I'll talk to Father Francis about encouraging every male parishioner over 16 to listen to this with Father/me; just one hour to listen and to then react. Pray that he may say yes. O Mary who stood at the foot of the Cross, pray for us who has recourse to thee!
I'll pray you can accomplish this, Terry. When we understand what is happening at every Holy Sacrifice, it can be too much for the poor human brain to comprehend, however to the soul disposed God gives graces of humility and awe. How wonderful and needed are the treasures of our Catholic faith.
What a great Preacher! There are so many good and holy priests out there, what a gift they all are. I keep forgetting.
Why do I go to Mass? Because it is the source and summit of the Mystical life. My life revolves around it as the Earth revolves around the sun. Without it all life in my heart would surely die. It is my everything. I will only get to Mass once this whole week in this Islamic city and I hear the voice of my heart gently weeping. It is only when we loose something that we can fully appreciate it. But I think we can only take from the Mass what we take to it. We need to take with it a full an active prayer life. A listening heart, otherwise the Mass is just so much gobbledegook.