope and the Vatican at that time. I did find a link on miracle hunter that indicated this apparition dates to the 1400's. https://miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions//approved_apparitions/casal-santa-maria/index.html
I am amazed at the knowledge of these things by people who live so far from Portugal when few here know about them... I'm afraid there may not be much more information available than what you already know. Contrary to what happened in 1917, with all the inquiries, written testimonies, memories of the seer, etc., in most other cases of alleged apparitions or miracles, this reaches our days through oral tradition or very old documents subsequent to these events based mainly on oral tradition. But I don't have enough knowledge about this to tell you whether this is the case. I think that this apparition can be considered recognized by the Church, taking into account that in 1801, Pope Pius VII granted a plenary indulgence (on the occasion of the closure of the troubled Jubilee Year of 1800) to all pilgrims visiting this Marian shrine in the first Sunday of July and the following two days, and the faithful must observe the prescribed conditions: having previously confessed, having received Holy Communion (in a state of grace) and praying for the Supreme Pontiff. This, according to the book "Sanctuaries of Portugal - Paths of Faith" (2015), by Maria do Rosário Barardo (through web source).
What would be the monster that will be defeated by Our Lady of Fátima: world communism? This seems like an accurate reference to this persecuting system of the Church centuries before Lenin and Stalin were born.
I take the monster to be the serpent - satan and his cohorts and the final victory when she crushes his head and he is chained leading to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and an era of peace. Communism is indeed the ideology of satan.
The word "Lusitania" is the name of the province of the Roman Empire that corresponds geographically to the area of Portugal (only partially), but because of this, it has always been used as a synonym for Portugal.
A very problematic province, by the away: “There are in the confines of Iberia a people who neither govern themselves nor allow themselves to be governed.” Caius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) This phrase remains so true in our days...
These prophecies were witnessed by the sisters of the Alba monastery, on October 16, 1454. According to them, Sister Filipina de'Storgi, with a reputation for holiness, on her deathbed received extreme unction and communion and entered in ecstasy. During the ecstasy, the community, gathered around her, listens, with amazement, to her conversation with Our Lady of the Rosary, Saint Catherine of Siena, Blessed Humberto, Abbot William of Savoy and Saint Dominic. In this colloquium, several events are announced, in a very precise way and that have happened over time, as explained by Cristina Siccardi in her book. These prophecies concern the Savoy family, whose destiny intersects, at several key moments, with Portugal.
This story was published for the first time in Portugal in 2017, in a regional newspaper, by a very pious man, recently converted to Catholicism, with whom I became personal friends. Obviously, he established some type of contact with Mrs. Critina Siccardi, as evidenced by the image below that is published on the Italian author's page. Source: https://www.cristinasiccardi.it/fulgores-de-fatima/ He also authorized me to publish it on my blog, where I have some other interesting articles signed by him.
I would like to recommend you a book, "Meet the witnesses of the miracle of the sun from 1961 by the author John Haffet". Almost 50 years after the miracle, he met with witnesses of the miracle either in the USA or in Portugal durinig late 50's, who again testified to him about what they saw, the situation in Portugal at that time is described, the statements of scientists, journalists (Portugal was then forerunner of communism with the persecution of religion), writers, non-believers... Over 100,000 people were present, the miracle could be seen even from the English ships that were nearby because WW1 was raging. In any case, you will enjoy it, it's easy to read, and you can't find this kind of information anywhere, as well as people's personal testimonies... It can only deepen your faith. Here it is in PDF online https://www.basicincome.com/bp/files/Meet_the_Witnesses.pdf
My tiny blog is this: https://odogmadafe.wordpress.com/ It has precisely the same name as this thread, but it is in Portuguese... It was created to denounce attacks against the dogma of the faith.
This mystical event relating to the history of Portugal that took place many centuries before the apparitions of Fátima may also be related to Fátima. There is no consensus among historians about where the Battle of Ourique took place, some believe it was in Ourique, in the south of the country, others think it was in Vila Chã de Ourique, this location being quite close to Fátima.