Welcome, InVeritatem! I was a lurker for years before I joined, too...so I know what you mean about feeling like you know everyone already!
The truth, the simple unvarnished truth is like jewels at the moment. I have noticed this with politicians especially at the moment and the Mass Media. Not only are they telling serial lies but they are bare faced, I don;t care whether or not you believe it kind of lies that are constant. They call this, 'Spin' and are unashamed about it. Lies, lies, lies and more lies.
Yes indeed Padraig. I see this as being part of the mystery of iniquity. It is a mystery but I do believe that the Deception of the evil one is involved in all this. I would like to understand this better but I suspect it is a little like living in the Matrix. It is somewhat a mystery to me why God allows the evil one and his minions to devour souls - it does suggest a level of reduced culpability for some souls. There is more to be said on this but it might not be the best thread for it. My thoughts on Sars-Cov2 and the vaccines are maybe a bit nuanced. I was highly invested in all of this but have not kept up with it as it was increasing my anxiety and my blood pressure! I really do want to get to the bottom of it though ...