Prayer for conversions.

Discussion in 'The Sacraments' started by Tibbi, Mar 5, 2023.

  1. Tibbi

    Tibbi Angels

    Let me “throw this out there”.

    I have always devoted my prayers to saving souls from Purgatory.

    I’m no saint, have much to answer for. I find the rosary difficult unless in a prayer group. I like to be busy and meditation is distracted within minutes. Going to mass is easy – it’s the priest doing the ‘work’ while I meditate on the words.

    I travel a half hour to mass (an hour return) and found it wasted time. I can’t say the rosary –not concentrating on driving [Had a near accident once!]. On long journeys it puts me to sleep. Even the Chaplet requires some concentration if ‘praying from the heart.’

    Jesus gave St Faustina the conversion prayer: “Blood & water flowing from the Heart of Jesus from the Fount of Mercy, I trust in Thee.” I now say this prayer for every truck driver [probably tough cases], every expensive car [the rich man(?)] and twice for the many retiree couples towing a caravan. In faith I depend on Jesus to provide the grace for conversion for several hundred every time I travel to church.

    Moreover, He asked Marie-Julie Jahenny to spend 5 minutes in thanksgiving after every communion praying “Thank you Jesus, my Beloved, for You live in me and I live in You”. In the fifth minute He suggested we ask for the conversion of 1000 souls.

    It amazes me how I’m often the last person left in the church. Who goes to dinner at a friend’s home and rushes for the door immediately after desert?!

    At the elevation of the Chalice after Consecration I pray the Prayer of St Gertrude; “Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Precious Blood….for sinners everywhere…”

    In short, besides praying for souls in purgatory, I am now trying to maximize prayers for conversion of the living. At every prayer meeting we add the intention of conversion of family members, but the use of specific prayers at appropriate times, prayers that carry promises of conversions, seems a more focused means of achieving the fruit of conversions.
    Jo M, Cherox, Sam and 8 others like this.
  2. AED

    AED Powers

    I share some of these methods Tibbi. I too pray the "Blood and water" short prayer often and the St Gertrude prayer at the elevation of the chalice. As part of my offertory prayers I always place the Holy Souls in the chalice along with all those dying and in danger of Hell that the Precious Blood will save them. I had not known of the Marie Julie Jahenny prayer and I am glad to learn of it.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2023
    Jo M, Sam, sterph and 4 others like this.
  3. Carmel333

    Carmel333 Powers

    Me also! I think our Angels help us to try to atone and help souls as much as possible while we are on earth. I am constantly praying for everyone I pretty much come into contact with. Lots of Hail Marys over and above my daily Rosary LOL
    Sam, sterph, Mary's child and 3 others like this.
  4. Carmel333

    Carmel333 Powers

    The Harvest is big but the workers are few.......:)
    Sam, sterph, Mary's child and 3 others like this.
  5. miker

    miker Powers

    Same here with Rosary… typically try to find a group…and agree after Communion and Mass… we often pray the Anima Christi, “Behold O good Jesus”, and St. Michael.

    I agree too that at the moment of consecration as Host and Chalice is elevated, the veil is quite thin…. I imagine the saints and angels around the altar. And not sure this is theological, but the souls in purgatory ( including my deceased relatives) awaiting just a drop of His Precious Blood to quench their souls and release them to Paradise.
    Jo M, Sam, HeavenlyHosts and 4 others like this.
  6. AED

    AED Powers

  7. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Jo M and Sam like this.
  8. sterph

    sterph Archangels

    During the consecration, at the raising if the chalice, I ask Jesus to bathe us in his precious blood: My husband, my son, myself, all the souls of the world especially those dying, the souls in purgatory, the souls of my descendants, and all the inhabitants in heaven to increase their accidental joy.
    Jo M, Sam, miker and 1 other person like this.
  9. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    This is an exceptional prayer.
    Jo M, RoryRory and sterph like this.

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