I am not sure were the attack came from. He is from the Caribbean were they would all think like Father Clovis, including the Bishops, bless them. But he was always heading over to England to give Marian talks , (there is a large Caribbean ex pat community there) I suspected it was there he got his marching orders and had to head home to his islands. He mentioned being censored in a previous video. I listened to a talk he gave at home and it was funny all the congregation were Amening and clapping him and agreeing with him as he spoke. It must be wonderful hearing him speak at home, on the islands. I love the accent too.
He totally nails it. No ifs or buts he gives total clarity. Yes I agree with his analysis, it all goes back to the contraceptive mentality. It is going to take something huge to change things. Most young catholics getting married have been through church run pre marriage courses that promote contraception. Its a given. House prices and cost of living etc. all play into the scenario that women need to work. It's going to be hard to roll back.
Yes he speaks very simply and clearly, like Fulton Sheen. But like Fulton Sheen too he is very,very well qualified. He studied at the Angelicum in Rome and was ordained in 1983 by Saint Pope John Paul II. Father Clovis is a qualified teacher and holds a doctorate in Mathematics and degrees in Theology, Canon Law and Latin Literature. He should really, all things being equal, be have been made a Bishop by now. https://auckland.eucharist.nz/speaker/linus-clovis/ Fr. Linus F Clovis is a priest of the Archdiocese of Castries, St. Lucia in the West Indies. He studied for the priesthood at the Angelicum in Rome and was ordained in 1983 by Blessed Pope John Paul II. Fr. Clovis is a qualified teacher and holds a doctorate in Mathematics and degrees in Theology, Canon Law and Latin Literature. He has served as dean of the Arts, Science and General Studies Faculty of the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College and for seven years was principal of St. Mary’s College, St. Lucia. He is the archdiocesan spiritual director of the Legion of Mary in St. Lucia, through which he promotes devotion to Our Lady, especially that of the Rosary, the Perpetual Help novena, and the First Friday and FirstSaturday devotions. Additionally, he has led outreaches to the neighbouring islands, and annual pilgrimages to Marian shrines in over fourteen different countries. He is also the spiritual director of the Population Research Institute and Family Life International and a versatile speaker on pro-life issues, Scripture, Mariology and on Catholic teaching in general. Not only has he many talks and homilies on CD to his credit but he has made literary contributions to newspapers and international magazines and has published a book entitled “A Biblical Search for the Church Christ Founded.” He is currently the Director of the Secretariat for Family and Life in the Archdiocese of Castries, which works towards reestablishing family and family life on solid Christian principles in St. Lucia. In 2003, Fr. Clovis led the resistance to the St Lucia Government’s surreptitious legalization of abortion in his Catholic island and even refused Holy Communion to the head of state for having signed abortion into law. Fr. Clovis is the eldest of five brothers who are all actively in the pro-life apostolate. At our convention in 2004 Fr Clovis spoke about “Forgiveness, First Step to Conversion” the first day followed by “Forgiveness, an Ongoing Activity” the next day. Unfortunately we do not have a recording of those talks
How wonderful to be such a learned and at the same time humble and holy priest. What a Pope he would make. Who knows!!
I can second that. Fr. Clovis has come to New Zealand from time to time, and I had a chance to attend his conferences and meet him several times. It was always very eye-opening and uplifting. I love this priest. He has a certain aura of profound knowledge and holiness, I think.