So many obstacles but I sense you are on the right path. I’m assuming you’ve had your house and land blessed. If it were me I would use holy water and blessed salt everywhere. A friend recently gave me some exorcised and blessed olive oil which I’ve been cooking with, as I don’t know what else to do with it. When one of my twins was having nightmares I sprinkled holy water in her room and said that lovely prayer from the night office: visit we beseech you O Lord this house and family. Drive from it all the snares of the enemy and may your Holy angels dwell here to preserve us in peace and may your blessing be always upon us. There are some better versions, this is a paraphrase. God bless you and your family. May St Patrick who drove the snakes from Ireland pray for you.
Wow, goodness! I definitely took for granted how easy having water was in the city. I've always just drunk water straight out of the tap without giving a moment's thought to it. Now I'm like, clean water is so precious! So much relies upon it!
Our land hasn't officially been blessed by a priest yet, but we did walk the perimeter sprinkling epiphany water and praying the rosary. And my kids and I dropped blessed St. Benedict medals into the ground under and around the house when it was built. We plan to renew our enthronement of the Sacred Heart soon, and visit the nearby Catholic church and talk to the priest about hopefully coming out to bless our home.
May God bless you all. You certainly are doing all the right things, praying for your family tonight,byou seem to be a good representative of all that is best in America.
Just thought I'd update, since a couple weeks ago I was visiting Nebraska to see if God wanted us to move there. Well, we do not believe He is calling us there. What we DO believe He is calling us to do is to budget like we've never budgeted before, saving every last dime we can, and to trust Him that He's going to help us keep our home. We do love it so much here.
I am so sorry you are getting tested so much. I trust that the good Lord who is testing you is doing so for a reason, the reason being that He loves you all. But that is very easy for me to say sitting here in Ireland with enough water to sink the planet. Prayers to St Joseph, my great go to in such concerns.
Happy to hear this. My mom and dad were very thrifty. She shopped the weekly sales at the grocery store. That is the big thing now, the expense of food.
I recall that you had trouble drilling for clean water, but the above sounds like a different issue. Praying!
Yes we have water now, although we do have to shock the well once a month as the sulfur smell begins to return even with all the filtering we paid a ton of money for. We've been living here for 3 months now and we love it! It's just that the costs of everything ended up so high that we've struggled with whether we're going to be able to afford living here. So we're going on a super strict budget to see if we can do it, and praying for things like a raise, or interest rates to come down...stuff like that.
Just a word of caution. You mentioned that costs of things keep going up. That would be most understandable if you are referring to the extraordinary costs like those related to your well, but most everyday costs are going up everywhere. My beautiful bride, Geralyn, knows how to stretch dollars like nobody else (food, thrift shops, etc). But with your wonderful brood of kids, time flexibility for bargain hunting is probably limited. God bless you. With our kids, we have two young families in the same boat as you, one in PA and one in Sealy, TX. The Two Hearts will provide!