Im writing this to get some answers. I wanna say first i am not for guessing dates but i really really hope really hope, the warning happens by 2024, i dont know how much more my heart can take. Im disabled i know my catecism. I live with my family im didabled. My family is anticatholic. To me the warning sounds terrifying but at the same time sounds like a small miracle for the world so people can change there ways. Ect. Its just seeing the synod ending in October 2024. i just wander if 2024 is still a possible time for it to happen. If the pope goes to russia moscow sometime late 2022 or 2023 and when he returns communism will return. My question is does the synod have to be completed for the warning to happen. Also id like to say i know patience is a virtue. The fruit of the mystery The carrying of the cross is patience. I do my best to remain patient. I pray and pray everyday. God bless
May God bless you and may your prayers be answered. Personally, I don’t think that the synod has to completed for the Warning to happen but others may disagree.
…I, too, battle extreme sadness ( and anxiety). You are never alone. Prayers your way, and I also hope the warning is sooner rather than later.