Saying like it is

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by Mario, Oct 18, 2023.

  1. Mario

    Mario Powers

    I just received a text from my fiery daughter, Therese (though Rachel can be equally "hot"). Therese and Johnny are the parents of 2, Jack and Zellie (both under 5). Actually, both my daughters have the same "Mama Bear" instincts as my wife, Geralyn.

    I'm sorry to introduce an infuriating topic after such a cute Finnegan pic. But I am so disgusted and frustratingly angry at this book I found at the library. I checked it out and am throwing it out so it will not confuse the minds of any three-year-olds in our county. It was in the board book section and was "educating" the young on the openness of gender; it is now ensconced in the raw meat container and cauliflower stalks where it belongs... It's not that I haven't seen books along this theme before. I always censor the library books. This one was just so blunt, etc...and was in the toddler section.:mad:

    The battle is non-stop. Mary, help this Catholic generation to rise to the challenge and and be faithful to the Lord. And for those of us who have children who are faltering, let us trust that the Two Hearts will not fail in answering the prayers of faithful Catholic parents. Form them into holy warriors! Jesus and Mary love each of them more than we do. They will not fail to answer our prayers!

    Note: Therese did sign it out and is willing to pay the consequent fines.

    Let God arise and the enemy be scattered so that our children and grandchildren will shine like the stars of heaven!

    Jesus, we trust in You!
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2023
  2. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Wow. I can understand your daughter's fury. That book lives in the garbage where it belongs. Our libraries have been hijacked. :cry:
  3. djmoforegon

    djmoforegon Powers

    Good for your daughter! This is the era of warrior parenthood.
  4. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    I feel for you and your daughter and I can very much relate to this. As for me, I have asked my wife and kids to stop going to the public library. The kids were not happy, but I hope they understand. They are 8 and 5. We have church library instead of the public one, although it is seldom open.
    Sam, AED, garabandal and 4 others like this.
  5. A few years ago in the public library, I saw a book about magic and casting spells that I misplaced between the bookcases way down in an unreachable area unless they moved all the bookcases. There, problem solved.:)
    Sam, AED, Jason Fernando and 3 others like this.
  6. Jo M

    Jo M Powers


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