Some reflections on the TLM - my first (aged 59 years) they are simple observations based on one experience - I mean no disrespect in anything that I say about the new mass. I love the Mass period but I have come to some solid conclusions - I went to the Antrim Road, Belfast (Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest) and I attended my first TLM Palm Sunday 2023 - I arrived 25 minutes early - the rosary was being recited (good). The ceremony lasted 2 hours and 40 minutes --a High Mass with all the trimmings - I was thrown in at the deep end. Observations - I felt I was was cast back in time - it captures a 1000 years in one ceremony - I got it, I got the antiquity the connection to the church militant, the connection to the church triumphant - as an historian I realised I was in the presence of a primary source of revelation - the ceremony, the paegantry, the garments on the garments off, the incense, the candles, the procession, the rubrics followed to a tee - the parameters clearly defined - The TLM is very masculine - 4 priests & deacons (all around 30) and 5 altar boys. The whole Mass itself is masculine - hardcore - it is hard work invloving a lot of the senses - one needs real discipline. It is a three course meal whereas the NO feels like a simple meal - the NO feels more feminine, it lacks the real theological depth of the TLM and feels transitory in comparison. The NO has also a contemporary modern feel - no sense of antiquity apart from maybe the Eucharistic offering - it is an easy ride compared to the TLM. The TLM bust my brain made me think so deeply. Initially, after 15 mintues I was wondering why am I here? But I was struck at the kneeling of the kissing of the palms (and the hand of the priest) followed by a ceremonial march out onto the Antrim Road a busy Belfast street singing in Latin - buses going past looking on the hundreds of Catholics behind the priest - those crazy Catholics are different - the doors of the Church were barred on the way back - we were only allowed entry when the priest bangs the door with a symbolic rod - back to our seats - an hour must have gone on the palm blessing - The choir of 8 ladies embellished the Mass with the gregorian chant - it was this that enabled me to keep engaged as I am completely ignorant of Latin - the whole Mass was sung - the singing was most uplifting. I love Gregorian chant. The we moved on to the passion readings sung in Latin - this I found the most challenging as this may have lasted an hour or so - I have no knowledge of Latin and was lost for a while but gave me a chance to recite the rosary - Then to the Mass - what struck me was the deacon and the priest holding onto the priests garments as he offered Mass Ad orientum - very much God centred. The whole thing is very much God centred - God, God, God - all bent towards God I don't think I have been challenged as much spiritually in a long time - it tested my limits of concentration - I had no watch - I did not know the time - here I was 'trapped' within time -- centred and focused on the supreme sacrifice of Christ - modern man has a problem with this kind of endurance - it is not for the faint hearted - Then to receive on the tongue, kneeling, hands under a cover - priest blessing me with communion and placing Christ on my tongue - I was touched, I was transported, I was hit with the force of grace that nearly bowled me over - I got a hit, I got an encounter. The TLM is imbued with Catholic culture and heritage and custom whereas NO feels mostly like a modern construction imbued by the spirit of the 60s (no disrespect intended but an observation). TLM - more silence – not to everyone’s taste but good for the contemplative soul – not suited to modern man and his technologies - What did I miss from the NO - The gospels in English - I missed the Eucharistic offering of the body and blood 'This is My Body'. But I am convinced we must die to preserve the TLM rite - it is a living historical liturgy that transport us in time to Calvary but also connects us with a 1000 years of History. It is a Crime against humanity to abolish this Mass - it is satanic. I understood why Pope Francis is not a fan - because of the PIETY, the reverence, the ceremony. I now have no doubt this Pope is wrong to suppress it. It must be kept - it is a treasure trove of grace, culture and beauty. In reality there is but one mass in two forms and I will continue to go to my local NO Mass. But I look forward to tasting the Low Mass in Latin - a shorter version - I look forward to experiencing that. One final comment - because the rubrics of the TLM are set in stone there is less chance of abuse. The rubrics of the NO need likewise to be clearly defined and implemented it is much too easy to fall prey to Fr Trendy. And I noticed in the crowd walking outside during the palm ceremony - the great Catholic historian Charles Coulombe and it is interesting I have been listening a lot to him recently. He must have been in Belfast for a visit.
Yes, thank you , garabandal, the word is PIETY. Correct. Piety is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, so it is not exclusive to the TLM, but it is there in abundance. You had a wonderful Palm Sunday. I know you are happy about it! I think you did a superb job of figuring out what was going on and reporting on it
My first TLM with my family was Palm Sunday Mass too! We showed up knowing almost nothing of what to expect...and 2 years later we've never returned to the Novus Ordo. My son serves almost weekly and loves the Mass so much that he plays Mass at home frequently by using a TLM missal and literally praying the ENTIRE Mass in Latin. It takes him a very long time to do it but he truly gets lost in it. At the TLM, I spend so much more time praying than I've ever been able to do at the Novus Ordo. Every single thing about the Latin Mass leads me to prayer and contemplation. I used to be frustrated to literal tears by my inability to focus on prayers post-Communion because of the modern songs being belted out. There is a force of grace that is undeniable at the TLM. My small children even feel this and respond to it. My 3 and 4 year olds were kneeling on concrete at our Palm Sunday Mass last weekend, as Mass was under a pavilion due to the numbers in attendance. They folded their hands reverently, as did a little girl beside them. These same children couldn't sit still to save their lives at the Novus Ordo Mass. My 8 year old son at the time couldn't either, and he's the one praying entire Masses silently now. My husband and I have always been faithful Catholics, all through our Novus Ordo years...I have always found Christ in every Novus Ordo church, and He's the One Whom I love. But the TLM SHOWS you that the Mass is Heaven on Earth. You see, hear, smell, taste and touch Heaven there. It is fitting for the Christ I love so much to be worshipped in this way. It demands our respect, reverence and devotion in a way the Novus Ordo never did. The Novus Ordo meets you where you are, I suppose...but the TLM challenges you, lifts up your eyes and heart and shows you a better way. That is what my husband and I believe.
Well said. I always compared it to dining on plastic dishes as opposed to beautiful exquisite China and silver. They both achieve their purpose but the difference between them is vast.
Yes! God loves us so much He still comes to dwell among our plastic dishes...but is that the best we have to offer Him?
I'm spoiled as a deacon due to my proximity. I have the responsibility of mixing a little water with the wine; I observe close up the elevation during the Consecration, and the fracturing of the Sacred Host at the time of the Agnus Dei. And the rubrics of the NO provide me the privilege of partaking of the Precious Blood. Not that I'm putting on a show, but my attentiveness I hope sets good example for those present if they happen to focus on the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer. I also can help keep servers on track. But of course in the TLM, the rubrics and gestures (ex. prayers at the foot of the altar and the generous use of incense) lead all into the Holy of Holies in a more tangible way!
I should search for latin mass in my city, but is it correct to say SSPX is banned? because they have a seminary and offer latin mass for any layman I dont really understand the canonical status of them. There is also legionaries of christ I think, I guess I should ask my priest or maybe email the bishop office?
I think SSPX is "licit but not appropriate" in other words perfectly legitimate to go to if it is the only TLM available but not necessarily the best choice. So I don't think they are banned just sort of on the fringe. I've been pondering this myself. We have no SSPX near us but I would very much like to know their status. Bishop Schneider says they are absolutely the right choice. Confusing times.
I would love to have the chance to attend a Mass that had more silence for prayer and no trendy hymns. I find even traditional hymns are a nuisance to be got through. There is an FSSP Mass about half an hour away but I didn’t feel the sense of awe and otherworldliness that people here describe. However I often have to drag myself to the local NO with its guitars and noise. The priest is a kind man but he seems to think he must act as emcee over it all. Sigh. No wonder the young are leaving
the mass I go to has an organ! My parents go to a different one since they prefer the other church(less people) but I always choose the organ one expect on special celebration days.
90% of the time I go to a NO mass due to distance and mass times. I think for me what attracts me so much to the TLM is because when I first started most times I was reading the prayers and the rubrics and was awed by all the meanings behind every little action. I also agree that the TLM is seems to be much more centered on God worship than the NO which to me seems to be more centered on community. But then I’m also a person that is easily distracted by others. I really would love to attend an FSSP tridium. If I get the option next year (and have the money) I might get a hotel close to it and stay for the Wednesday Tennebrae and through the Easter vigil.
Sometimes I wish I could be "free as a dove" and attend mass even several times a day, visiting many of the beautiful churches, cathedrals and basilicas of my city and province . its not merely tourism, I would love to. but I have to train, study\work, help out my parents who are getting older and also need a friendly presence in the house
I love the Old Mass. But I admit at the Liturgy for the Easter Vigil I felt a little bit lost because several things I expected were not there (unless I nodded off). I thought there was renewal of Baptismal Promises? But there was not. I thought there would be a Blessing of holy Objects. But there wasn't. I thought we would all be given little candles to hold. But there wasn't. But I am probably getting mixed up with the Novus Ordo Rite. I loved it anyway. I have to admit, though that I most love just praying on my own. After Mass yesterday I read a chapter of the Bible, did a rosary and the Stations of the Cross in a mostly empty Church and loved it. When a Church is packed I always go upstairs or to a space where I can be totally alone to pray. The Old Mass enabled aloneneess. The New Rite pushes people together as a group, I hate this. Alone, alone, alone. I go to Mass to meet Jesus, not other people really. One thing, in a round Church you sit staring at other people. Not at the Tabernacle. This is very destracting. Also the poor priest thinks he has to entertain, inform and be constantly coming into things. He doesn't. If I needed entertained I would not be going to Mass. I am a shocking old sourpuss.
I heard a story from the Monastery of the time the New Rite came in. In the old days each monk said his very own Mass mostly on his own (as the Carthusians still do in their own very ancient Latin Rite) However they started the New Rite concelebrating together. This caused rows and one monk actually punched another on the nose because he though this monk was doing the blessing ahead of everyone else and thus stealing the Mass for himself. The difference between the Old and New Rite is not just about language. There is a whole different way of looking at things.
EWTN gives an exhaustive answer to this question. I should have checked there first. Santiago I suggest you read what they have to say. The word I should have used instead of licit is valid. The Masses are valid and in a case where no other Mass is available it is permitted to go and to receive Holy Communion. Although the rites of marriage and confession are a bit more complicated. Pope Francis has granted canonical status to SSPX priests for the sacrament of confession. (2017) but I am not clear about marriage. Again I suggest going to EWTN.
Any Latin mass, for me, is two hours travel away. I prefer the FSSP and mass said by a mainstream priest [in an adjoining diocese, as they are banned by our bishop] I find the SSPX clientele very negative, obsessed with the (admited) errors and irreverence in the Novus Ordo. They share every possible word or action of the Pope that does not meet their 'standard'. Many reject anything post-Vaican, even the Mysteries of Light in the Rosary. They relish anything negative about today's Church on the internet. Some refuse to attend Novus Ordo masses and 'attend' SSPX daily online. To their credit, SSPX priests are well-formed and travel great distances to serve their followers. The Novus Ordo seems to depend on the devotion of the priest and I find myself avoiding some priests/parishes. The music in Novus Ordo masses is for human pleasure while the "old hymns" are in praise of God. At some masses there is applause for the choir as if at a concert. Of course, Gregorian raises the spirit to God. The Novus Ordo is a "celebration" and a social event preceded and ended with greetings and exhortations to enjoy your day. There is applause as baptisms or birthdays are announced. It is about people, not God. The Novus Ordo is marked by ever-declining numbers. Numbers at TLM increase. It seems to me that a return to the 'Old' mass is the path to a return to reverence, to the sacrifice to God.
I go to both the Novus Ordo and the Old Mass. I very much prefer the Old Mass , which is richer but the times do not often suit. I would say the very large majority of priests are good and holy. So I am happy enough either way. A bad priest doing Mass a bad way is a pain, but the Mass is still the Mass, bad priest badly said Mass or not.