Murdering the Elderly: Japan

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by padraig, Dec 26, 2023.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers


    AED likes this.
  2. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    They were a nation that respected beyond measure, their elderly...
    Terrible. Absolutely terrible.
    Byron, Mary's child, LMF and 3 others like this.
  3. xsantiagox

    xsantiagox Archangels

    in buddhist religion, killing a parent is one of the 5 sins which send you to the worst hell for billions of years...:(
    Byron, Mary's child and AED like this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    AED likes this.
  5. josephite

    josephite Powers

    So Sad.
    Mankind is losing its soul.
    As evidenced by the above.

    Coupled with the wholesale slaughter of innocence in every country; unbridled passions celebrated universally and indulgent individual comforts emblazoned as a right no matter the carnage.

    The soul of mankind is drowning in demonic narcissism.

    A grim picture for the future of mankind!

    Lord Have Mercy on us.

    Wisdom of the Sacred Head guide us in all our ways.
    Volition of the Sacred Will govern our human will.
    Love of the Sacred Heart consume us with Thy fire. Amen
    Byron, Sanctus, Sam and 3 others like this.
  6. Whatever

    Whatever Powers

    Isn't this euthanasia without the clinical setting and assistance of a doctor? Mass immigration is staving off the widespread killing of the elderly and infirm in Europe. When that dries up, health and social services will be overburdened and families will be expected to care for their parents or pay high costs for their care. Where the burden falls on families of one or two children, most won't be able to afford it. That's why euthanasia is gradually being made the preferred option in the name of "mercy". Murder is murder no matter how clinical the conditions but people who see abortion as health care won't find it hard to come to terms with finishing off their parents in the name of mercy.

    Mother Teresa was right when she said that the culture that murders its young has no future.

    Here's the Guardian's report about a Japanese film on the topic of Japan's age demographic crisis. The Guardian does spin better than any news outlet.
    Byron, orangina, Sam and 5 others like this.
  7. orangina

    orangina Archangels

    When you turn the culture of life into the culture of death, which is what society becomes with abortion, that border moves further and further, and then others take their turn. Euthanasia will follow (perhaps first for the sick), then it will follow for those who are less sick, then it will follow for those who are different, then it will follow for those who do not agree with certain laws, then it will follow for all those who do not fit into society.

    Maybe this and that person will be a burden to some family, just as that child is a burden if it is born and disrupts the plans...Perhaps the people who themselves deprived the youngest unborn of their lives will in their old age wait to be deprived of their lives against their own will. But again without any influence to decide about it because it depends on others. In a society where life has no price, perhaps first for those who cannot defend themselves, such as unborn children, the elderly and the sick, but everyone else's turn will soon follow. Life either applies to everyone or it doesn't apply to anyone, because when the human concept of freedom becomes the attitude that freedom is to do whatever I want without any restrictions or laws because the result is my pleasure, then the consequences of such thinking quickly come, which are usually of the opposite sign from comfort.
    josephite and PurpleFlower like this.
  8. xsantiagox

    xsantiagox Archangels
    josephite and Sam like this.
  9. orangina

    orangina Archangels

    This represents almost 5% of all deaths in Canada....And this will only get 10 times worse because they will soon( in March 2024) introduce a law that will include assisted suicide(aka murder) for mental illnesses.... There will be maybe over 30 000 deaths .

    But that is not the worst part, this is...

    "Support for the Carter v. Canada decision remains strong at 84%. People over the age of 55 have strong support at 89%. Support among faith communities remains high, including 83% of Catholics and 79% of Protestants. Additionally, 79% people across Canada who identify as BIPOC support the decision. "

    Nothing says you are catholic like killing another person, God must be enjoying watching all of this...

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