
Discussion in 'Scriptural Thoughts' started by Padrepiofan, Feb 5, 2024.

  1. Padrepiofan

    Padrepiofan Angels

    Hi, going through despair
    I think the second coming has already taken place

    I believe the second coming has already taken place between 2020- 2023. So we are just awaiting the rest of the apocalypse and the last judgement.

    I belive Jesus has separated his sheep ans goats with the mark on the right and left hand. I believe he came as fire and looked like the sun, the delusion that God will send so all will be condemned.
    I notice during that period the sun looked like a blanc disc that was described at Fatima. we had strange skies and sunsets everynjght the powers of the sky had been shaken. A lot of people had dream of Jesus showing he's arrived.

    I gave up my faith out of hopelessness .

    I know there's no second chances after the second coming

    I have done the first five Saturdays so I don't know how that works
    Clare A, Mario and padraig like this.
  2. AED

    AED Powers

    If you have done the first 5 Saturdays the Blessed Mother is not going to let go of you. Just beg her to be your mother and get you through this. We are not even close to what you describe.
  3. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come


    I think we are here:

    “…the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” (Revelation 12:12)

    There’s no reason to despair.

    May I suggest you check out Daniel O’Connors latest. It will cheer you up.

    The Devil’s Rage Before His Defeat

    “…the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!” (Revelation 12:12)

    The nearer the time draws to Satan’s demise, the more ferocious and desperate he becomes.

    Unlike men who, even if they are Christians, ever vacillate in their belief in God’s promises, the Devil is in no way tempted to doubt that what God has said will happen… will, in fact, happen.

    “Even the demons believe—and tremble.” (James 2:19)

    This is why we see his rage increasing in the world in general today. He knows (better than any prophecy reader like myself!) that his time is short. He knows that Christ will soon Triumph. And this is why we are now seeing the demons unleash waves of unprecedented attacks:

    • Attacks against Catholic orthodoxy (from within the walls of the Vatican, no less!);
    • Attacks against against marriage and the family, as the “LGBT” agenda continues to explode; indoctrinating ever more children and breaking ever more homes;
    • Attacks against life; as euthanasia’s legalization and even normalization spread to new countries – and now France, the “eldest daughter of the Church,” appears poised to be the first country in history to enshrine, in its national constitution, abortion as a “right.”
    • Attacks against peace; as the imminent breakout of World War 3 appears more likely by the day and new forms of dystopian totalitarianism emerge.
    • And, as the backdrop of all this, we hear the strengthening and quickening drumbeat like that of an approaching army in the ET Deception preparing to soon deliver none other than the Strong Delusion of the Antichrist, as foretold by Scripture.
    Continue here.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I am so sorry that you are in this very sad position.

    You know Saint Padre Pio was once described by his fellow Friars as the happiest man on Earth. This, although he was a Victim Soul and endured massive slander and persecution.

    I think being positive, smiling and laughter and peace are true Signs of the Holy Spirit in our lives even if we swim in an ocean of suffering.

    Might I suggest you find a good , holy and wise priest to give you some wise advise and counselling at this time.

    I am afraid the place you find yourself in appears to me to be the deception of the Fallen Angels.
    Sam, Mary's child, Clare A and 3 others like this.
  5. Mario

    Mario Powers


    If you have done the First five Saturdays then the best place to be is kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament and asking Our Lady to wrap her Mantle around you. The evil one flees from her presence. You can be at peace and not worry about any date-setting.

    O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment Thine!
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2024
    Sam, AED, Sanctus and 3 others like this.
  6. Clare A

    Clare A Archangels

    Padrepiofan, your feelings about the present time are not from God. You have not been rejected by him, this is a lie from hell. Remember don’t trust your feelings and emotions. These can be affected by outside factors such as how much good sleep you’re getting and what you eat, who you socialise with. All intoxicants affect the brain so alcohol, drugs etc are not recommended. Only the drugs your doctor prescribes.

    I was there once. I didn’t feel like my Christian friends and when I‘opened my heart to Jesus’ nothing happened so I thought Calvin must be right and that I was unwanted by God, damned whatever I did. To have these thoughts is truly horrible but you need to understand that they are based on lies. God loves you and he searches for you, even if you don’t feel like it is so.

    St John Paul the Great said ‘be not afraid’! ‘Open wide the doors to Christ’. Trust the Catholic Church’s teachings. They are wise but more than that they are true. The Catechism teaches about the end times and thus we know they are not yet.

    Just live a good Catholic life and ignore your feelings. Satan wants you to despair but God does not. Every time you are tempted to despair call on the Precious Blood to cover and shield you. Also I recommend you talk to an understanding priest. Have holy water in your house. God bless you. Remember “lift up your hearts!’ ‘We lift them up to the Lord’.
    Sanctus, AED, RoryRory and 2 others like this.
  7. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Well said!(y)
    Clare A, Sanctus and AED like this.

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