I was shown in prayer the other night a priest dying many years ag , very suddenly, of electrocution. One second he was alive the next second dead. I saw , with great sadness that he found himself to his own great surprise that he found himself in the great and terrible darkness of hell. My own immediate instinct was to reach out to him in prayer but he'll is the place beyond prayer and beyond mercy. It seemed to me that this priest fell into hell for two main sins. The first being that he conducted a long time liaison, affaire with a woman. The second that he taught a heresy, very publically of Indifferentism, that all religions lead to God. I was thinking about this and these are really the two big sins that afflict the clergy of our day. Where we find impurity we may be sure we will find heresy and we're we find heresy, impurity. The two sins go together as twins. Also and even worse so many have so totally lost their sense of sin, deadened their consciences that they do not even see the danger. For hell really does exist and no matter how surprised they may be to find themselves there, they will still be there.. ...and he'll is both eternal and irreversible...there is no getting out of it.
Your vision of this priest is so troubling. It reminds me of Thomas Merton ( may he not be this priest!) But he fell into a fascination with Buddhism and he had a liason so the story goes. And he was electrocuted in Asia while taking a bath. So I have to admit I find your vision very sad and disturbing.
Yikes. It is the surprise that is unnerving. To lose the faith and not know it because of the blindness of sin
I believe Our Lady said to Sister Lucia that many people would still not believe in God even when they meet him face to face, which seems incredible, but I do believe it to be true. Also I recall Our Lady remarking that many souls who wake up in hell with a feeling of great surprise wondering how they got there and how such a place could exist. Faith is for very, very important in the Spiritual journey, without it we are lost. I remember Out Lady telling me the prayer is the bread of Faith, without prayer Faith dies. There was a recent poll showing that 76 per cent of Catholics in the USA do not believe in the Real Presence. It is the same here in Ireland? Well we can see by the way the Eucharist is treated. If folks really, truly believed they would behave very, very differently than they do in Church.
As the Catechism teaches us , if we pray we will most certainly be saved. If we do not pray we will most certainly be damned . I think if a priest were to preach this one thing and this one single thing his entire life he would do very well.
If I were to ask in my local Traditional Church if people believed in Hell and the devil I strongly suspect that the response would be 100 per cent in agreement that they were true teachings. If, however I were to ask the same question in my local Novus Ordo Church I believe the answer would be very different. Also the very large majority in my local Parish simply do not go to Mass , this is true especially of teens. It is, effectively dying and dying rapidly. In the Traditional Church things are flourishing and flourishing greatly. The bottom line being that in the one people are starved of prayer and in the other they are fed.
Everyone who wakes up in hell did not pray. If we pray we will not be damned. If only priests would preach this.