The Synod on Synodality.

Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by padraig, Aug 1, 2023.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I don't really like to write or comment on the dreadful goings on in the Church, in the first place because they are so negative and depressing at this point and on the other hand because so many others are raising the alert by now. As well I would like very much to believe that the vast majority on the forum have been warned by their spiritual spidey senses , their common sense and their own enquiries that something very,very wicked is afoot.

    I always wanted to write on the forum about Spiritual, Mystical maters, about subjects like saints, angels, apparitions, heaven hell, the saints, Our Lady, St Joseph , Litrugy, Scripture, the Sacraments. Mystical Theology, prayer and so on. But needs must.

    But things have just gotten so awful and these truly wicked and evil people have come so right out in the open that I thought like and old tired guard dog I might raise a bark or two (well two barks really about two aspects of the Synod) and warn about the circling wolfs.

  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    The first point I would make is that the Synod on Synodality is not what it appears. It is a vehicle to achieve Radical, Revolutionary change in the Church.

    The main change is to normalise as acceptable Homosexuality/ Sodomy as Normal. Just as it is in wider secular society.

    If the Holy Father , Pope Francis were to try to do this in an upfront way it would be impossible. He was asked recently by the new Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, about the pace of change in the Church and Pope Francis said he wanted to move things quicker but what being stymied by , 'Fanatics' , in the Vaticans. By , 'Fanatics', the Holy Father means ordinary decent Catholic Clergy who are not themselves Sodomists and know that what Scripture and the Catholic Church has always taught about Sodomy is right. That Sodomy is wicked and will land you in Hell and that everywhere, every single place it is mentioned in Scripture it is totally condemned.

    Given the problem with , 'Fanatics', the only way they push this agenda through was not through the front door but by the back door. In other words through a Trojan Horse and that Trojan Horse is the Synod on Synodality.


    sparrow and Byron like this.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    The Second Trojan Horse is a False Mercy. In other words to provoke in us a false feeling of Mercy and Sympthy towrds evil people doing evil things.

    'If you have followed my work or attended a presentation on Stolen Childhood Innocence you know that SEL or Social Emotional Learning, is a Trojan Horse. It is especially popular in our public school system, where it is used like a hypodermic injection, to help deliver an ideology and make it more palpable to children, be it Critical Race Theory, Critical Gender Theory, or Critical (insert ideology) Theory.

    SEL is used to combat the cognitive dissonance that children, or any of us, experience when the toxic sewage being presented does not match the law written on our hearts. Inject an ideology through SEL and use words like empathy, fairness, compassion or reproductive rights and over time a human being might learn to numb the knot in their gut that initially made them feel uncomfortable, as with the murder of a child in the womb. Or with the illogical idea that one can change their sex, without even being able to define the sex they are changing into or out of.

    SOS (my acronym that I think appropriate) for Synod on Synodality, is the same Trojan Horse by a different color. This time it is the Shepherds of the Church using the same genre of emotional babble to prepare the faithful for an injection of heresy into their trusting hearts. Might they learn to deaden the voice of God and accept the heresy of say a Father James Martin, a favorite of Pope Francis, who has been allowed and even encouraged to advance the normalization of homosexuality and same-sex marriage within the Church, while opposing voices are censored or ignored.

    As Kevin Wells recently wrote, “Among the Pope’s selections to be voting members of the Synod on Synodality are Cardinals Blase Cupich, Wilton Gregory, and Robert McElroy—confirmed progressives with track records of steering dioceses closer to their own ideologies. Each of these cardinals has invited Fr. James Martin (another Pope-invited Synod voting member) into their terrain; each has also allowed “Pride Masses” to be celebrated in their diocese. These men are the voters of the same Synod that German Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, called a “hostile takeover of the Church of Jesus Christ.” (Bishop Strickland: Laying Down His Life for His Sheep)'

    sparrow, Byron and Mmary like this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I was talking to someone after Mass last night and he has just started a new job were he is encountering lots and lots of new people. He said that he is really surprised how nowadays he can spot bad and evil people so easily.

    This is one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit He brings to us in prayer. That he enables us more and more to spot that which is evil and wicked, whilst others remain so blind. The Spirit of Discernment.

    What is being done, or attempted in Rome at the moment is drawn from the very deepest bowels of Hell itself.

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2023
    sparrow and Byron like this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    sparrow and Mmary like this.
  6. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    The synod on synodality is not interested in the truth. Christ will hardly be mentioned.

    The neo-modernists in the church have a politicized faith and a fossilized view of the world stuck in a 1960's mentality with regard to liturgy.

    They think they are cool discussing the alphabet people but they are already so far behind the curve ball they cannot see that the world is being sucked into a black hole of totalitarianism their round table discussions are equivalent to Nero fiddling whilst Rome burned to the ground. They are engaging with an age that no longer exists.

    A synod of words of irrelevance and bluff.

    What a waste of hot air this synod will be unless of course the 'God of surprises' intervenes and strikes them all down with a lightening bolt.

    sparrow, Byron, Clare A and 6 others like this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    ..and also the huge Financial cost cost to the Church, of a process whose entire aim is to destroy it from within.

    But the main purpose of all this is to Warn people ahead of time.

    We are fast approaching an aimed for End Point when these dreadful monsters will declare that there is nothing right but a whole lot good about Sodomy.

    It's coming, you better believe it's coming. It's best to get set for it when it happens. It would be such a drop dead shock to everyone when it does come and the lies of those in charge have much less chance of deceiving.



    Last edited: Aug 1, 2023
    sparrow, Byron, jackzokay and 3 others like this.
  8. AED

    AED Powers

    Well said. They exist in an echo chamber and they are mostly old--living in a 1960 fantasy kumbaya world or they are deliberately malignant. One of the posts here about garabandal mentioned that one of the girls said that when commu ism comes again communists priests will sow confusion among the faithful until they no longer know right from wrong. Sounds like we are in it right now. So painful to watch on so many levels.
    sparrow, Byron, HeavenlyHosts and 3 others like this.
  9. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    the Synod on Banality?
    The synod on sodomy?
    The cynical synod?
    The synodal circus?
    The rigged synod?
    The synod that would bore you to death?
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2023
    sparrow, Byron and Malachi like this.
  10. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    I can think of nothing more boring than being at that synod on synodality.

    God forgive me for my cynicism but I have been at enough boring meetings in my life to recognise that this upcoming synod will be verbosity on steroids.
  11. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Pope Francis “In order to provide more time for extended discernment, I have established that this Synodal Assembly will take place in two sessions: The first on 4-29 October 2023 and the second in October 2024.”

    Looks like a timetable for Divine intervention in the world.

    Psalm 28v5
    Because they do not regard the works of the Lord
    Nor the deeds of His hands,
    He will tear them down and not build them up.
    sparrow, Byron, AED and 1 other person like this.
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    First they will talk about doing horrible things.

    Then they will try to sell them.

    They they will do them.

    1,2,3 ..then out for the count.
    sparrow, Byron, AED and 2 others like this.
  13. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I do not know why, but I imagine that if they succeed, this synod will bring about some kind of innovation to remove the excess of "clericalism" in the church—something like the assembly repeating the words of consecration perhaps together with the priest.
    sparrow, Byron and AED like this.
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    They have every kind of evil you could possibly imagine planned ...and then some. There is no limit to the evil they have conceived in the darkness of their wicked, plotting hearts/

    I would put nothing past them. Nothing at all.
    The mind fairly boggles at what they hoping to get away with. Nothing is too rotten for this filthy, filthy crew.
    They put their poor consciences to a horrible death many , many years ago. If they ever had one.

    Nothing is below them.
  15. Mario

    Mario Powers

    If the Warning be true and soon, it should cause them great hesitation and a shifting of priorities.
    Lord have Mercy!

    If it doesn't, beware the judgment of God.:cry:
    Mary's child, Byron, Jo M and 4 others like this.
  16. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    This is all so very sad.. but so very true. The Church is walking her Calvary. I feel so blessed to be on this forum, to have discerned Church prophecy in my own life, in my own simple way but enough to know the times we are in. The remnant comes to mind and I hope that I am included in it. Time to beef up the armour of God and stand our ground in defense of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church!
    jackzokay, Mary's child, Sam and 3 others like this.
  17. AED

    AED Powers

    Well said.
    Sam, Jo M and Luan Ribeiro like this.
  18. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Message of Our Lady to Padre “Oliveira” on June 17, 2023:
    Beloved son, listen carefully: In October of this year, a period of great tribulation will begin, which I predicted when I was in France, Portugal and Spain. [1] On these three occasions, I spoke about the cause of these tribulations.


    Be prepared, above all spiritually, because this period will not come with a bang, but will be gradual and will spread slowly throughout the world. The war that has started will increase, as you have already seen. [2] There will be droughts, great storms and earthquakes in many places of the world. But as my Divine Son said, when you hear these rumors [3], do not be afraid! Always use the Miraculous Medal from today on, and distribute the medal to your flock as well. Sickness will not be the only evil that will spread; spiritual evil will be worse. Sickness will however be a great scourge. Put the medal of Saint Benedict on the door, and do not forget to use the scapular. Bless candles, oil, and water. Have no more doubts about the Oil of the Good Samaritan: bless it and use it. Seek to remain in a state of grace, because the demons have set upon humanity with strong temptations, especially against priests. Pray for them and pray for yourself too, as you are a priest. Always remember who you are! Pray also for your bishop and for all bishops. Pray much for the Holy Father: make fasts and sacrifices for him. I, your Mother and Queen, will be with all those who entrust themselves to my care, and I will not leave any of my children helpless. As I have promised many times, this time is part of what I said in my Third Secret in Portugal.


    On October 13, I will give you a sign as you asked me to do; that is why I have shown you this date. [4] I have received from God the mission to guard, together with the holy angels that the Lord has placed at my service, all those who have entrusted their lives to me. There will be great devastation from Russia, instigated by the infernal Dragon. This will harm the whole world. But do not fear. This is the opportune time for holiness. Remember that the great saints rose up in times of great darkness. Times of tribulation, especially this one, should not be faced with fear and cowardice, but with love and courage. You see, my son, this is why I have called you in this hour, so that you would remember and proclaim that the opportune time for holiness is now, today — not tomorrow, but now.

    Eucharistic adoration should be your anchor, and the Holy Rosary the chain of that anchor. Eucharistic adoration, acts of reparation and sacrifices, united with the Holy Rosary, can change all prophecies! Do not forget this: Adoration and the Holy Rosary. Do penance, offer sacrifices for the salvation of souls, for the conversion of sinners and the sanctification of the clergy. Remember that the Lord knows everything and is in command of everything. Soon there will come the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart! Remain faithful in this time of purification; trust in the help of your Guardian Angel. The time for the saints is now. Pray, dear son, pray and watch, as I have called you today — pray and watch.

    Finally, Our Lady gave us the passage from Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 18:7-14 on which to meditate:

    When mortals finish, they are only beginning, and when they stop they are still bewildered. What are mortals? What are they worth? What is good in them, and what is evil? The number of their days seems great if it reaches a hundred years. Like a drop of water from the sea and a grain of sand, so are these few years among the days of eternity. That is why the Lord is patient with them and pours out his mercy on them. He sees and understands that their death is wretched, and so he forgives them all the more. Their compassion is for their neighbor, but the Lord’s compassion reaches all flesh, reproving, admonishing, teaching, and turning them back, as a shepherd his flock. He has compassion on those who accept His discipline, who are eager for His precepts.
    Mary's child, sparrow and Sam like this.
  19. EricH

    EricH Principalities

    Something about this priests messages don't sound authentic to me. I don't trust them, at very least don't put much stock in them.
    PurpleFlower likes this.
  20. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Yes, there is always need for discernment.

    I was surprised to find these messages are anonymous, I had thought because it was a priest it was upfront. I dislike anonymous messages because it makes it impossible to check the source. On the other hand several visionaries in the past such as St Catherine Laboure of the Miraculous Medal was anonymous during her lifetime.

    One thing I think seems to be true about the messages is that God is nudging the world gently in the direction of conversion at the moment by kind of upping the ante gradually.

    Overall I would be inclined to think them authentic.
    Sam, Mary's child and AED like this.

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