When people doubt, more times than not it is because they have given little to no time in studying the alleged person's messages. It is far easier to dismiss messages on the surface and only acknowledge ones that have been officially approved by the Church. Scripture on the other hand tells us "do not despise prophecies, but test everything and hold fast to what is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). I give little consideration to nay-Sayers as it pertains to prophecy, as they lack critical assessment of what heaven is revealing to us for our good. On the flip side, I give credibility to those who have given due study, prayer and reflection to what heaven is allegedly saying and will use their assessments and my own to discern 'what is good' and worthy of belief. One does not need to follow any prophecy to be saved, but it sure helps to prepare and that is what He allows prophecy for.
It reminds me of what was written of Father Abraham and the like in Scripture, that many people entertaining strangers have entertained angels unawares. If we keep the doors of our hearts locked shut we may be truning away a stranger (prophet/angel) unawares and one who is intent on saving our asses getting singed, as In Sodmm and Gommorah View attachment 4622
Scepticism and careful, prayerful discernment are two very different things. It's certainly true that throughout history there have been numerous false messages, apparitions etc. But nothing is to be gained from a priori rejection of supposed messages without proper study when there are no obvious theological red flags. I emphasize this last point, as we need to get things in proportion here - thousands may indeed been deceived by antics such as those described above (and yes, millions did read Maria Divine Mercy...), but the greatest quantitative damage has been done by false revelations outside or at the margins of Christianity which should have been easy to discern as manifestly erroneous for any moderately catechized believer. Starting with the small matter of a religion with over a thousand million adherents out there creating havoc in the world whose founder claimed that the Angel Gabriel had spoken to him... Not to mention the substantial numbers taken in by the false 'revelations' of Joseph Smith, spiritualism, Neale Donald Walsch and a host of other New Age channels... It also ought to be said that incalculable damage has been done within Christianity over the centuries by the dismissal of prophecy (and other charisms) altogether. This is a more subtle, but probably far more effective form of 'diabolical disorientation' than that constituted by the admittedly embarrassing spectacle of fringe Catholics chasing spurious apparitions. The clearest examples of this are probably i) overtly cessationist Reformed theology that traces itself back to John Calvin, a school of thought whose intellectual influence throughout the Anglo-Saxon world remains huge and ii) its Liberal German offshoot that in the form of Rudolf Bultmann's famous program of 'demythologization' had such a devastating effect on Western Christian theology in the second half of the 20th century, both Protestant and Catholic. Ignoring prophecy has effectively made the God of the Bible (the Holy Spirit speaking 'by the prophets' according to the creed of Nicea-Constantinople) mute for huge swathes of the nominal Church. Which is an enormous tactical victory for the Enemy.
It's true, I would say around 99 per cent of unapproved stuff is probably false. The internet havs a lot to do with the mushrooming of this stuff. It's sad. I always remember what an Irish Dominican priest /theologian, who works for Rome investigating these phenomena for the Church once said. He was asked one time what the greatest difficulty he had in doing his work was that the vast majority of such messages were mind killingly boring. I enjoy reading such things when they are not boring. Fatima is not boring for instance. Fatima is endlessly attractive and a huge teacher; as is Lourdes. If people do not want to accept somewhere like Lourdes , that is fine.I am no great Phenomena Evangelist. If people do not get to drink at one stream, perhaps they will get to drink at another. Also if people do not want to believe in say, Charlie Johnston or Mark Mallett that is fine with me too. But they are seem to me good people and I regard them as friends. So if something is posted in public forum like this rejecting any of them I might write a few words in their defense. But I would not get too hot under the collar about it. It's up to you, Mac.. Apart from John , I have been reading some of the other people Peter has referred us too and I find a lot of these folk very,very,very far from boring too. I think there is something about discovering true prophecy that realy delights me. It 's like finding gold. Such a joy. But I think that is one of the signs of the true that people would never find it boring. God never bores. He delights. Perhaps the reason the true never bores is that it is telling you something that makes you grow, that forces you to look at things in a way you never did before. it makes you bigger than you were before. it is a real conversation , if you will, rather than a boring monologue. I would say the worst thing about hell is that it is boring and the devil is a great bore. Heaven on the other hand is endlessly interesting and God endlessly entertaining.
Looking at the thread 'After the Warning 2016', it was clearly established that this was not from Pedro Regis but a commentary in a book by Bruce Cyr (he's not the only one to be offering over-extended interpretations of the Anguera messages - Kelly Bowring is another example, whose misuse of Pedro R. against Pope Francis I discuss extensively in my ebook 'No False Prophet'). I have studied maybe a thousand alleged messages of Pedro Regis in the original Portuguese and the passage above is completely foreign to the style of the locutions in question. The source for the quotation is http://afterthewarning2016.com/blood-moons.php
Don't think this is a message from Pedro Regis. The only person I know who predicted Good Friday 2016 was Ron Conte (and maybe some others like Bruce Cyr who plagiarised his work).
First of all: Pedro Regis is a true prophet of God. Second: he never stated anything like that. So, do not worry.
It has been a while since we have heard from our friend John Martinez. Here is his latest>> Zephaniah 3:12-13 But I will leave as a remnant in your midst a people humble and lowly, who shall take refuge in the name of the LORD: the remnant of Israel. They shall do no wrong and speak no lies; Nor shall there be found in their mouths a deceitful tongue; They shall pasture and lie down with none to disturb them. It has been several months since I wrote our 14th Contemplation on the great mercy of God the Father. Please know that I am not allowed to write on my own, but only as directed by heaven. As I have indicated to those of you that have emailed or called about our messages, teachings and contemplations, events are unfolding and God’s mighty plan for these times is upon us. Private Revelation from God the Father Adoration Chapel – St. Mary’s Catholic Church July 28th, 2016 @ 10:00pm God the Father: Your mission shall progress very rapidly as the world continues to blaspheme My Name and has turns to the evil darkness of Satan — millions consecrating themselves to Lucifer. I can no longer allow this to continue. In the following months, you will see a rapid unfolding of my Love and Divine Justice take place. My plan is emerging and the year of Mercy is coming to an end. Please know that Satan cannot do anything without my permission. I have allowed him to unleash his demons and the gates of hell are now opened. Evil is targeting my Church and my children who are true believers. Do not despair! I am in complete control of all things. Many of my children are suffering, becoming disappointed in Me. I can hear their cries and their tears. They have suffered much but I am their Protector. I am assigning my holy angels to come to their side to give them comfort as humanity enters into the greatest penance that mankind has ever suffered. No one will escape the suffering and distress. You will come under tremendous spiritual and natural attack, even – at times – from your fellow brethren and those aligned with Satan in my church. Yet, those that attack my children are attacking me. As my son and servant, I have guided you all these years for these times. You have been faithful to Me and the mission that I have given you. I will make known to you what my children need to hear. I have anointed thousands of my children throughout the world with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and I know their hearts are burning with desire to serve and love Me. They must now come before me in repentance, sincerity and prayer. I will shower them with My Love. I will teach them through you and many of my anointed ones to prepare for My Holy Justice. Just as my Son suffered on the Cross for the sin of man, so shall all my people suffer for the sin of the world. No one will escape My Holy Justice. The Blessed Virgin Mary has spoken in admonition, urging all to turn away from sin and return to Me as she has been commissioned to be the intercessor for mankind. Yet my children refuse to adhere to her holy messages and have chosen their eternal destiny. Her name and images are being desecrated by the evil in the hearts of mankind; so shall they receive equal justice for their sin. She has spoken the same messages for hundreds of years, and yet they continue to refuse to repent and return to Me. Now, the fulfillment of the words spoken by the Blessed Virgin Mary are coming to pass. Many of my clergy have turned their back on her warnings, ensnared in their own corruption of evil and arrogance. Support and pray for my vicar on earth, Pope Francis; he is being encircled by evil men and women. These evil persons are the cause of the great divisions that are taking place in My church. They are watering down my laws and changing them to destroy the faith of my people. My churches will be plundered, my altars will be defiled, the Body of my Son will be desecrated. Many of my holy priests will suffer martyrdom. The prophecy of Akita, Japan, and other true apparitions are being treated as a joke to justify man’s selfish agendas. My Son continues to suffer on the Cross for all the sin of humanity---the many atrocities and the darkness of evil that is all around. My remnant church is coming together and will experience the Light of My Presence during these times. Satan offers you the fleeting pleasures of the flesh and damnation… I offer you a glorious eternal life with Me in heaven. My devoted believers, the laity will be given instructions by my holy angels as to what has to be done. I have many holy priests, bishops and religious that will be part of My Remnant Church. The Church will become as in the early days of the New Covenant Church. I am calling My people to come together in their homes and prepare for these days of darkness. I am asking them to form Christian communities that will come together in prayer, discernment and receive all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The church has not changed since its early beginning… man has changed to fit their own lust for power and authority. I ask of these communities to start preparing in prayer and in faith so that the Holy Spirit can guide and direct them. I have set up large places of Refuge throughout the world and have prepared many of my servants as leaders to reach out to all of my children. You will also make refuges of your homes or specific locations or areas as the Holy Spirit guides you to do so. Do not be concerned about moving out into the hills or other areas that you might think you must occupy. Be more concerned with your relationship with Me, simply sharing your faith with you family and friends. Make preparations of food and water for yourself and for others that will come in need. Make your home a Refuge. When the time is appropriate, I will send my angels to bring all of you into my Holy Refuges. My angels will physically guide or carry you into those places that I have prepared for you. If you look for them, you will not find them for they are invisible to you now. You will know your true brethren by a sign on their forehead. Some will have a cross on their forehead, and others will have the Holy Eucharist. You will be invisible to the evil men and women. Tell my children that I have not neglected them nor have I forgotten them. I understand that many have questions and may believe that I have turned my face from them. They will be made stronger by the hardships that they will endure in the coming times — their time during these dark days will be as having been purified in purgatory. Do not despair! Do not allow fear nor doubt to assail you, but place your complete faith and trust in Me. I am your Father and your God.
Mac said: I am no fan of this Martinez character. Maybe after Easter we could look a little deeper. This should be enough to sound the alarm for most of you I would hope... 'Satan has been given permission to infiltrate My Church and other Christian churches.' So the Akita messages that have been approved by the Church are not to be trusted either. We have been warned about this infiltration from other sources. Some say masons, some say communists, and it has been going on for years.
If, as appears to be true 2017 is the pivotal year you would logically expect the time running up to OCtober 2017 to be times of profound events. So no doubt this could be true. Interesting that John see the Pope as surrounded by evil men and thus not responsible for some of the evil goings on in the Church. It might be wonderful that this were true rather than thinking the Holy Father supports this stuff. But I don't know what are they supposed to be doing holding the Pope a prisoner? It sounds unlikely.
We know that Evil Men are at The Vatican ... always have been as history demonstrates quite clearly. Plus you have the vision of Pope Leo XIII and St Michael's Prayer ... and Pope Paul VI, St John-Paul, and Pope Benedict's pronouncements on Vatican Evils. Pope Francis is a "victim" of his Argentine anti-gringo Lefty mindset, his age, not being a Rome Insider and trained diplomat. He is playing The Role that God has given him and many here, Pray, will survive to see it all unfold. GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
I am trying to imagine someone holding me prisoner there and find it hard to do Denis. He seems to be going about talking very freely and very happy to do so. He does not appear to be under any kind of duress. A funny knind of prisoner. I might have beleive Pope Benedict was seom kind of prisoner as he was very old and frail, but not Pope Francis. He is surrounded by wicked men, no doubt about it, but it was he who gave them their top jobs. I can't see how him being a prisoner might work.
I don't think him a prisoner, Padraig .... just a "prisoner" of his own misconceptions, silver tongued "advisors" and Vatican intrigue. GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
I hope so, I really do. It's true some people are very easily manipulated, Please God it is true. I would hate to think he is doing all that he is doing with full intent and knowledge. I must remember to pray for the poor man.
"There is only one hope The only solution to all these problems is prayer and fasting. I seek all of you to join me in continuous prayers, for our heavenly Father is the only one that can bring relief and refugee to those who seek Him."
you are correct. Prayer and fasting is our hope. It is never too late to offer praise and worship to our Heavenly Father and beg for forgiveness for our nation that has turned away from Him. We must me like Moses and stand in the gap. All of us have been given the grace to do thisnon behalf of our families and our nation. Let us take up our task.
Well its been a couple of years, but since the thread has been resurrected I might as well answer. Satan does not infiltrate other Christian churches. He runs them. Safe to throw Martinez under the bus.
Been awhile since John had any messages, but he has two out now. https://afterthewarning.com/message...rch/16/awake-my-children-for-the-time-is-now/ Awake my Children for the Time is Now! "Let all mankind recognize My unfathomable mercy. It is a sign for the end times; after it will come the day of justice." … "He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice ..." —Messages given to St. Faustina Diary of Divine Mercy We are still living in the Days of Mercy, despite all the pain and suffering our world is currently enduring. But soon will come the Illumination of Conscience which will then usher in the Days of Justice. As we are approaching the point where Mercy and Justice meet, the ‘evil one’ also continues to push his plans forward throughout the world. Today, evil has a grip on the hearts and souls of the majority of people today, infiltrating every area of human life. From governments and secular institutions to the very summit of the Church herself, the “Smoke of Satan” has penetrated into all parts of society. Fear, hatred, anger and confusion reign while faith in the One True God is all but lost within our culture. All awhile, the remnant faithful are seeking guidance and direction on how to navigate these tumultuous times as well as how to prepare both physically and spiritually. Lately I have been praying and seeking guidance on how to reassure the faithful that He is still in full control, but mostly I was asking Him “Why???”. Then I was shown a vision of Our Blessed Mother. Saint Michael the Archangel stood by Her side while thousands of angels and many saints were around Her. It seemed as if time stood still, and then She spoke: Our Blessed Mother Her voice was soft and gentle yet with strength, concern, and filled with pain for all Her children. “My son, the Time is now! The time which I spoke to you many years ago when I allowed you to see what would happen and take place. I desire and pray that all my children keep trusting God and His love for all of mankind. I have shared with the world on many apparitions of my love and protection for all my children-yet, they will not listen. The beginning of the Times has started. They will be very difficult and many of my children will perish and be lost. It will be hell on earth and will get worse-even worse than before the time of Noah. Satan believes that he can destroy God. He is a deceiver and seeks only to destroy all the children of God. He is a clown and a fool. Sin has allowed him to infect all Creation, the Church, and my children in every continent. These past few years, the Holy Spirit has selected and has guided many of the laity who will be instrumental in bringing restoration to our Holy Church. Many seers and prophets will be given special graces, and they will be empowered with the fullness of God’s Grace. The Holy Spirit has poured His Spirit on many of the laity and special holy priests in preparation for the fight against satan and his minions. We can no longer stand and see my children perish. Many are waiting for my call to awake and prepare for the attack against evil and Satan. I have gifted many of you, my children, with special spiritual gifts to combat evil. I have raised an Army of warriors for God. Many have been called but few have been chosen. You are ALL ready as I speak. I desire that you start forming small communities as the Holy Spirit leads you. I call for my remnant to come together and I will bless them with the Word of God. Start building small communities and be not afraid of what you must do. I will guide all of you. God the Father “…. My beloved son, when you consecrated your heart to Me, your heavenly Father, and drank of the Chalice, you accepted your Mission given to you and I have guided you through trial and tribulations and even death. I have chosen you and ask you to be humble, loving, kind, and generous to teach and prepare my people for these days of darkness, You have taken the first step and I saved you from the claws of Satan as he tried to destroy you and almost succeeded in your death. He has tried to slaughter you many times. I am your Protector. I, your God, the Father, have always been at you side regardless of your spiritual walk for I am your Protector and Shield. I am your Master and Savior. The gates of Hell shall not prevail against you. Many will come to you for help, and I command you to teach them. Be always strong my son, be humble, patient and have complete trust in your preparation. Everyone you talk too, see them as if they are my Son Jesus. Many will come to you for directions. Remember it is not you that will direct them but I, your Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit and Our Blessed Mother will always be at your side. I will give all my servants the grace that was given to my Apostles as was in the beginning of My Church, My Remnant Church is coming together, and I will empower it with the fullness of my Presence. After the time of the Awful Horror all evil will be removed and destroyed; Holy Servants and Religious will be with Me on earth as earth will become Heaven for all eternity. The Refuges have already been completed and are in spiritual places throughout the world. Our Blessed Mother and my Spirit have shown and allowed you to enter them. At the appropriate time, I will give you permission to share this with my children. “ *The following has been approved for release by John’s spiritual director, Monsignor Enda Mckenna