Soon, soon...

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by terces, Mar 25, 2024 at 6:02 PM.

  1. terces

    terces New Member

    Late summer last year I was laying on the couch deciding on whether to get up or not. I sleep on the couch almost all of the time now. It's in the basement where I ended up after all of the dogs crowded me out of the bed with my wife. All of the sudden I felt a loving presence. Or should I say a presence of two I think but they spoke as one.

    I had a big smile on my face and I asked them "When Lord? When?". I was told "Soon, Soon..." with one voice and it was over. I ran upstairs like a little kid (60 year old kid). I told my wife God is coming to fix things soon. I was over enthusiastically happy for a while that morning. God's coming, God's coming. It's all finally all going to be OK.

    That was late last summer and after my wife's reaction I was hesitant to post it here. I'm usually an anal retentive perfectionist. An ahole on most occasions. Part of working as a Network/Systems Administrator most of my professional life.

    I'm posting now because I've had a feeling/thought here for a couple days. It has to do with love. We have to believe in love. We have to become love. We have to transmit it like a beacon and infuse everything with love. The thought is persistent, pressing me. I keep thinking "How am I going to do that? How can I change my entire life's experiences to become that?". But maybe I don't have to do anything. Maybe God is going to do that for me. Maybe he's going to do that for us.
  2. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Hope so:):):)
  3. Carmelite

    Carmelite Archangels

    In heaven there’s no longer faith or hope. Only love and we will be judged on love. I have been feeling the same sentiments lately. A real transformation at looking at people differently. In the last year, I had for a few weeks, the words in my heart resonating ” Behold, I am making all things new.” Revelation 21:5

    I also have woke up several times saying the words, “ penance, penance, penance.” From Fatima.

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