The well-known Argentine author Santiago Lanús has reported over the last two years that he had access to a recently discovered written document from Father Laffineur in which he states that Conchita revealed the following to him: On the day of the Miracle, priests will have proof of the transubstantiation and real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Those who attend the Miracle will have a sensitive experience of the Trinitarian indwelling in their own souls if they are in God's grace. The Miracle will therefore be essentially Eucharistic and we will see what Padre Pio said he saw in transubstantiation in a mystical and real way. It's like a beatific vision that we died, like Father Andreu, if it weren't for a special grace that Conchita confirmed that on that day, those who live would stay there to bear witness. (Automatic translation from Portuguese to English by DeepL) The direct source of this informationa above was a video, recorded live, of a conversation in Portuguese between Rui Costa, responsible for the Apostolate of Garabandal in Portuguese Language and Father Francisco Amaral, a Brazilian priest known for spreading Garabandal's messages on social media. In this video, Rui Costa reads live a text (that was sent to him that day by Santiago Lanús with authorization to publish publicly. Information that would allegedly appear in his last book about Garabandal, which has since been published. This video after 1 hour 39 min: The book referred to is this: In English should be something like: Garabandal - The time has come! I haven't had access to the book yet but I've already heard this information confirmed by Santiago Lanús himself in other videos in Spanish.
Perhaps this mystical experience will also affect Orthodox priests, bringing them back to the fullness of the Catholic faith.
If this is true, it makes all the sense that the miracle will take place on the day of a saint of the Eucharist
Here Santiago Lanús in Spanish with instant translation into Portuguese by Rui Costa: (after 1 hour 15 min) If anyone here on the forum understands Portuguese or Spanish, it's worth listening to the entire video. Here he is talking again about the same thing in Spanish: (after 0 hour 35 min)
Precisely, that's why it seems to make a lot of sense to me! And believe me, I'm hard to convince by alleged new revelations and supposed messages that are not well documented or formally approved by the Church... Garabandal's message is all about the Eucharist and priests. Then also another connection to the great saint of Pietrelcina, Padre Pio is also a Saint of the Eucharist. We could also say that "a proof of the transubstantiation and real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist" and "a sensitive experience of the Trinitarian indwelling in their own souls" resembles the vision of Sr. Lúcia in Tui, on June 13, 1929, about which the visionary stated: "I understood that the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity was shown to me, and I received lights about this mystery which I am not permitted to reveal." In the videos above they talk about these issues...
-So, #1 you are saying that: - #2 Rui Costa is reading a text he received from: -#3 Santiago Lanús who says he "discovered" a document a few years ago reportedly written by: -#4 Father Laffineur who, in the "discovered" letter reveals: -#5 Conchita the info you quoted. How do we know Father Laffineur, who died in 1970, actually wrote the previously undiscovered document if it was just discovered 3 years ago? Conchita to my knowledge has been very careful not to reveal what the miracle consists of. Even if each person in this chain actually did what this post says, and didn't misquote or misinterpret, we don't know the actual source of the " discovered" letter. I am not saying it is not true, but there have been many, many misinterpretations, and misquotes involving Garabandal over the years...Especially when it is 4th or 5th hand info.
You're right, brother, one of Garabandal's problems is the existence of many alleged sources or channels of information subject to distortion and misinterpretation. This may be one of those cases or even information that is simply not true or difficult to prove. That's why I've decided to start this new thread to share and discuss this alleged revelation without making noise in other threads where is shared other and better documented information about Garabandal. One of my objectives for starting this thread was to share this data that, from what I understood, was still unknown in the English language domains, and the other is to be able to expand its study. As there are among the members of this forum and its readers people who know the entire bibliography on Garabandal well and others who have good contacts, my hope is that this information can be objectively validated or rejected. For start, this chain of information can already be shortened by eliminating Rui Costa, since in one of the videos above we see him and Santiago in dialogue in the same video on the subject in question. Then Santiago Lanús confirms Rui Costa, the last link in this information chain. The only reason I started the thread with Rui Costa's video was because it is the only video where the information is being read, in the others it is being spoken from memory, with less detail.
Awesome. Thank you for sharing the info. Not that it applies here, but we will all need to be careful of taking things at face value in the future. A.I. is to the point where people's likenesses, voices and even mannerisms are "produceable"...not to mention documents that follow any parameters a person can order. For example one could ask A.I. to produce a document in Conchita's style of speech, with no contradictions to known facts about Garabandal which says the great Warning or Miracle will be in 8 days and what it will consist of. We are not far from A.I. being able to produce a video of her speeking this as well, in her voice, mannerisms etc. All the more important to live the messages NOW. Faith, not "proof "
Padre Pio famously said that Our Lady really did appear at Garabandal. However he went on to say that the devil had stepped in and clouded things up. This is so true.
Pade Pio to the girls at Garabandal: "I give you just one counsel: pray and encourage prayer, because the world is at the beginning of perdition. They don’t believe in you or in your conversations with the Woman in White…They will believe when it is too late.”
I just found the aforementioned book by Santiago Lanús in Spanish on his website and it has none of that information. There is also an English translation available on his website, which seems to me to be a literal translation and therefore also has nothing else more. Original version: English translation: In any case, this 1st edition available for free download is from 2018, having only 120 pages. As far as I know, the videos in which Santiago Lanús refers to the alleged revelation are much more recent. The first edition of the book in Portuguese is from 2021 and has 192 pages. I'm gonna try to acquire it but I think I'll probably have order it from Brazil...
I don't know, sister. As I mentioned in my last post, I've been looking for this but the only thing I found was an older PDF edition in Spanish on the Santiago Lanús webpage, which has none of this content. This edition, however, appears significantly smaller and is chronologically earlier than these videos in which Santiago talks about this alleged new revelation.
Thanks, Basto. Well, I found the Portuguese version in the Editora Imaculada. I think its in Brasil, because the price is not listed in euros. Correct me if I'm wrong, please. Editora Imaculada Then search for Santiago Lanu santiago lanu - Editora Imaculada R$69.00 But no Spanish edition.
That's right! That's Brazilian currency (real). I'm planning to order one, I was just waiting for a response from the local Apostolate of Garabandal, after my contact to ask if they had any other alternative.
can't find it now but there was speculation as to when this miracle in relation to this saint of the Eucharist will take place. Hazard a guess?
The wonderful Marian priest writer and theologian , the late Father Rene Laurentin once said that if Our Lady appeared at Lourdes today the Church would never ever approve it. It would be an embarrassment. Garabandal took place when the whirlwind of Modernism in the '60 was blowing in full force. As Pope Paul VI said, 'The smoke of Satan has entered the Church'. There was no way the apparitions would ever have been anything but attacked and scorned. They represented everything that Modernist thought was trying to destroy. If Our Lady today were to appear at Knock, at Fatima, at La Salette today they would be dumped and denied by Bishops at once. The only way modern apparitions get accepted is where they are outside the Modernist heel. Places like Africa and Japan. Even then the Vatican will rush with great speed and force to crush them. As to Medugorje the greatest series of Marian Apparitions in the history of the world, it is half grudgingly, half accepted, because the good Catholic people of the World have voted with their holy feet and it is a tidal wave of approval that cannot be extinguished. The Vatican and Bishops would bury Medugorje in an instant, but it is just too big to bury. The only reason why Garabandal is still afloat is the ordinary lay Catholics. The higher clergy abhore Marian Apparitions.
They effectively neutralized Fatima . The church is up to Her gills with modernist clergy (anti Marian) and since the council have put Our Lady somewhere else, not at the forefront. If tradition is the enemy then so is Our Lady.