Does anyone else here use the Amen app or frequent the Augustinian Institute Daily Reflections with Dr Tim Gray? Today's reflection was of great help to me re respecting the Holy Office of the Pope. I was doing this anyway, but have witnessed so many people that I regularly follow online, not being respectful. It's hard, I totally understand under the current circumstances, but this really clarified it for me.
I agree. Its so true. During Mass at this first reading hearing David say he would not attack Saul in spite of the murderous evil Saul was pursuing-- because Saul was God's anointed and he would not raise his hand against him. That God would be the judge --all i could think of was the office of the pope. How similar a dilemma. Yet like David we must not strike God's anointed. It is up to God to act. Fr Ripperger said much the same thing. This is very hard. It is a test. A hard test. But like David we must trust in God to right these wrongs. I know this goes against how many feel here but its a timely reminder. For me at least.
But if someone claimed in my presence a position opposed to the teaching of the Church and claimed Pope Francis said so, I would correct him. Lord have Mercy!
I thought the same when I heard this reading today. These verses in particular were powerful: “The LORD will judge between me and you, and the LORD will exact justice from you in my case. I shall not touch you.”
I saw the title of the thread and assumed it was about Touchy Fernandez, the sodomy-promoting head of the Vatican institution that, God help us, used to go under the name of the "Holy Office".