Glorious St.Joseph

Discussion in 'The Saints' started by Jo M, Mar 19, 2024.

  1. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

  2. AED

    AED Powers

    miker, Sam and Jo M like this.
  3. Sam

    Sam Powers

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  4. Sam

    Sam Powers

    I have a small pardon crucifix that I always keep on me, except at night when I put it under my pillow. Could not find it today. Prayed and prayed to St. Anthony to find it, nada. St. Anthony is always prompt and puts it in plain sight for me to find it. So I pulled apart the whole bed looking for it. After putting everything back together, I was picking up a big white Sherpa blanket that I had shaken and placed on a chair and I thought- hey it's St. Joseph's feast day, everyone in heaven must make way for him today. So I asked St. Joseph to find it and put it right in front of me. Held the blanket to fold it and there hooked to it was the crucifix. OK so it was probably there all along and you always find things in the last place you looked because you stop looking after you find the thing, but I'm saying

    Thank you GLORIOUS ST. JOSEPH!!!
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
    Adoremus, Sanctus, maryn and 7 others like this.

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