Padre PIo the, 'Psychopath'.

Discussion in 'The Saints' started by padraig, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

  2. xsantiagox

    xsantiagox Archangels

    That's a really messed up accusation to make. not even accusing of heresy or corruption but a weird demonology thing(n)
    Michael_Pio likes this.
  3. Michael_Pio

    Michael_Pio Archangels

    As mentioned previously, I like this presenter very much. He comes across as very knowledgeable, faithful, calm and friendly. Maybe one day I can meet him. Thank you for having pointed him out here on this forum, dear Padraig. I had not heard of this presenter before you posted something of him here. So, thank you for posting his videos from time to time.

    Yes, we have to develop a deep interior prayer life. I hope I can convey this to my family, when they listlessly rattle down the Holy Rosary.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2024
    AED likes this.

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