Alleged revelation about the Miracle of Garabandal

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by Basto, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Also the promise of the great miracle and permanent sign left at Garabadal and Medjugorje that are promised at the sites are still waited for, so they are ongoing apparitions still waiting for their promised signs.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    When several Popes told us we are in a Spiritual War, they really, really meant it. A battle against good and evil. Between Our Blessed Mother and Satan. The apex of the Battle is over the soul of the Church. Some Cardinals, Bishops and priests choose Satan, others Our Lady. There is less and less choice for an in between.

    At the moment Satan effectively controls the Church. No one who has been listening to and reading Modern Popes of Catholic Prophecy should be surprised at any of this.

    When I talk of Higher Clergy working for Satan I actually mean it. Many, many of our Clergy are Demonic. Look at Germany if you don't believe it.
    Byron and Booklady like this.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Those who follow Satan hate Mary. That is reason enough.
    Jo M, Booklady, Joan J and 4 others like this.
  4. Joan J

    Joan J HolySpiritCome!

    Also know, the Vatican Nuncio has been in residence in Medjugorje since 2016?. With all the Priests, Bishops & Cardinals who visit & celebrate Mass, the Holy Spirit & Blessed Mother are very much alive & well there. The world is paying much more attention, in spite of naysayers.
    Sam, Byron, padraig and 1 other person like this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    It's a difficult one to bury.
  6. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    On my last visit to Medjugorje we were sitting in a cafe late at night. We met other pilgrims from Ireland. In their company was a troubled lady. She was a chain smoker and I would think alcoholic. Her friends were trying to mind her. She left and went out on the street and they had no idea what had happened to her. Suddenly she reappeared with a 'priest'. He had very little English. He was Italian. He had a gentleman with him holding his umbrella. He blessed her and prayed over her and gave her a hug. We all asked him for a blessing so he went to each of us individually and prayed with us. I could really feel his love and holiness. When he was blessing me I noticed his large cross and realised he was a bishop at least. We then discovered he was Archbishop Aldo the current Vatican Envoy to Medjugorge. It was a highlight of my visit.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Ahh I heard wonderful things being said off him.

    He has a lovely face.

  8. Joan J

    Joan J HolySpiritCome!

    Yes, my tour director has had the gift of his blessing as well. Last trip he, our priest & our Deacon met up with him & were blessed.
    maryrose and Mary's child like this.

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