I found out from a reliable French source, that on December 12, 2004 Debora Marasco shared the following (I am translating from French so not from the original italian) We will see arise within the heart of Christianity the monster of the lie that evokes the antique ruse that Satan used to deceive Adam and Eve and we will see disobedience to God in all things. We will see increasing impropriety in the celebration of the Mass. Worse, we will see further profanations the Sacred Body of Christ, our beloved Spouse. There will even be efforts to abolish the Sacrifice or to suppress all attitude of sacredness to diminish the honor. I saw strange things, we were walking with masks over our mouths, seized by fear and confusion facing imposed safety regulations. I saw souls suffering, people become crazy because of dishonest legal rulings that will starve the people. Workers everywhere were out of work and the seeds of death were spreading with violence. I believe that this apparition received a negative ruling, but I have read texts by those defending the apparition that the Church did not respect its own processes in the ruling because the Bishop never received the testimony of the main seer! It is most interesting to note that all authentic seers in the west suffer a great deal and the more the message is directed towards healing the sins and evils in the Church, the quicker they get dismissed. Hmmm. If someone can find the original message in Italian, I would be interested in knowing more.
I had never heard of these (alleged) apparitions but was prompted to find out a bit more following the recent posts above. I found this interview with the seer Debora, from August 2020, which might be of some interest. https://www.giovanipromanduria.org/interview-with-debora/
Nope wrong Debora.... I had a special experience with manduria myself a very long time ago. It is a difficult apparition site for sure but there's definitely something that hits the notes..
If that is the case, then I apologize and will drop this. It was surprised at the quote that I saw yesterday from a good Catholic since it was the first prophecy that I have heard mention specifics about the current measures of madness. What strikes me though is how the seers whose messages speak openly about the problems within the Church are treated as "controversial" and often have a negative judgment and on-going struggle associated with their apparitions. Very interesting Dave, thanks. So the seer is still alive. It's interesting that the Virgin said "With Manduria, I aim at the conversion of China".
https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0dhUhuLa?pd=0ASx4ijp&lang=en_US&s=i0 The seer from Manduria mentioned social distress coming to Europe especially Italy. This article gives us an idea of what she maybe meant.
These alleged messages are very interesting. They align closely with the very many and approved apparitions by various saints, blesseds and venerables given for consideration in the book 'Trial, Tribulation and Triumph' by Desmond Birch. These are especially notable with regard to the prophecy of serious civil disturbances/civil wars in France, Italy and England, a Russian invasion of western Europe, an Islamic invasion of southern Europe and the emergence of a 'Great Catholic King' who is destined to overcome God's enemies against apparently insuperable odds.
The only comment that makes me doubt is the one about the Balkan war beginning after a generalissimo military figure dying. It just sounds familiar.
I noticed that too. That’s exactly like prophecies of Alois Irlmaier from last century about coming ww3 in our times. If it's not copied from him then it's a striking coincidence. But I am not sure what to make of her as I am not too sure about Irlmaier himself, even if he was a devout Christian and allegedly proved his abilities to a court in Germany... Simmilar parts from his prohecy: Italian Revolution and persecution of clerics, Escape of the Pope In the boot country (Italy) a revolution breaks out, in which they kill all the clergy, I see priests with white hair lying dead on the ground. Pope flees in disguise as a pilgrim. Middle east war despite loud protestatios for peace Everything calls peace. Shalom! Then it will occur -- a new Middle East war suddenly flares up, big naval forces are facing hostility in the Mediterranean -- the situation is tense and strained. The assasination of high ranking official in the Balkans triggers the war But the actual firing spark is set on fire in the Balkans: I see a 'large one' falling, a bloody dagger lies beside him --then impact is on impact. Two men kill a third high-ranked. They were paid by other people. One of the murderers is a small black man, the other a little bit taller, with bright-colored hair. I think it will be at the Balkans, but I cannot say it exactly. After the murder of the third it starts overnight. I see quite clearly three numbers, two eights and a nine. But I cannot say what it means and cannot state a time. The war begins at sunrise. He comes along very rapidly. The farmers sit in the pub playing cards, when the foreign soldiers look through the windows and doors. Quite black, an army comes from the east, but however everything occurs very rapidly. I see a three, but I do not know if it means three days or three weeks. Suprising start of war from the east. Massed units march from the East into Belgrade and moved forward into Italy. Thereafter three armored wedges immediately advance with lightening speed in the north of the Danube over West Germany towards the Rhine without preliminary warning. This will occur so unexpectedly that the population flees full of panic to the west. Many cars clog the roads - if they had but stayed at home or not used the main roads! Everything, which will be an obstacle for the rapidly advancing tanks on high-speed motorways and other fast motorways, will be down-rolled. I cannot see the Danube bridges above Regensburg anymore. Hardly anything remains of the big city Frankfurt. The Rhine Valley will be devastated, mainly by air. I see three spearheads coming. The Russian does not stop anywhere, while running in his three wedges. Day and night they run in order to reach the Ruhr-district, where the many furnaces and fireplaces are. Day and night the Russians run, inexorably their target is the Ruhr-district. Immediately the revenge comes from across the large water. However the yellow dragon invades in Alaska and Canada at the same time. But he comes not far. Destruction of golden city (Prague?) And then it rains a yellow dust in a line. When the golden city is destroyed, it begins. Like a yellow line it goes up to the city in the bay. It will be a clear night, when they begin to throw it. The tanks are still driving, but those who sit in theses tanks become quite black. Where it falls down, everything will become quite dead, no tree, no bush, no cattle, no grass, this becomes withered and black. The houses still exist. I don't know what it is and so I cannot tell it. It is a long line. Who goes over this line, dies. Then everything in the spearheads breaks down. Nobody will come back anymore. ----------------------------------------------------- He also speaks more of the war progression, of piloted caterpillars or worms (submarines?) used in it, bombs thrown into sea which case floodings, of the 3 days of darkness which happen during the war, warming climate preceeding the war and a time of peace which come afterwards... I am sure he was discussed on this forum multiple times.
All of these chastisements according to the present seers, come after the Warning. Alois, I don’t think mentions the Warning. We don’t know when the Warning comes. It may take years before the Pope visits Moscow.
There are some interesting messages in this apparition where the Virgin appears as Our Lady of the Eucharist. I recently became aware of one dated December 12, 2003. It's a bit long and I can't translate it all but it talks about the "Pope of Her heart" wanting to go to Russia but being prevented from doing so by powers against the faith. That pope would have been John Paul II. The message also refers to his successor, Pope Benedict, a pope "close to Her suffering Lamb" and his successor. I am sharing the last part of that message below: “…With the succession of yet another Pontiff “in the sign or poverty”, God will not allow the destruction but humiliation so that the whole Church can participate, in a Lent of the heart, for a renewed spiritual Easter. The latter will create a sort of trauma and the true believers will be confused. He (the Pope) will not have a bad heart but will not be a father. He who comes from the land of great social struggles will be affected, he will not be able to be a father but a brother. To my torn Church, he will be an alarm bell. Let no slander be spoken, let all judgment be to God! Pray and repair so that what you cannot understand may be offered with your suffering. Be silent but industrious. The time is sad but God will not leave you without light." I don't know where the messages can be found in English, so share this website in Italian where I got the above excerpt and more information which you can translate.