How do you think life will be like. Do you think some odd denomations lds jehovahs witness will disapear? How will people react.
Im just thinking. After the warning hiw so many will be converted. I hope and i think its possible for other local non catholic churches to close...
I heard of her latest messages Disclaimer i know these are private revelations and im still not sure if i believe her i kust heard of her today....
Im writing this to get some answers. I wanna say first i am not for guessing dates but i really really hope really hope, the warning happens by...
Please listen to this priest Fr. Mark Beard. He knows what's coming... [MEDIA]
If everyone expercines the illumination of consciousness, why wont some still believe it like how could you refuse to believe that after youve...
Ive said before i dont like guessing dates but it may sound like it but i dont and i dont wanna offend God or our lady, I feel like the warning...
If people were to repent and do penance after the warning. Personally it would be hard to believe people still wouldnt believe after the warning....
I come to ask for prayers. At this point I feel my parrents need a miracle to belive. I thought the warning could open there eyes. Knowing the...