I was just looking at the breviary for upcoming week and noted it’s one with great Saints and Oar Lady! Monday- Pope St Pius X Tuesday- Queenship of Mary Wednesday- St. Rose of Lima Thursday- St Bartholomew , Apostle Friday- St Louis of France. And tomorrow is also the Feast of Our Lady of Knock! a good week to seek intercession and prayers! Peace
A wonderful time of the year. Thanks for the reminder. I must keep my eyes peeled, such a joy. There are saints and then again there are Great Saints.
144 is a significant number in the Bible. I watched the documentary on Knock on EWTN last night. That priest had just finished offering multiple Masses for the poor souls in Purgatory right before the apparition.
This was song of reflection after Communion at my Moms Funeral Mass. She loved this. Thanks for posting.
Just live streamed mass from Knock on the anniversary of the apparition. Isn’t technology great. My cousins have been there twice this week. We have been doing the EWTN novena to Our Lady of Knock. It takes my cousins four and a half hours to get there from where they live - and they take all the cubs (as they call children) with them. Off to my own mass now.
Heaval is the highest hill on Barra, at a height of 1257 feet or, 383 meters. The views from the top are spectacular, particularly looking down towards Castlebay and the islands to the south. One of the features of Heaval is a statue of the Madona and Child, known locally as Our Lady of the Sea. The statue was only erected in 1954, but it looks like it has been there for centuries. The southern islands of South Uist and Barra are the last remnants of native pre-Reformation Scottish Catholicism.
I forgot to say the Feast of The Queenship of Our Lady moved me to post the above. Queen of the islands and highlands of Scotland to the highlands and islands of New Zealand to the ends of the universe and heaven, Queen of our hearts and Lady of All Nations.
O MARY, IMMACULATE QUEEN, TRIUMPH AND REIGN! MMACULATE HEART OF MARY, TRIUMPH AND REIGN! +++ Prayer +++ MARY, IMMACULATE QUEEN, look down upon this distressed and suffering world. You know our misery and our weakness. O Thou Who art our Mother, saving us in the hour of peril, have compassion on us in these days of great and heavy trial. JESUS has confided to You the treasure of His grace, and through You He wills to grant us pardon and mercy. In these hours of anguish, therefore, Your children come to You as their hope. We recognize Your Queenship and ardently desire Your triumph. We need a Mother and a Mother's Heart. You are for us the luminous dawn which dissipates our darkness and points out the way to life. In Your clemency obtain for us the courage and the confidence of which we have such need. Most HOLY AND ADORABLE TRINITY, You Who did crown with glory in Heaven the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Savior, grant that all her children on earth may acknowledge Her as their Sovereign Queen, that all hearts, homes, and nations may recognize Her rights as Mother and as Queen. O MARY, IMMACULATE QUEEN, TRIUMPH AND REIGN!
How beautiful! I am surprised and pleased that no one has ever damaged or destroyed it. I am afraid in my own part of the World it would not last too long.
I was saying the rosary last night and thinking that just as the Feast of the Queenship of Mary naturally follows the Assumption so the two mysteries go together in the liturgy of the Church. We are all to get our own crowns in heaven I suppose which seems strange but nice to think about. I have found with Our Lady it is very profitable to apply where she walked to my own life. So I suppose thinking of Mary's crown and Queenship leads us on to think quite naturally of our own heaven. 'You have made them little less than God's, with glory and power you have crowned them'. Kings and Queens are I suppose busy people so I suppose we will be kept busy too in heaven. Certainly being in heaven appears to keep its Queen very. Very busy indeed.
To my surprise and delight there is a large statue of St Roche , the Patron Saint of dogs. He has a large walking stick and hat and looks like he is about to set out on a 30 mile trek. A large and very saintly looking dog sits attentively at his feet. I mean this statue is in the Church were I go to mass every morning at the moment. I would love to kidnap that statue and take it home with me.
Yesterday was the Feast day of Saint Bartholomew the Apostle. They say he was skinned alive for converting the Armenian King. What a terrible, terrible death. I was sitting in Church thinking this when the Good Lord pointed out to me that I was thinking about things back to front.It is not a sad thing to die a Martyr but the greatest blessing and the more painful the death , the greater the blessing. Of course too if we too are called to die for the Faith as we may very well be we know Jesus and His Holy Mother will be walking alongside us every step of the way.