Spoiler: It's not good in the short term. Fr. Ripperger said, "Obviously at Akita she [Our Lady] basically indicates the Chastisement is coming, and if man isn't careful it will come from his own hands, but that it will also be cardinal against cardinal and bishop against bishop. We're starting to see that. I think it's going to get even worse and I think you'll see a real division come..."
Robert Nugent came out this morning with another video on God's mercy and the need to get right with Him right now. I can't help but feel many Catholics feel this message urgently. I have in the past few months. I have a family member with a terminal illness who has been away from the church for decades. We all need to pray for those who may end up outside when the Door of Mercy closes.
Yes, I had a very real urgent wake up call myself yesterday, not of a spiritual nature itself but of very much spiritual importance. I had either a very acute attack of severe vertigo accompanied by transient hearing loss, or the worst mini stroke/ TIA (transient ischemic attack) I’ve ever had since the original strokes. Fortunately I simply continued getting dressed (in case I needed an ambulance) and prayed feverishly for help. The episode resolved in a short period of time but left me nauseous for hours, so I tend to think it was vertigo, as I’ve had a nasty chest cold this week and it’s migrated into my head and probably affected my inner ears. But it resembled the initial stages of the strokes I suffered in early March 2016. (Upon further research today I think it may have been Meniere’s Disease.) I did see a new doctor a couple hours later and nothing was remiss; neither a TIA nor acute vertigo can be seen on tests. Regardless, at 58 now with a very bad health history it was an intense urgent reminder to me that my time here on earth could come to an end sooner than I suspect, and probably will. And that I had better get my spiritual life much better sorted and in order than it is currently.
You have all my sympathy Brian. When I had covid the first time I got the same thing--a vertigo so bad I thought I might die. It sounds melodramatic but it was terrifying. It lasted for probably 8 hours and yes nausea. Just awful. I hope you don't have covid? Prayers.
BTDT lol! I had my first stroke in August 2015 then four in March 2016. The primary effects of the first one were total deafness in my left ear, but also severe vertigo for two months accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting. It was very bad. I had to take some heavy duty prescription anti nausea meds. Fortunately hearing in that ear came back fully within a month. When my right ear went completely deaf after the strokes in 2016, it took over a year to come back about half way, but it sounds like I’m hearing through a tin can in that ear now and I always have a pretty severe ringing in that ear now. Both of which combined makes it very difficult to enjoy any kind of music even now.
Oh dear. No wonder you thought it was back. I'm glad the MD checked everything out. A bad cold can affect the inner ear. No question.
Praying Brian, for a healing. Brian you could ask your Dr to check for Cholesteatoma, this can go undiagnosed for years. I know, as my third son has only recently been diagnosed with it and is to have it removed hopefully soon, he will be deaf in that ear. The cholesteatoma needs to be removed as it can be dangerous as it eats through bone, which has happened in my sons case, he no longer has a malleus or incus in the left ear and the scary thing was the specialist thought it may have infiltrated the mastoid bone with query prolapse of brain. Thankfully this was found negative.
Thanks. I do get my ears checked regularly. Years ago they found a benign osteoma in my left ear canal which hasn’t caused any problems but they keep an eye on it anyway.
You will be in my prayers, Brian. More so after my own albeit far milder experience over the past 2 days. In addition to it possibly being medical & age related, what hit you could also be a sign of retaliation by spirits upset over your posting of those enlightening videos on the DW.