Has the Church overlooked dialogue with atheists? pagan religions can be bad

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by xsantiagox, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. xsantiagox

    xsantiagox Archangels

    I have came to the conclusion that many naturalist\atheist philosophies are , in fact, much more benign that many non-christian religious systems. All I have studied on the topics of (religious anthropology) and (neurology of religious asceticism and self-harm) has convinced me of this. many modern religious practice animal sacrifice : orthodox judaism (yes! they break chicken neck's once a year in a mass ritual), umbanda, islam, tantric hinduism...Shamanic pagan religious were rife with drug use, cross-dressing, unnecessary surgical body mods, filthiness and eating non-food substances.
    I really think an atheist who is against abortion can help humanity or the church more than a non-christian religious man who sacrifices goats or believes women are metaphysically inferior to men.
    What do you think? there is a new trend called "effective altruism" which is basically secular and consists of people researching how to donate to effective charities so animals and humans suffer less in a poor, distant part of the world.
    Julia likes this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    I have witnessed how Jordan Peterson and his wife have demonstrated such a propensity as you have pointed out since they appear to be embracing the logic and beauty of Catholicism. :)
  3. Whatever

    Whatever Powers

    I see none of it as good. The natural law is written n the hearts of all humans, therefore, it can be expected that there will be people of all religions and none who oppose practices contrary to the natural law.

    Altruistic atheism may appear to be better in the short term. I believe that in the long term it is more likely to bring us to the stage described in the Catechism as a deception where man believes that he is God.
    Clare A, Katfalls, Julia and 2 others like this.
  4. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Bishop Sheen speaks to that, as well.
    Sam likes this.
  5. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    On the face of things it seems being aware "First do no harm," might be a good way to go about deciding the best way to share goods, services or other charitable works.
    As for pagan practices or ancient Jewish rites involving animal sacrifice, Jesus has instructed us through the Gospels we no longer need to draw blood to please God.

    God knows it can feel like we are drawing blood sometimes just practising fasting as and when we are requested, for the sake of our salvation. Or oh boy does it feel like extracting a tooth, holding our tongue when someone gets under our skin, and offering up the moment as we are encouraged to do.

    A lot of the spiritual problems in our day are the result of poor or lacking catechesis resulting in ignorance, and the natural internal space reserved for God instinctively draws souls to new ways to discover dear God whom they have been left ignorant about. IMHO
    HeavenlyHosts and Sam like this.
  6. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    When Jesus died on the Cross he became the ultimate sacrifice. That is why communion with him is so important. He said, “Do this in memory of me”. So we are invited to join with him in the sacrifice that is pleasing to God. No other belief system can touch this. To set a good example of being a faithful Catholic is the only way other belief systems will learn. None of them can even come close. Our Blessed Mother as Our Lady of Guadalupe is an excellent teacher of the true sacrifice. It’s so simple that people try to complicate it.
    Clare A, Sam and HeavenlyHosts like this.

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