Belgian Woman Suffocated with Pillow After Euthanasia Cocktail Left Her Screaming A public prosecution office in Belgium is investigating a euthanasia program after two nurses reportedly suffocated a woman with a pillow when the cocktail of drugs administered to kill her didn't work. Le Soir, a European media outlet, reported that 36-year-old Alexina Wattiez requested euthanasia with a program in the city of Liège after being diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2021. In 2022, her health began to rapidly decline and she and her partner, Christophe Stulens, prepared for her death. Stulens told Le Soir that a doctor and two nurses came to his home one evening before her death. Stulens and his 15-year-old daughter stayed to say their goodbyes. "After a short night's sleep, I was woken up by a nurse who told me that Alexina was doing very badly," Stulens said. "Then the doctor took some syringes and we were asked if we wanted to say goodbye." Stulens was then instructed to wait outside on their terrace while they administered drugs to Wattiez. He said an event that he expected to be peaceful turned horrific. They heard screaming coming from her room. "I recognized her voice," he said. "Afterwards we saw her lying on the bed with her eyes and mouth open." An autopsy found that Wattiez died of asphyxiation. According to Le Soir, nurses allegedly took turns using a pillow to suffocate her. "Alexina wanted to sleep peacefully, but apparently there were too few resources," Stulens said. Stulens is suing the organization. "Their goal is not to demand sanctions but to provoke a debate and that this type of affair never happens again," he said. "Could you imagine that your mother or your wife could end up suffocated by a cushion as part of her end of life? I think no one can conceive and imagine that," said Maître Renaud Molders-Pierre, a lawyer for the family. Meanwhile, the Public Prosecution Service of Liège has now opened a murder investigation. Euthanasia is defined as the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals in a relatively painless way. In 2014, Belgium passed legislation that allowed euthanasia for terminally ill children without any age limit. As CBN News has reported, under the law, if both parents agree their child should be killed, three doctors and a psychologist would then have to certify that the child was aware of the consequences of his or her decision. The child would have to be under medical care. Despite Belgium's efforts to legalize and expand access to euthanasia, Belgian politicians are now condemning what happened to Wattiez. "What happened is not euthanasia," Belgian politician and doctor Jacques Brotchi told RTL Info. "Such a definition of this terrible situation devalues the gesture of euthanasia, which accompanies a person to the end without pain." According to Live Action News, the drugs used in these situations are the same as the ones used in executions which are known to fail at times. "The death penalty is not the same as assisted dying, of course. Executions are meant to be punishment; euthanasia is about relief from suffering. Yet for both euthanasia and executions, paralytic drugs are used," Dr. Joel Zivot, an associate professor of anesthesiology and surgery at the Emory School of Medicine told the outlet. He continued, "These drugs, given in high enough doses, mean that a patient cannot move a muscle, cannot express any outward or visible sign of pain. But that doesn't mean that he or she is free from suffering." Zivot further explains that fluid often fills the patient's lungs and they end up drowning while they are paralyzed. "Advocates of assisted dying owe a duty to the public to be truthful about the details of killing and dying," Zivot continued. "People who want to die deserve to know that they may end up drowning, not just falling asleep." Euthanasia is currently illegal in the U.S. in all 50 states, but is legal in countries like Canada and Belgium. Meanwhile, assisted suicide, which involves a person taking the action to end their own life, is legal in 9 U.S. states and Washington, D.C.
This is really curious that Alexina started screaming after being given this cocktail of killer drugs. Assuming that they were administered by competant health professionals there is really no way this horrific reaction might have been expected. No more than a patient might start screaming on an operating table before a procedure or someone being put to death by lethal injection in an execution might do so. The whole point of the thing is that is be painless , not cause pain. My own guess is that what was happening is something we find sometimes in Near Death Experiences when people find Demons appearing to drag them off to hell when they nearly die. I would guess here Alexina was not experiencing physical pain but was expressing fear at the appearance of demons coming to carry her away. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: The Catechism of the Catholic Church addresses suicide in a section called “Respect for Human Life.” While identifying suicide as a mortal sin—an action a person knows is of grave matter but willingly commits anyway—the catechism also recognizes the decreased culpability of the person in certain circumstances and the hope for God’s mercy. The Church also now allows a funeral Mass and burial in a Catholic cemetery for those who take their own life. The catechism states: • “Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of” (#2280). • “Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God” (#2281). • “If suicide is committed with the intention of setting an example, especially to the young, it also takes on the gravity of scandal. Voluntary co-operation in suicide is contrary to the moral law. Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide” (#2282). “We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways know to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for people who have taken their own lives” (#2283). † I notice with some sadness that Alexina was wearing a large Cross in the picture above. But because of the awful circumstance of her death I very much doubt if she was assisted by a priest at her death.
The thing is with our current generation is that we have totally lost our hard edge to look at the simple truth of things when they are difficult to deal with. We wrap them up in pink cotton and silver paper and hide them away somewhere. We just don't want to deal with them. But from time to time the hard truth of things simply burst to the surface. There was a Conference on Suicide here in Ireland a few years back attended by all kinds of Health Professionals. But I recall the turmoil when one of the speakers came right out and said that people who commit suicide are very selfish. They themselves opt out and refuse to continue but they leave their families behind with the burdens of grief and self blame and this sometimes kicks off all kinds of other harms including ,sometimes, another cycle of suicides.
I too think it must have been spiritual. I have been put under for surgery many times and have quickly become unconscious. Each time I have had to euthanize an animal over the years I have been warned that the animal may twitch or cry out but was told would be a reflex reaction of the body but not a conscious animal. I've never had that happen though. Usually within seconds of the drug the animal is definitely unconscious and within a few more seconds the heart has stopped. My MIL who is not religious (nor most of her family and friends) had warned me when my Dad was dying that screaming would most likely happen as she had always witnessed on friends and relatives deathbeds. (He died naturally of course) He was in a state of Grace, recieved Last Rites within minutes of death from our Priest, and it was VERY peaceful. He even lifted one eyebrow and smiled upon death. My MIL was amazed at my report! The only thing I could think was that maybe her friends and relations had received demonic attacks upon their deaths.
I was just thinking that if getting knocked out caused people to scream there would not be many people attending hospitals for surgery. I had a friend though he went to surgery for multiple fractures in both legs one time. They were pioneering a new device for self administering morphine at the time. All you had to do was squeeze your hand and morphine was self dosed through a drip. However his hand froze with pain and he O'Ded. When he came round the Doctor asked him if he had had any dreams? He said he had, he dreamed of green horses. The Doctors looked amazed. He asked them why and they answered, 'Everyone dreams the same thing. Green horses. We can't understand why.'
LOL I've never dreamed of green horses! Must be a morphine thing. Once while sedated (not fully under) I dreamed of turkeys, hundreds and hundreds of them walking around the whole time! Another time when I was deeply under general anesthesia I felt the Lord Jesus with me the whole time. I didn't see anything but white background but strongly felt His presence. I loved that time! Mostly I just am reciting my name to the anesthesiologist as he is administering the drug and the next thing I know they are waking me up.
Another bad death was my Aunt about 10 years ago. She was in a nursing home and not expected to die at the time. Her daughter called me at 2 am crying saying that my Aunt woke everyone up screaming in terror and the nurses ran to her room to find her screaming and then she immediately passed. I don't know her spiritual state but pretty sure she had not gone to church since she was a child.
From the Diary of St. Faustina, In the Diary of St. Faustina, there were many examples of people dying who are in deep agony in their final moments, it was only after St. Faustina prayed the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy for them that they died quietly and peacefully...
Years back, I was forced to drive my dad who was unwell then to a relative's funeral. Given the choice, I would not have gone as I had never liked the deceased. He was a piece of work indeed: foul-tempered, bullied anyone who could be bullied; regularly beat up his wife, and never troubled himself to go to Mass. His death was sudden, heart failure, I remember. On the day of the funeral, nothing could have prepared me for the sight in the coffin. The poor man's face was frozen in what looked to be a grotesque, horrific scream - mouth stretched to its limits. I'm sure the undertaker made all effort to make the man as presentable as possible for the final viewing - but it didn't work. Never will I forget what I saw that day.
I think the thing that gets me about suicide is the lack of time involved. With other sins we probably have loads and loads of time to convert, repent and get to confession. But with suicide there is so very,very little time to convert and no chance at all for the Sacraments. So the cards are well stacked against you in this case I think. it is a really, really serious sin to be taking with you to the Judgement Seat. Padre Pio said when asked never to give up hope in the case of suicides, which is correct of course. But still. Why take the chance?
I find this interesting because I attended an inquiry with senior hospital staff and consultants into a very distressing death of a near relative whilst in their care. The person's face was contorted after their death but the consultant said this wasn't possible because all muscles etc relax in death.
It is a serious sin but God is timeless. We can change so many things and pray for our passed relatives and forgive them. I had a close relative who killed themselves 36 yrs ago, who was a wonderful Catholic. Gave to people and priests in secret. Rosary etc. Best person I ever knew. Some people just Crack due to depression, etc. I have no doubt in God's mercy for my dear dad.
When my Grandmother died, I drove with my parents to the hospital to see her and they had to identify her. She had a heart valve blow and dropped dead while putting the key in the door of her apartment after coming home from a hair appointment. The neighbors heard her drop and called an ambulance. Her surgery for a new valve had been scheduled for the next week but she didn't make it. When we saw her in the hospital morgue, her eyes were open and her mouth wide open and distorted as if in a scream, but the nurse who took us to her said that was only because they had tubed her and tried for almost 40 minutes to revive her. It did make sense. She was a very prayerful religious person so I cannot think she was damned.