I was thinking about the Great Pope today. I assume he can only come about immediately after the death of the old Pope, so I suppose St Peter and Paul must appear at a Conclave. Also it doesn't really have to be after the death of Papa Frankie it could be anytime. I wonder what made the Holy Sister think of this? Has she been talking to some of the Medugorje visionaries? Strange.. But also very hopeful. We need all the hope we can get at the moment. https://solutioproblematisomnes.wor...-taigi-19th-century-italy-3-days-of-darkness/ “After the three days of darkness, St. Peter and St. Paul, having come down from Heaven, will preach in the whole world and designate a new Pope. A great light will flash from their bodies and will settle upon the cardinal who is to become Pope. Christianity, then, will spread throughout the world. He is the Holy Pontiff, chosen by God to withstand the storm. At the end, he will have the gift of miracles, and his name shall be praised over the whole earth.” “Whole nations will come back to the Church and the face of the earth will be renewed. Russia, England, and China will come into the Church.” Elizabeth Canori Mora was beatified in 1994. On the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 1820, she saw Saint Peter descending from heaven, robed in papal vestments and surrounded by a legion of angels. With his crosier he drew great cross over the face of the earth, separating it into four quadrants. In each of these quadrants, he then brought forth a tree, sprouting with new life. Each tree was in the shape of a cross and enveloped in magnificent light. All the good laity and religious fled for protection underneath these trees and were spared from the tremendous chastisement. “Woe! Woe to those unobservant religious who despise their Holy Rules. They will all perish in the terrible chastisement together with all who give themselves to debauchery and follow the false maxims of their deplorable contemporary philosophy! •“The sky took on a morbid blue color which terrified everyone who looked at it. A dark wind blew everywhere. An impassioned and mournful shrieking filled the air, like the terrible roar of a fierce lion, and resounded all over the earth in blood curdling echoes. •“All men and animals brimmed with terror. The entire world convulsed and everyone pitilessly slaughtered one another… •“When this bloody fight will arrive, the vengeful hand of God will weigh upon these fated ones and with His omnipotence He will chastise the proud for their rashness and shameless insolence. God will use the powers of darkness to exterminate these sectarian, iniquitous and criminal men, who plot to eradicate the Catholic Church, our Holy Mother, by tearing Her up by Her deepest roots, and casting Her on the ground.
Perhaps this future pope will choose the name Peter Paul, reflecting the supernatural role of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in the election.
'For we learn more quickly of what kind is the end of the world, if we carefully consider that which we bear about us from the world. For our age flourishes more vigorously in our youthful years, but in the time of old age it is shriveled up by increasing diseases, and while its existence is extended to greater length, instead of dying it daily fails every moment of its life. So also as the duration of the world increases in years, it suffers under increasing evils, and it feels the loss of its health, as it obtains increase of age. For its tribulations increase together with its years, and it endures with greater weakness the losses of life, the more it lasts on, as it were, to a more advanced age. For the ancient enemy is let loose against it with all his strength, who, although he has already perished, as having lost the happiness of his heavenly condition, is yet at that time more fully extinguished, when he is deprived of his permission to tempt, and is fast bound in eternal fires. He is about, accordingly, to assail the ends of the world with severe temptations, because he becomes more raging in his cruelty, the nearer he perceives himself to punishment. For he considers that he is just about to lose his privilege of most fatal liberty. And the more he is confined by the shortness of the time, the more does he spread forth with multiplicity of cruelty, as is said of him by the voice of the angel to John; Woe to the earth, and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time. [Apoc. 12:12] He then spreads himself forth into the fury of great wrath, in order that he, who could not remain in his state of happiness, may not fall into the pit of his damnation with a few only. He then searches out with greater craft whatever power of iniquity he has gotten, he then exalts more highly his neck of pride, and by means of that accursed man whom he wears [Antichrist], displays for the purpose of evil, all the temporal power he possesses.' For by the awful course of the secret dispensation [God allowing evil to grow until the end times], before this Leviathan [Antichrist] appears in that accursed man whom he assumes [Antichrist], signs of power are withdrawn from Holy Church. For prophecy is hidden, the grace of healings is taken away, the power of longer abstinences is weakened, the words of doctrine are silent, the prodigies of miracles are removed. And though the heavenly dispensation does not entirely withdraw them, yet it does not manifest them openly and in manifold ways as in former times. And this is so caused by a wonderful dispensation, in order that the Divine mercy and justice may be fulfilled together by one and the same means. For when Holy Church appears as if she were more abject, on the withdrawal of signs of power, both the reward of the good increases, who reverence her for the hope of heavenly things, and not on account of present signs; and the mind of the wicked is the more quickly displayed against her, who neglect to pursue the invisible things which she promises, when they are not constrained by visible signs. When therefore the humility of the faithful is deprived of the manifold manifestation of wonders, by the terrible judgment of the secret dispensation, there is heaped up more abundant mercy for the good, and just anger for the evil, by the same means. Because these signs of power cease, in great measure, in Holy Church, before this Leviathan manifestly and visibly comes, it is now rightly said, “Want will go before his face.” Pope St Gregory the Great. https://www.thekatechon.com/blog/st-pope-gregory-the-greats-prophecy-of-the-end-times-church
Very true. Some days (today being one of them) it’s a real battle to not despair. Gotta keep walking!
I think for the Church to be reborn and renewed in holiness it has to die. Rather like a woman who wishes a child having to go through the agony of child birth. None of this is easy. I suspect for some Catholics it is much, much harder than others. For those who are are more turned into the kind of organisational Church I think it will be much, much harder on them than others. Those who are on the Parish Council, the Social Action groups, those who are paid Church workers like teachers and Professors and so on. For myself I have always been a loner and very ereremtical. It sounds like a strange thing to say these days but I go to Church, especially to Mass to pray. It has always been a spiritual rather than a social thing. About a direct prayerful relationship with Jesus. A growing in holiness, a Spiritual Path. Whilst so much else is lost that will always continue as it always has. In fact in adversity and persecution I believe it will really flourish, like steel in a blast furnace. A purification. So I can;t really loose something I never had in the first place. We talk on the forum so much about events in the Church these days. How could we not do so? But the main thrust of this Home of Mary was and is Spiritual and Mystical. Its so sad we have to talk about things which are,by their very nature so divisive. The true mark of Catholicism was always its unity which we pray for every day at Mass. As to the Papacy and Church Leadership and Clergy, reading Church history always taught me to have a certain amount of healthy cynicism. Sadly most Catholics have not read Church History and have no understanding what can happen when evil and corrupt men (and women) seize control. For instance at one time in Rome it was said that the courtesans (the Prostitutes) of Rome actually controlled the Church ,so powerful was their influence. I am Catholic and always, always, always will remain Catholic until my dying breath. Watching my Holy Mother the Church going into a new child birth where the old dies and the new is reborn is very,very painful to watch. But it also a great sign of hope as we wait,expectantly for what is to come.
We are in a great battle but we know HER Immaculate Heart will prevail. Praying for strength, courage and conversion! https://www.catholicexorcism.org/post/exorcist-diary-273-satan-has-a-plan
I hope it will not go on to long. The Prophesies state that just at the moment when Satan thinks he has won everything she will break his neck for him. Well Satan seems to be doing very,very well indeed for himself just at the moment. So here's hoping. I see Manuela Strack the German visionary has remarkable recent messages from the Arcangel Michael concerning the near future. I must look them up.
https://www.catholicexorcism.org/post/exorcist-diary-273-satan-has-a-plan Exorcist Diary #273: Satan Has A Plan ["The Virgin as the Woman of the Apocalypse," Peter Paul Rubens, 1624-1625] Satan and his minions don't do "random." The Evil One has a plan, such as any military commander would have. Looking at the world around us, it is not hard to discern some of the major elements of his plan: 1. Destroy the Family. The assaults on the integrity of the family have never been stronger. The family is the "domestic church," according to Church teaching and the foundation of a healthy and holy society. I have great admiration for the courageous families of today who live the Gospel in the midst of constant assaults. May the Holy Family intercede for our families and keep them strong! 2. Attack the Church. Similarly, the Church is herald of Christ's message and the instrument of the world's sanctification. Admittedly, many of the assaults against the Church are made possible by real sins of the clergy, for which we must repent and ask forgiveness. However, since May 2020, there have been about 300 incidents against Catholic Churches including destroying religious statues, burning churches, defacing gravestones, and other forms of vandalism. I know of no similar precedent in modern times. 3. Destroy the Faith. Ultimately it is faith in God and Jesus that sustains the people and this world. The presence of faith allows Jesus to work his miracles in our lives and a lack of faith blocks it (Mt 13:58). It is no secret that there is a large and steady erosion of the faith in our society. Catholic parents often tell me that they are distraught that their children, brought up in a Catholic environment, turn away from the faith. And many more are not taught the faith at all. Survey research shows a steady, strong decline in church membership in the United States, now below 50% for the first time. And it shows a rapid rise in those who profess no religious affiliation, "nones," now at 30%. 4. Amass an Army of Followers. The rapid rise of those practicing witchcraft, wicca, the occult, paganism, and Satanism is stunning. For example, WitchTok had over 18.7 billions views by Oct 2022. Satan is amassing an army of followers. Some of them knowingly follow the Evil One, but most are unwittingly bonding themselves in servitude to Satan by casting spells, engaging in the occult, and worshipping pagan gods. 5. Replace Christian Life/Values With An Agenda of Death. Euthanasia is on the rise. Legalization of drugs and drug-related overdoses abound. Abortion continues to be available and now it is openly supported by Satanists. Sexual confusion reigns. School prayer is "out" and after school Satanic groups are "in". Religious statues are being destroyed and statues of Baphomet appear in public places. Suicides in the United States are steadily rising. 6. Spread Conflict, Confusion, and Violence. Rational, respectful public discourse is gone. Violence is spreading in our cities and division in our nation and our world. For example, the incidents of terrorism in the United States boggle the mind. Fifty years ago no one went into a public place and randomly killed innocent people. Today it is commonplace. This is the symptom of a society gone terribly wrong. In short, Satan's plan is to transform this earth into a hell. It is noteworthy that the Evil One is engaged in intense assaults on all the above six fronts at the same time. Some speculate that the end times are near. I don't know. But I do believe that his "100 years"* are up and as the Scriptures say: "Time is short" (1 Cor 7:29). We are certainly in a decisive battle with Satan who is at the end of his rope. It is as if all of hell has been emptied for a great battle. I can understand those who are pessimistic. From all externals, things look bad and getting worse. No doubt Satan thinks he is winning. I suspect Satan and his minions thought that they were winning when Jesus was dying on the cross. The words of the Rite of Exorcism speak the Truth to Satan: "Why, then, do you stand and resist, knowing as you must that Christ the Lord brings your plans to nothing?" And we, inspired by the Marian apparitions at Fatima, recall that oft-quoted line: "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph."