The True Nature of God The unfolding of My love in you is My personal happiness; I’m waiting for it. Everything that affects you touches Me personally. My friend, you are part of Me and I, your Christ, am part of you. Bossis, Gabrielle. He and I (p. 7). Pauline Books and Media. Kindle Edition. I find it interesting how hard is for Christians (me included) to understand how Personal the Infinite, the Ground of all Being, that which is Wholly Other, is. Perhaps if God could feel frustration, I would imagine that it would flow from our hard-headedness, and hard-heartedness in even beginning to understand the love God has for all His children. It is certainly a cause of inner suffering for me when I understand how slow I am in this regard. Jesus taught that the true nature of God is love, compassion, empathy, and long suffering for each of His children. That if there is a human being who is truly the ‘least’ that person is no less loved than the ‘greatest’. He used the term “Father” to give us a picture of the nature of the Infinite. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, we are shown the overflowing love of the God for His children. I would say that we are at times in our lives all prodigal sons and daughters. It has taken almost 75 years for this reality to even begin to heal my often fearful, anxious heart. We are truly one with Christ Jesus, or Jesus is one with each of us. As we open our hearts to His love this slowly becomes a reality. The desert must be gone though, we learn to love through suffering and struggle. It causes us to wake up to the importance of our lives and how our relationship with God allows us to order our lives according to His will. If left to us, well, all we must do is to see how the world has gone all through history. Christ with us, Christ in us, Christ embracing us, Christ healing us, Christ suffering with us, as we slowly allow grace to do its work. We just need to take the next step, or get up, or to begin now the eternal journey towards true union with the Father. All Christians belong to the Priesthood of the people of God. In our prayer, it is the Holy Spirit who leads us to lift all of mankind into the fiery love of the Trinity-Br.MD