Thank you 333 for posting the above interview review of Mari Cruz. I believe the Lord has allowed the voice of Mari Cruz to be heard in our times. Praise be Jesus. I found her words edifying and explanatory. Her interview has been an answer to my personal prayer. We know the Garabandal seers were told by our Lady of two distinct future punishments times for the world ! The First punishment)..... a time of tribulation when the world will be at its worst before the warning and miracle, where communism will seem to have taken over the world, with communistic restrictions, mandates, lockdowns, etc, producing horrors with churches closing their doors, priests persecuted and finding it hard to say Mass and for the laity finding it hard to get to mass. This punishment is to happen before the warning! Mari Cruz seems to indicate that she believes this is what we are living at this moment, with world wide Catholic Church lockdowns and mandates The Second punishment)...... Is the great chastisement! which will occur (according to Our Blessed Mother) After the warning and the Miracle, if mankind does not change and repent, after the warning and miracle I realise some people may question Mary Cruz's statements because they believe she has betrayed the messages of Garabandal. I do not believe this. I believe Mari Cruz has spoken truth about her experiences and has genuinely given her understanding of current world events as she reads them in light of the apparitions of Garabandal is at the moment. The interviewers however seem to be completely misinformed about the full messages of Garabandal and attribute Mari Cruz revelation of the pre warning punishment to that of the great Chastisement, which we know will come after the warning and miracle I remember reading 30 years ago, about the 2 nights of screams that culminated in the whole of the Garabandal village going to confession the next day; apparently when asked about these 2 nights of screams, the visionaries stated they could not distinguish between the tribulation punishment before the warning and the chastisement punishment after the warning as both were horrific. I feel blessed and grateful that we have Mari Cruz interpretation of our times. To me this is a God send and indicates that the warning is very close. Our Lady said many will doubt the truth of Her apparitions here in Garabandal. God has allowed what He has allowed Mari Cruz has remained faithful to her Catholic faith and this interview gives us an unique understanding of her perspective. She states that the years of the apparitions were the happiest of her life. I pray for Mari Cruz, , Conchita and Jacinta, their words are all needed in our time. I thank God for ordaining that Mari Cruz comment at this time as it gives me hope for the future!
Here are two videos that are related to the above video. For all those interested. In the first video by Miles Mariae commenting on the Mari Cruz interview, he throws doubt on many messages our Lady gave (after her first message to the world) which comprise the main messages of Garabandal. (the warning, the Miracle and the chastisement) Miles mistakenly attributes Mari Cruz's interview statement, regarding the covid crisis is an acknowledgement that this is the final chastisement? Poor, poor Miles, he needs much prayer. This is not what Mari Cruz said in her interview. For most followers of the Garabandal messages, Mari Cruz's statements make perfect sense; the world wide communistic covid phenomena, experienced in our day, is the pre warning punishment to the world, as it has called down the just judgement of God by its incessant abominable sins. The second video is in regards to Jacintas latest statement and book. So edifying!
I didn't see the video and I don't mean to disappoint you, but what Mari Cruz actually said to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo last summer is that she is not very sure about the Garabandal events, if the things have really happened the way the children told us or if it came from their imagination... She also states that the lady of the apparittion was not Our Lady of Carmel, as it was said then. (The text is in Spanish, but it's easy to understand with an automatic translation tool.) We must admit that this interview is quite problematic if we realize that, apparently, many people in the world - my self included - are giving more credit to the Garabandal events than one of the actual seers.
It is most interesting that there is news from two seers after years of silence. I can't remember if I've said this before, but the doubts of Mari Cruz about events sound like what could also happen to some people after the Warning, that they begin to doubt what they have experienced. In the new book by José Maria Zavala, Jacinta is reported to have said that she was not surprised about the doubts of her friend given her mother's reaction to the apparition. She has apparently said about Mari Cruz “She has always maintained that doubt and I don’t really know why … Her mother got very nervous with the apparitions. In my case, I did not have that problem: although my mother did not quite believe in them until the end, my father’s confident stance supported me in difficult times. I can only add that I had parents who practiced religion and maybe Mari Cruz lacked that spiritual guide.” I also found it very comforting that Mari Cruz thinks that nothing could be worse than being cutoff from family which is what has happened as a result of current measures . Many people who have known communism in other nations say that even under those regimes, they did not regulate contact with family and the practice of certain activities. I know families who are arguing about the presence of some people for Christmas because they are not "vacuumed". What terrible divisions there are now in families. I pray that the interviews don't throw more doubt onto this apparition.
Mari Cruz wasn't given the date of the Miracle nor the year of the Warning. I can understand that after 60years she may experience doubts about what happened so long ago. Maybe there's a reason why Our Lady appeared to 4 children at Garabandal. There were only 2 seers at La Salette, 1 at Lourdes, 3 at Fatima.
As an apparition that has not yet been approved by the Church, it is natural that we always have some prudence. The case of this desapointing interview, however, does not seem to me to be sufficient to discredit the events of Garabandal, it even seems to me that it only somehow discredits the only seer in question. I have been following with great interest everything related to Garabandal for over 20 years, always with all the necessary reservations, but as time passes and I see what is happening in the world and especially in the Church, my interest grows more and more.
When I was young myself and my Spiritual Director were crazy about Garabandal but then switched of in great disappointment when bad reports started to come out. However years and years later I started to revisit it and now do believe in it. Why? Well in the first place it was in the persistence of Devotion and the often very high quality and first hand knowledge of many of the people who remained devoted in spite of getting rained on from a high height. If it was false I think the Light of Garabandal would have been extinguished. Another reason is that Satan always attacks Marian Apparitions and all things Marian and can appear very successful, at least for a while (the suppression of the Third Secret of Fatima and the requested Consecration of Russia, which has never happened ,are good examples). But I think my main reason for believing is Conchita herself. She just strikes me as a radiantly holy person. I trust and believe in her. It's as simple as that...
Many of the events predicted at Garabandal have already arrived and others are manifesting in our midst: - less and less importance being given to the Eucharist (communion on the hand) - many priests, bishops and cardinals on the road to perdition (pachamama idolatory) - the implementation of abortion and the decline in morals - the cup is overflowing - a synod would occur before the warning - the return of communism on a world wide scale (presently developing already in some countries) - Mass would be hard to get - persecution of the faithful - that a synod would be held before the warning - that the Pope would go to Moscow - that Russia would invade parts of Europe
Yes padraig. Conchita is one of the reasons i still believe. Also dear Padre Pios involvement in it too. The bad guy will cause doubt in so many of us. I believe!!!
You know you here about Padre Pio saying so many different things and wonder if all of them are true. But I think one time he was asked if Garabandal was true and he said, 'Yes it is true, but the Devil stepped in and started to interfere'. I think that just about sums it up. But of course he did the exact same thing at Fatima, Lourdes, La Salette, Rue Du Bac and on and on and on...
I do believe that. I know Conchita was given Padres death veil so i know in my heart it is so real. I pray for the other seers that they may be free of doubt. Gods will!
When Saint Bernadette was dying she kept saying, 'I did see her! I did see her!' It seems clear that the Devil was tempting her think the whole thing was her imagination. So there is nothing new in all this. When St Joan of Arc was on Trial for her life one of the Fathers suggested at her trial that her visions were her imagination. To which St Joan replied, 'Of course they were my imagination, how else would God work?' Which I thought was a great answer.
I've believed in Garabandal since I read 'The Apparitions of Garabandal' by Francisco Sachez Ventura circa 1983. As a fourteen year old boy it left an indelible mark on my life. Not so much to keep me from worldly things though. I eventually managed to go on a pilgrimage organised here in Ireland in 2014. It was a surreal experience in terms of walking the cobbled streets, making my way up to the pines via the 'Calleja' but eventually opting for the newish pathway put down a year or so before I went. The daily visits to the parish church was a blessing in its own right. The elderly lady you see in my avatar photo is Maria Saraco, who has been going there since 1965 and was present during some of the girls ecstasies and has become very friendly with two of the girls since. Maria still runs pilgrimages from California despite her age. I give this preamble because I need to say that I have doubts. I've written here previously about these doubts. For me humans crave the fantastical and love a 'show'. The Warning' with its promise of seeing ones own sin no matter where you are in the world and in conversation with Jesus about those sins gives rise to humans need for an affirmation that things will be all right despite this frightening experience. The Miracle is an even greater subject that panders to peoples urge for a great spectacle. Whoever is present will be cured of whatever ails them we are promised. I suppose this is what has kept me interested in Garabandal for such a long time as I'm disabled. The absolute need in me to be free from the shackles of my handicap need the events of Garabandal to be true. The death of Joey may have been a turning point for me because he can no longer 'see with new eyes'. Maybe the passing of certain dates and years that these events could have happened on been a turning point as well. However, as was stated by Garabandal (the poster) a few posts back, there are certain events happening now that were spoken of in Garabandal (the village). The rise in communistic ideals throughout the world is indeed very frightening. The absolute fact of not being able to enter church to receive mass because the church is locked up or because the priest needs to see your covid pass before allowing you enter is something unimaginable two years ago. We can say things are progressing rapidly. I remember reading something years ago about how it will become hard to visit Spain at the time of the Miracle although I can't remember where I read that. But this rings true if Covid travel restrictions are still in place. But...I still have doubts. i wish I didn't but as a critical thinker on most things I must be true to my intelligence (or lack of).
Please Everyone do not have doubts about Garabandal. It is authentic, I know this at the bottom of my heart. Basto, I understand how you and others may be interpreting these statement of Mari Cruz . However I on the other hand realise that the girls were all told they would have doubts and this has severely affected some, even to this day. What a suffering they must endure! A greater grip, than the Dark night of the soul, for those privileged ones. Lord have Mercy. Their sufferings are much! Mari Cruz does not outright deny the apparitions, instead she recalls that time as the happiest of her life and states that she believes the covid lockdown is part of the messages she received. This is a tremendous testomony in my account especially for one who has been plagued with doubts. Below is the statement of another visionary Mari Loli in 1975 plus her daughters testimony (Mari Loli died in 2009) Garabandal Magazine interview with Mari Loli in 1975 GM : “Do you think you'll ever remember? Have you ever considered that this forgetfulness is possibly due to some DIVINE ACTION?” Loli: “I don’t know. I know I had a locution at the school at Zaragoza and was told that I was going to suffer a lot and one of the things that would make me suffer was that I was going to forget everything about seeing The Blessed Mother. I don’t know how long after that it actually happened.” Maybe Mari Cruz is going though a similar torment to Mari Loli did in 1975 and beyond it seems! Just my thoughts.
I think another thing inclines me to believe is that what is said there ties in with other Marian Prophesies, including much more recent ones. even the, 'Night of Screams'
It must be wonderful to know which claimed apparitions are real and which are not. Father Amorth the renowned exorcist was convinced that Medjugorje was genuine as was the renowned mystic nun, Breige McKenna but heck, what did they know?